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BART (SF Bay public transit): We need billions to rebuild our system

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Millions of trips are taken on BART every week, and each trip represents a connection to something meaningful in our lives. There is no shortage of demand for transportation options, but there are limits to what we can accomplish using an overworked and aging system. To continue providing quality service in the coming decades, we must rebuild our infrastructure.

Allowing BART to deteriorate is unacceptable to employers, employees, caretakers, tourists, and commuters who would otherwise be sitting motionless on a highway.

This November, we are putting before the voters a bond measure to rebuild BART, solely for the purposes of safety, improved reliability, and traffic relief. Make no mistake -- the funds raised from this bond would be legally bound to capital improvements and nothing else, improvements such as swapping out 90 miles of worn rails with brand new steel, replacing miles upon miles of deteriorated 1960s power cables, and modernizing basic infrastructure that has reached the end of its life.

BART has demonstrated fiscal responsibility over the years by using operating funds to help pay for improvements; we have tried to keep pace with our own aging system's needs. In the last 5 years alone, we have allocated more than $500 million to system reinvestment -- ranking us as one of only a handful of transit operators in the nation to do so.

Our recent investments have helped fund the new and improved train cars arriving as we speak, and are laying the groundwork for a modern train control system designed to allow our existing system to carry more trains more frequently.

The board has enacted policies to ensure that our operating budget will continue to fund our rebuilding efforts and compliment the work to be accomplished with the bond.

Moreover, we have saved taxpayers millions through aggressive refinancing of existing infrastructure improvement debts, and are pleased to report that our 2004 earthquake safety bond has over-delivered. Stations, elevated tracks, structures, and tunnels are now fortified, and millions of dollars have been saved and reinvested.

So why is a bond measure necessary if we are able to invest in the system with our own operating money? The answer is simple: the cost of completely rebuilding the core of BART to modern standards requires billions, not millions. The state and federal grants of the past are no longer available to help.

Our late-1960s technology no longer serves the Bay Area's needs. We are stretched beyond capacity -- and when the new fleet arrives, our need for smooth rails, well-maintained tunnels, and reliable electricity to power people through the commute will be even greater. Our priority is to ensure everything working in the background stays working -- safely and reliably.

Ultimately, this bond isn't about BART -- it's about Bay Area residents and the legacy we will leave for our children. It's about unclogging our freeways so people spend less time sitting in traffic. It's about linking communities to economic opportunity.

In 1962, the Bay Area voted to build a transportation wonder -- a decision that has repaid the region many times over. BART is a proud and enduring staple of our economy, workforce, and environment; decades of work and investment are at risk if we don't protect what is arguably one of the Bay Area's most critical assets.

So again, let's be clear: there are no frills in this bond. It stands for safety, reliability, and less congestion for the Bay Area.

BART just seems like a complete money pit. Tons and tons of money is just sunk into it, the system completely stinks (literally) and the rider never sees anything worthwhile coming out of the constant fare hikes.




thats why everyone is taking my secret transbay bus now. been having to stand more often now that schools starting again. fuckin commute.

When I lived in Alameda I much preferred taking the Transbay bus. I could always get a seat, there was Wi-Fi and no one was shitting in the middle of the aisle. Can't say the same about BART.
i feel like one of these days the whole bay area is gonna implode due to the sheer weight of the socio-economic and infrustructure problems
Bart could actually get rid of their unions and save money that way. I currently spend $15 just to get to work (includes 3 dollar parking). If only the freeways were not always crowded I would avoid taking Bart.
Bart is also extending service from Fremont to Warm Springs. Currently trains almost get full at Fremont. With service extension bart is going to look like this



If only BART existed in a tech heavy city full of brilliant minds and insanely concentrated wealth, then maybe it would receive the proper attention and be remade into a first class system that is the envy of other cities... oh hahaha that's right, the tech companies will just keep using shitty buses that exacerbate the existing traffic issues.


Part of the problem is that since BART is still the most well-known transportation agency in the Bay Area, it acts as a sort of giant vampire squid sucking in all of the region's transport funds, and doesn't have that much of an incentive to spend them efficiently. Dumbarton Rail doesn't exist because those funds got thrown to BART to San Jose instead. Caltrain doesn't have a dedicated source of funding while San Mateo and Santa Clara Counties threw millions of dollars at BART extensions over the past 20 years, so important stuff like Caltrain grade separation and the extension to the Transbay Terminal have been de-prioritized. Useful bus projects such as BRT and improving frequency of routes are neglected because all of the regional county money keeps getting thrown at BART.

Meanwhile BART shits away money on projects of questionable value such as the SFO line, the Oakland Airport Connector, the Livermore extension, and extending the South Bay expansion to Santa Clara.
We need a modernized BART like nobody's business. Its a good service, when it works. But its always in a state of disrepair.

i feel like one of these days the whole bay area is gonna implode due to the sheer weight of the socio-economic and infrustructure problems
Or the big one will hit us first.

Either way we're on a road to ruin. Glitzy buildings and high rise condos and festivals present one picture, but the continual evictions, piss and shit waft, homelessness and batshit crazy people wandering everywhere paint another, truer picture of a city in denial, slowly bursting at the seams.


This is where the federal systems fails.

The federal government collects trillions in taxes per year, it's just it's not distributed well for maintaining or expanding public transportation.


You could CTRL+F and Replace BART with every other major transit system in US and it will all still be true. There is a chronic problem of under funding public transportation throughout the entire US, and we're beginning to see them all crumble in dramatic fashion.


You could CTRL+F and Replace BART with every other major transit system in US and it will all still be true. There is a chronic problem of under funding public transportation throughout the entire US, and we're beginning to see them all crumble in dramatic fashion.

It's pathetic.


Bart was designed with that special level of stupidity reserved exclusively for Californians.
They literally built a one off system, that cannot use of the shelf parts.


A mudslide of fun!
I've taken BART everyday for the past 4 years.

It's not as bad as people like to make it out to be. People in the Bay Area love to whine.

It wasn't built to handle this many people or serve the city of SF like people expect. Of course BART is to blame for this, but it was built in the 60's so not sure who we are pointing the finger at at this point.

It needs a lot of work and it is going to be expensive as fuck. Welcome to a major US city.


Yeah, it's a mess. To make things more worrying, a number of the parts that the transit system runs on, from the tunnels to the trains themselves, aren't even manufactured anymore. It's an old system that's been maintained well beyond its expiration date. It's scary when you think about it, especially when so many people use it.

Something's gotta give, but I don't see California giving Bart billions of dollars at all. I'm worried there's gonna be a big disaster because of the deteriorating infrastructure.
Not sure people will like this, BART gave each of there employee $1000 bonuses because rider numbers are up ....fuck! That money coulda went toward improvement, but these fools rather have bonuses ....now they all sudden wanna care about the customers...fuckem


A mudslide of fun!
Not sure people will like this, BART gave each of there employee $1000 bonuses because rider numbers are up ....fuck! That money coulda went toward improvement, but these fools rather have bonuses ....now they all sudden wanna care about the customers...fuckem

What do you think about unions?


This is where the federal systems fails.

The federal government collects trillions in taxes per year, it's just it's not distributed well for maintaining or expanding public transportation.
Why should it? This is exclusive to the Bay Area.


Pizza, Bourbon, and Thanos
BART needs to go the way of Japan and sell to competing private companies. When money is on the line (or to be made), systems become a lot more efficient.


As someone who really only takes BART for special events (Oracle concerts, SF festivals, etc), every time I get on it after a few months it just seems so much crappier than before. Dunno if all the lines are like that but as Fremont is much closer than Millbrae, I usually take the former and maaaan does it suck ass now.
Makes me sad too because while I absolutely love SF (beautiful, gorgeous city), due to some dumb personal problems I'd rather not take the risk of driving up there and back down to SJ.


Ask me about the GAF Notebook
The problem is we've let our infrastructure go for so long in America it isn't fixable per say.

Rather it just has to basically be fully replaced ALONG WITH having to pay to fully scrap the old shit.


BART needs to go the way of Japan and sell to competing private companies. When money is on the line (or to be made), systems become a lot more efficient.

Not true at all, UK privatised our rail companies and it's even worse. No incentive to improve as people have no choice but to take the train.
LA fixed their Metro funding problem by voting in a half cent sales tax, raising billions for light rail projects, and on the verge of renewing it on this years ballot.

I imagine this is much more difficult to do with no single jurisdiction which encompasses the whole system.


Bart could actually get rid of their unions and save money that way. I currently spend $15 just to get to work (includes 3 dollar parking). If only the freeways were not always crowded I would avoid taking Bart.

Yes, because replacing unionized employees with minimum wage ones with zero negotiating power (in the most expensive city in the US, no less) will do wonders to improve transit.


They have the people in the city and surrounding areas who certainly have the funds and means to invest in a project like this. If they don't come through, that's just a signal at how full of shit SF is now as a place anyone with sense would want to live. Shitty playground for the rich.

And people complaining about unions can suck a lemon. Fuck y'all.
Not sure people will like this, BART gave each of there employee $1000 bonuses because rider numbers are up ....fuck! That money coulda went toward improvement, but these fools rather have bonuses ....now they all sudden wanna care about the customers...fuckem
The every day workers should get compensated fairly, it's when the executives starting dipping into the till thst people get pissed


Yes, because replacing unionized employees with minimum wage ones with zero negotiating power (in the most expensive city in the US, no less) will do wonders to improve transit.
You forget that BART employees are a very large, organized, single issue voting block.

I think their average pay is 80k?


uhhh Federal taxes go to lots of things that are exclusive to specific cities.
Doesn't mean it should. Tax revenue is supposed to flow from the prosperous metros to impoverished/undeveloped areas. San Francisco can handle this on its own. It's just a few billion over decades.


Figured all the Bay Area people just UberBlack around and get all their food delivered through a rickshaw powered by a organic-vegan startup since they all make gazillions anyway. And if you live there and don't make gazillions "lulz fuk u poor ppl"


Doesn't mean it should. Tax revenue is supposed to flow from the prosperous metros to impoverished/undeveloped areas. San Francisco can handle this on its own. It's just a few billion over decades.
It happens already in major cities. But it's not enough. And why should not those who pay into the system more get benefits too?

Better than funding dumb wars.

Also, impoverished areas still don't get the money you are talking about, otherwise they would be thriving. You are talking about platitudes now.


A mudslide of fun!
Doesn't mean it should. Tax revenue is supposed to flow from the prosperous metros to impoverished/undeveloped areas. San Francisco can handle this on its own. It's just a few billion over decades.

This isn't just a San Francisco issue. It is a Bay Area issue and lots of people don't use BART enough to feel like this is something that they should be paying for.

Hell, most SF residents avoid using BART period.


A mudslide of fun!
Figured all the Bay Area people just UberBlack around and get all their food delivered through a rickshaw powered by a organic-vegan startup since they all make gazillions anyway. And if you live there and don't make gazillions "lulz fuk u poor ppl"

This may be what it looks like from the outside, but I can assure you it is not even close to the truth. Everyone here is not constantly looking for ways to piss on the poor.
I used to have to wake up at 5AM just to get parking at the BART station.

They've been trying to build a station off Berryessa for the longest time. They say it'll be finished next year. I don't expect it until 2020. :(
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