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Batman: Arkham Origins |OT| Justice from the head of Prototype And Hulk: UD


Watching this thread the past few days..


Just biding my time. Playing Arkham City and then.. the call.



It begins.

So is anyone else having zero luck using a controller with the pc version? Works with any other game I open.

Works fine for me, I'd restart your PC. Might clear up an issue or two.

Unrelated: be sure to put in


in your steam launch options to remove those annoying start up videos.

I've decided to start streaming my playthrough on PC maxed out. PhysX is wonderfully implemented as well as Tessellation. It looks freaking fantastic.


Anyone else with the PC version unable to climb into the vents of the tower of east Burnley?

Is that the one where
You break in through a window, decrypt that computer, and a gate blocks the window?

If so, I get stuck there too, it's like Batmans fingers go through the entrance to the vent and he just stands there.


This game feels like it lacks a lot of polish. They fucked with the combat somehow, every other move I do now is counter, it's not very satisfying.

Also hate the progressive levelling, having to get full armor+kevlar before reduced combo specials is DUMB

Yep I just noticed this. I usually grab some armor first so I figured the combos would unlock after my first mission but nope, so after I unlocked all the armors the combos unlocked.

Reviews dont come out until tomorrow (or today depending on how you look at it). It had an embargo in place like a lot of other big releases.


I've either found a glitch, or I'm missing something super obvious. After completing a side mission, I get locked in a room. The only thing in the small room I can do is pull a vent cover near the ceiling, when I do, I still can't get into the vent. He just hangs there, refusing to climb in. Tried to throw a remote batarang in, nothing there for it. Done it twice now.

Not really spoilers, but I'll mark it anyway.
It's the comms tower in Burnley. Can't get out of it.

just got to this point and I'm getting this glitch too. Like you said, I hope they patch it soon.

anyways, I'm at 21% completion and game is still great. I got lost after the
boss fight for like 20 minutes though, which sucked haha. That boss fight was alright, not as good as it was hyped up to be; we didn't even get introduced to him before the fight. The
crime recreation scene with "Black Mask" and Joker
was great and surprisingly brutal.
Just knocked a enemy into a crate where he proceeded to get stuck there and shoot me, I couldn't hit him at all. The game has some noticeable glitches so far but I am still enjoying what I have played.


Just knocked a enemy into a crate where he proceeded to get stuck there and shoot me, I couldn't hit him at all. The game has some noticeable glitches so far but I am still enjoying what I have played.

Its definitely not as polished as previous games. So far we have that game breaking bug that everyone is talking about, and my batman glitched out trying to fly over a tower and he fell to the ground really weird. I also noticed something weird when it says "Press Tab for XXXX Bio" I press Tab and it shows the name of the person but a picture of someone else entirely. Still, I can live with those things, its a very very solid effort, an easy 8/10. Would be a 9/10 if Batman AC never existed though, problem is it does and this is sort of a been there done that type of thing (which I still love but some may not).


Tried to get into an MP game, took forever with nothing to show for it.

I'll wait for a patch or two on that front.
Anyone else with the PC version unable to climb into the vents of the tower of east Burnley?

Is that the one where
You break in through a window, decrypt that computer, and a gate blocks the window?

If so, I get stuck there too, it's like Batmans fingers go through the entrance to the vent and he just stands there.

It is glitchy, but I think what is happening there is your not supposed to get in without an upgrade. I glitched my way in in the first place by breaking the window, ripping the grate off, then pulling myself in on that ledge you then catch climb up through after the hack. I think your supposed to get in without that grate being off, theres some hook points outside? I have found a few glitches though. I dove bombed through the pavement at one point and there was something else, forget though.

To the guy with the pad issues, I played 3-4 hours last night, and no issues whatsoever with the pad. Try turning your pad on and going through big picture mode? I wasn't doing this, but just a suggestion.


Mecklemore Is My Favorite Wrapper
Ran into a very annoying glitch that kills the sound effects and music completely in the very beginning of the game. It won't go away. Anybody else have this issue?


It is glitchy, but I think what is happening there is your not supposed to get in without an upgrade. I glitched my way in in the first place by breaking the window, ripping the grate off, then pulling myself in on that ledge you then catch climb up through after the hack. I think your supposed to get in without that grate being off, theres some hook points outside? I have found a few glitches though. I dove bombed through the pavement at one point and there was something else, forget though.

I don't think so. I got in the proper way and am still glitched. As far as I know no PC player has been able to leave that room.
Playing this much, I'm thinking of purchasing it for myself.

Now before you get the wrong idea, I'm playing my friends copy on Steam (Family Sharing Beta or whatever its called)
I loved the Deathstroke fight. So smooth and fun to play. So far I can't even tell it's not a Rocksteady game, and that's probably the highest praise I can give it.
I am throwing my hands up in the air in frustration at Deadshot on hard. Such a long, slow fight where one mistake can set you back many minutes. It's like doing a series of progressively more annoying silent predator challenges with the same health bar. It's structured exactly like that godawful twoface fight in arkham city that was way harder than everything else in the fucking game for some reason.

i'm gonna go to bed and come back to it in the morning. Bullshit terrible boss fights are something I've come to get used to in this series, so I'll just take a crack at it this again then.

Pardon my rage, though, the game's fucking great so far. Putting it right between AC and AA. Story's okay so far, nothing really too special. Crime scene shit is fantastic and my favorite addition. Combat is still batman. Music is christmasy! Side quests are plentiful. And I was pleasantly surprised at a riddler challenges derivative! Also, Troy is a fantastic mark hamill.
Game is awesome so far, feels a bit unpolished, but I dunno even though I just started this Batman is my favorite so far out of all the Arkham games. The way he acts, the way the enemies fear him, so damn good. BTW someone said there's nothing to scan, there are these plaques on walls that you can scan that set off a hunt for solving an old murder. Can't remember exactly what it was called, but it was Pinky something or other.


Downloading now on PSN, preordered couple nights ago. Why can't I get the Deathstroke DLC? Maybe it's included in the main game file. I'll find out tomorrow after I get some sleep I guess.


Err Im stuck on the ship

After one shotting Electrocutioner where do I go? I have gone through the exit that led me to one of Engimas things and now cant get to the door above the Battle pit.
When should we expect to be able to access the DLC? I don't see any content under Arkham Origins as of yet.

Just go into the combat mode. Either through the story tab then under the new game options, or just do combat training in the batcave. Deathstroke is available right there (pc here).
Ok just finished the opening prison

As someone who had Armored Edition and still played it as recently as yesterday, I dont see many differences graphically. Then again I never thought it ran like shit or anything. Obviously, in that game, framerate would drop during a fight with a huge crowd (10+) and that sucked but everything else was fine. No frame rate drops so far here, but no huge crowd fights either yet. The most was 6 I think.

Havent had an issue with the combat either, although I dont like batman has a fighting stance when enemies show up. I used to love keeping him motionless, hands down, as a thug approached to take a swing.

I feel dumb cuz I used the pro controller and I'm guessjng some of you wanted to know what the gamepad did, sorry. I just didnt feel like fussing with it right this second, I also never liked that weapon quick select was disabled in the Armored Edition (had to use touch screen instead) so I didnt want to take the chance it was the same here. On the plus side you can switch between the control schemes on the fly it seems.

Another plus: it's $50


Man, the cutscenes really run like dogshit on my laptop. Video lagging behind audio, terrible framerate, entirely out of sync. During gamplay I get about 20 - 25 fps, which is at least playable. But cutscenes are terrible.
Ok just finished the opening prison

As someone who had Armored Edition and still played it as recently as yesterday, I dont see many differences graphically. Then again I never thought it ran like shit or anything. Obviously, in that game, framerate would drop during a fight with a huge crowd (10+) and that sucked but everything else was fine. No frame rate drops so far here, but no huge crowd fights either yet. The most was 6 I think.

Havent had an issue with the combat either, although I dont like batman has a fighting stance when enemies show up. I used to love keeping him motionless, hands down, as a thug approached to take a swing.

I feel dumb cuz I used the pro controller and I'm guessjng some of you wanted to know what the gamepad did, sorry. I just didnt feel like fussing with it right this second, I also never liked that weapon quick select was disabled in the Armored Edition (had to use touch screen instead) so I didnt want to take the chance it was the same here. On the plus side you can switch between the control schemes on the fly it seems.

Another plus: it's $50

Cool, so you can actually use the pro controller. Awesome, you couldn't use it with Arkham City on Wii U if I remember correctly.

Thanks for the impressions.


Ok just finished the opening prison

As someone who had Armored Edition and still played it as recently as yesterday, I dont see many differences graphically. Then again I never thought it ran like shit or anything. Obviously, in that game, framerate would drop during a fight with a huge crowd (10+) and that sucked but everything else was fine. No frame rate drops so far here, but no huge crowd fights either yet. The most was 6 I think.

Havent had an issue with the combat either, although I dont like batman has a fighting stance when enemies show up. I used to love keeping him motionless, hands down, as a thug approached to take a swing.

I feel dumb cuz I used the pro controller and I'm guessjng some of you wanted to know what the gamepad did, sorry. I just didnt feel like fussing with it right this second, I also never liked that weapon quick select was disabled in the Armored Edition (had to use touch screen instead) so I didnt want to take the chance it was the same here. On the plus side you can switch between the control schemes on the fly it seems.

Another plus: it's $50

Thanks for the impressions, much appreciated. I think you might've convinced me to get the U version over PS3.


Err Im stuck on the ship

After one shotting Electrocutioner where do I go? I have gone through the exit that led me to one of Engimas things and now cant get to the door above the Battle pit.

I forgot where I went but I just played that part, its not some hidden thing so you shouldnt have a problem finding where to go. Remember, when stuck, always check up for grapple points.
I have everything maxed with all the bells and whistles and it looks noticeably better than AA/AC to me. Maybe its also because the city is not fucked up like it was in AC.

Loving the game but I get random crashes from time to time, hope they put some patches in fast.
I have everything maxed with all the bells and whistles and it looks noticeably better than AA/AC to me. .

Yea, kind of interested in what the console experience must look like, it seems fairly unanimous that it looks the same as City. On PC though, I think the difference is really significant, down to lighting and shadow improvements, everything just looks amazing. Plus it's a hog, but that Physx haha the smoke!
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