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Batman: Arkham Origins |OT| Justice from the head of Prototype And Hulk: UD


About seven hours in and I'm not quite feeling this game. Hopefully it gets better but it lacks focus is the best way I can put it. I hope it gets better.
I can't beat Deathstroke ffs.

That's what makes that encounter work narratively. He's as tough as he should be. I found that using the quick Batclaw on him as often as possible makes the fight much more manageable. Also when he is attacking you wait on the counter prompts or you'll miss the counter by doing it to early.
Man, multiplayer sucks as batman/robin. It's hard to be stealthy when

A.) They have 360 view with third person, as soon as they see you they just spam roll, which for whatever dumb as hell reason doesn't consume stamina.
B.) They have enhanced vision and can see you as soon as you spawn. This is dumb.

Forget taking down elite's as well. It's also amazing how little adjusted batman and robin are for multiplayer. Spraying explosive gel takes 5 mins...
I went with mild expectations for this game and so far I'm enjoying it. Even when I saw the 1st gameplay footage a while back I realized that this was just AC with a little improvements.

Personally, I don't find the writing to be on par compared to the other games. I feel as they're trying so hard to play on the "Batman is young and fierce" that they're forgetting the notion that he's still a human.

The voice actors are the biggest issue. Alfred is just unbearable. Oh well, after I finish this, I doubt I'll ever come back to it.


Yeah, a bunch of us have already run into it. Definitely a glitch that they'll have to patch. I would hope they are quick on something like this. Quick as in, today.

Yeah, I decided to quit for the time being and wait for a fix. Hopefully they patch it fast.

All this game does so far is make me want to replay Arkham City.

Screaming Meat

Unconfirmed Member
Man, multiplayer sucks as batman/robin. It's hard to be stealthy when

A.) They have 360 view with third person, as soon as they see you they just spam roll, which for whatever dumb as hell reason doesn't consume stamina.
B.) They have enhanced vision and can see you as soon as you spawn. This is dumb.

Forget taking down elite's as well. It's also amazing how little adjusted batman and robin are for multiplayer. Spraying explosive gel takes 5 mins...

How is the verticality of the MP levels?
How is the verticality of the MP levels?

They're reasonably open, you can hide pretty well as b/r, and they regenerate health. I have yet to see a b/r win, and I doubt its possible unless they're two people who play together.

Apparently the rank resetting everytime you exit is a known issue for pc gamers, I'm going to focus on single player for now.


Gold Member
Having the skills in an unlock tree now is complete bullshit. In Arkham City you could just pick whatever you deemed nescessary and discard the rest. But now I have to upgrade my suit 6 fucking times before I get to some actual useful stuff.

Having the knife dodge takedown tucked away behind 3 suit upgrades is stupid as hell. It's not even an actual skill tree either.

I feel that the overall user interface is three steps back from Arkham City. The blue distortion background and font type really annoys me for some reason, makes the menus unorganised and cumbersome to navigate.


I'm confused. Some say the writing is stellar, some say its poor. Which is it?

Have not played the game myself, but the Sess gave a pretty fair review of the game and claimed that the story and writing alone could be well worth the price of the game, as it was the most memorable aspect of the game. Not too say that the game's mechanics were bad, but more of the same thing leads to the game not feeling as fresh.
Having the skills in an unlock tree now is complete bullshit. In Arkham City you could just pick whatever you deemed nescessary and discard the rest. But now I have to upgrade my suit 6 fucking times before I get to some actual useful stuff.

Having the knife dodge takedown tucked away behind 3 suit upgrades is stupid as hell. It's not even an actual skill tree either.

I feel that the overall user interface is three steps back from Arkham City. The blue distortion background and font type really annoys me for some reason, makes the menus unorganised and cumbersome to navigate.

agreed, do not like the skill changes at all. I level up and open the menu up, and just kinda sigh because I don't really WANT any of these things.

And the font in this game is so ugly. The UI on the whole is a downgrade from Rocksteady's efforts.
Having the skills in an unlock tree now is complete bullshit. In Arkham City you could just pick whatever you deemed nescessary and discard the rest. But now I have to upgrade my suit 6 fucking times before I get to some actual useful stuff.

Having the knife dodge takedown tucked away behind 3 suit upgrades is stupid as hell. It's not even an actual skill tree either.

I feel that the overall user interface is three steps back from Arkham City. The blue distortion background and font type really annoys me for some reason, makes the menus unorganised and cumbersome to navigate.

the fuck? Was the knife dodge takedown even an unlockable skill in AC? I swear i could always do it.
Picked up the Wii U version last night, but went to sleep when I got home. Put in about an hour so far this morning (yeah to every other friday off from work). I'm kind of disappointed by how many Wii U add ons from AC they've taken out of AO. I liked the way the cryptographer worked so much better in the Wii U AC, than the other versions of AA/AC, but that's gone now, as is using the touch screen for item management, and upgrade selection and such. Pretty much the only thing the touch screen does now is give you a map :(.

Game seems to run fine though, even with the Wii U set to 1080p so that is an improvement over AC at least.

Has anyone tried putting in the code for their Deathstroke DLC? Mine doesn't work and I called Nintendo and they basically said to call WB.


I joined for Erin Brockovich discussion
Really liking it so far. Fighting feels pretty much the same, but it's such a great fighting system, it's ok.

My PC's running it just fine, it's nice and runs at a steady FPS.

The thing I'm really liking so far, is the Detective Mode. They really put more work into them, and so far, I've done 2 (with a 3rd that just popped up out of nowhere on the map). Hope there are tons of these (but with less hints). A DLC loaded with these would get a purchase from me.
Having the skills in an unlock tree now is complete bullshit.

I understand the frustration of systems being different from previous series entries, but this is also a new game. It's a balancing and progression design decision.

I feel like the UI design is a lot better than City's. This is actually well organized and easy to navigate. I do hate the interference effect though. And the white text on dark background is really eye straining.
Did I miss it or is there no difficulty settings? It's way to easy. And fuck the upgrade system forcing me to waste points on useless armor. That has always been the last upgrades you get.
Uh, hard.

I thats the point, I can never hit a dude more than once before someone needs to be countered. It feels like poop, they're way too excited to hit you.

I am finding the EXACT same thing. They made the enemies so fast and aggressive that striking becomes detrimental unless you're in a group that has become very spread out and you can use Batman's super duper attack range to avoid attacks. I've done something in Origins that I've never been able to do before: I've won several fights against large groups of regular guys doing nothing but countering and combo takedowns. You couldn't viably do that before because enemies didn't constantly try to punch you and your combo would drop off.

Also, where the fuck are my critical strikes? I have critical counters and combo boost, but critical strikes are nowhere to be found on the tree about 4 hours into the game. That was always like the first thing I went for in Asylum and City.


Walruses, camels, bears, rabbits, tigers and badgers.
Picked up the Wii U version last night, but went to sleep when I got home. Put in about an hour so far this morning (yeah to every other friday off from work). I'm kind of disappointed by how many Wii U add ons from AC they've taken out of AO. I liked the way the cryptographer worked so much better in the Wii U AC, than the other versions of AA/AC, but that's gone now, as is using the touch screen for item management, and upgrade selection and such. Pretty much the only thing the touch screen does now is give you a map :(.

Game seems to run fine though, even with the Wii U set to 1080p so that is an improvement over AC at least.

Has anyone tried putting in the code for their Deathstroke DLC? Mine doesn't work and I called Nintendo and they basically said to call WB.

Wow that is extremely disappointing. Why would they remove those features?
Did I miss it or is there no difficulty settings? It's way to easy. And fuck the upgrade system forcing me to waste points on useless armor. That has always been the last upgrades you get.

What? The first thing the game asks you is what difficulty you want to play it at.

And I haven't been forced to purchase armor upgrades, it's that I absolutely need them. They've made Hard a little more unpredictable, enemies don't really wait their turn anymore. I've gotten my ass kicked a few times already.
I'm confused. Some say the writing is stellar, some say its poor. Which is it?

I really like it. Seeing this era of batman in game form is really cool, and I think they have Bruce and Alfred pitch perfect. Penguin seems excellent too. I think people will remain conflicted though because this is a different batman, driven by temperament and impatience. People will either perceive that as him being written as he was earlier in his career, some will perceive that as him being badly written compared to AA/AC. I guess which one being right will be decided by whether they can make it a theme through the game and have it pay off. Still early on here, so no idea if that'll be the case.
sessler gives a ton of praise to the story, so thats enough for me to be a bit hyped to play when i get home.

So boss fights utilize counter mechanic more? Finally! Should be good fun on ng+.

What is hardmode like in batman games? I wouldn't mind a more challenging melee combat, but i'm scared that it will make the stealth stuff more frustrating.

I die enough against gun wielding folks in AC on normal as it is :/
sessler gives a ton of praise to the story, so thats enough for me to be a bit hyped to play when i get home.

So boss fights utilize counter mechanic more? Finally! Should be good fun on ng+.

What is hardmode like in batman games? I wouldn't mind a more challenging melee combat, but i'm scared that it will make the stealth stuff more frustrating.

I die enough against gun wielding folks in AC on normal as it is :/

I think hard gives you enemies types like guys with guns, shock sticks etc. much earlier in the game. New game plus will remove counter signals , then apparently there's a brutal no die mode too.


Gold Member
I understand the frustration of systems being different from previous series entries, but this is also a new game. It's a balancing and progression design decision.

I feel like the UI design is a lot better than City's. This is actually well organized and easy to navigate. I do hate the interference effect though. And the white text on dark background is really eye straining.

Balancing decision? In Arkham City I deliberately didn't upgrade my suit to keep the game more challenging. I made the choice, whereas in Origins I have no choice but to fully upgrade my armor before I can unlock anything else.

That's not balancing, that's restricting freedom of choice for no reason whatsoever. I'm totally okay with certain unlocks becoming available as the story progresses, but it just seems backward to force people to put three upgrades into the suit before they can do anything else. If this was a proper skill three, the suit upgrades would diverge into their own path.

[I know this is borderline nitpicking territory, but it just rubs me the wrong way]
What? The first thing the game asks you is what difficulty you want to play it at.

And I haven't been forced to purchase armor upgrades, it's that I absolutely need them. They've made Hard a little more unpredictable, enemies don't really wait their turn anymore. I've gotten my ass kicked a few times already.
Oh, crap, you're right. Guess I missed it then. I just wasted 5-6 hours on playing Normal. Oh well, guess I have to start over :(
My "Heroes and Villains" pack turned up today, but I'm waiting till my GF gets home and we've had dinner before jumping in. My GF wants to see it too, so we'll experience it together.

I was surprised to see that the Deathstroke pre-order DLC came on a card in the game case with the other DLC instead of being emailed to me, and also I was VERY surprised to find that it didn't come in the steelbook, but rather in its proper game case with the empty steelbook simply strapped to the green 360 case. I must admit, I'm not complaining as it would look out of place on my shelf with Asylum and City in normal cases and then a lumpy steelbook wedged next to them.

I'm looking forward to this evening now!

Kai Dracon

Writing a dinosaur space opera symphony
Really surprised to hear they took all the gamepad stuff from AC out of the Wii U version, though good to hear the port is optimized for performance this time.

I wonder if they chose to focus all time on optimization rather than engineering new gamepad mechanics after the criticism AC:AE got for poor performance.

Screaming Meat

Unconfirmed Member
They're reasonably open, you can hide pretty well as b/r, and they regenerate health. I have yet to see a b/r win, and I doubt its possible unless they're two people who play together.

Apparently the rank resetting everytime you exit is a known issue for pc gamers, I'm going to focus on single player for now.


Glad to hear there are some benefits to B/R. I'm sure when people get the hang of them they'll be nigh on unstoppable. I really like the idea of the MP; I love those kind of modes: Snake vs Many in MGO 1 & 2; Payne Killer in MP3. Wish more games tried it.

Double D

This game runs way better than Arkham City on PC. I'd get a lot of frame drops in Arkham City, but here it stays locked at 60 maxed out with just the AA option knocked down a notch.
sessler gives a ton of praise to the story, so thats enough for me to be a bit hyped to play when i get home.

So boss fights utilize counter mechanic more? Finally! Should be good fun on ng+.

What is hardmode like in batman games? I wouldn't mind a more challenging melee combat, but i'm scared that it will make the stealth stuff more frustrating.

I die enough against gun wielding folks in AC on normal as it is :/

Hard mode is pretty fun, I'm not sure how much it changes the stealth encounters because I haven't played normal but they aren't too bad right now.

If its like AC's hard mode, the stealth encounters won't be that bad until the very end. The base of wonder tower was the hardest stealth encounter in that game imo.
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