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Batman: Arkham Origins |OT| Justice from the head of Prototype And Hulk: UD


but in my case I just don't get any prompts other than the ones above his head

That's because you're hitting it too quickly at that point.

See if you hit the counter button at the start of his barrage, before you get the official prompt, you will get pummeled.

That unblockable counter is actually him starting his animation, you accidentally/purposely hitting counter way before the game prompts you to and him just finishing up the damage.

Look at it this way. Slade has no unblockable counters :) Once you realize when you have to slow down/stop hitting the counter button when he starts, victory is yours. You may see Bats seem to get "hit" during one of those scenes but it's just for show.

Until then, enjoy his awesome trash talk and game-over screens : D

(I'm being sincere. I really dug those)


Gold Member
so... what do i needa do about martial artists enemy type to keep my combo going?

Yeah what is up with those guys? I just encountered them for the first time, the way they are introduced is just insane.

"Yeah here's this tiny room with two kung fu dudes, 5 regular guys and a large Bane-style thug. Fuck you and good luck"


If you counter him too early it cancels the counter. Some of Deathstroke's counter animations actually hit you before the point in the move where you should press the counter button. Also you can leash him with the batclaw, and pull him towards you for a clothesline.
Managed to beat him (fucking finally). uugghhhhhh.
The sword part was obnoxious in particular.
Glad I got over with this shit of a fight.
Moving on.


so... what do i needa do about martial artists enemy type to keep my combo going?

Not use special moves on them, and just wait for their repeated counters. Best thing is just to avoid them until they do that lunge move where you must tap the counter button multiple times.
Has anyone been having any of these game breaking bugs on the Wii U version? I really want to play it, but I've got a huge backlog and I don't want to start it if I'm just gonna lose my save or get stuck somewhere.
Managed to beat him (fucking finally). uugghhhhhh.
The sword part was obnoxious in particular.
Glad I got over with this shit of a fight.
Moving on.

Your the only person I know that had a major issue with this fight... I beat him on my first try. All about timing man.
Not use special moves on them, and just wait for their repeated counters. Best thing is just to avoid them until they do that lunge move where you must tap the counter button multiple times.

it seems like countering them is the safest way to keep combo. attacking them and them dodging breaks your combo even if you counter (i think?)


So, how is everyone liking the game? It's sitting unopened in my living room because Phoenix Wright gets all of time free time until it is completed but I won't lie, I'm looking forward to digging into this once my plate is clean.
So, er, to those who've finished:

After that short section where you play as the Joker I thought for sure he would unlock in the challenge maps. Any word on this?


Just picked up a copy from Best Buy. Their exclusive steel case is nice, but it's literally a separate empty case that they give you in addition to the game in the plastic case.


What the fuck is this shit.

Am at the end

Fighting 20 guys and a big fucker... died 5 times now.


EDIT: Nope... this is impossible. I cant do it.
Anyone else getting a shit ton of screen tearing? I am playing on 2500k + GTX 560 ti. I tried V-sync yet still no help. My Borderlands 2 play through was very similar.
So with the Dark Knight System challenges, are you able to complete them in challenge mode in the Batcave? Missed the silent predator mission one, and not sure if I'm doing something wrong or you have to do it during the story mode.
Anyone have advice on dealing with screen tearing? I play on a Panasonic Plasma 60hz. I may have to stop playing because the experience is such a drag. Looks great running on a 560 ti though. Glad about that.


Okay, I'm stuck and need your help.

I'm down in the sewers and have reached a part were I need to raise the water level but the stuff aint working. There is a button to press but nothing happens.

Then I saw something with DV in another room, I used my Remote Batarang and hit it, nothing.

What Am I suppose to do? Oh, and there is a wall on the other side of the water that I can blow up but I can't reach it.
When you push the button some electric stuff will appear on the other side. Throw the Remote Batarang through the destroyed window, through the electric stuff and hit the fuse Box.


Your the only person I know that had a major issue with this fight... I beat him on my first try. All about timing man.
You are either being sarcastic or just have no idea what you are talking about. Websites (Kotaku is one example) have been posting strategy for this fight specifically stating that it may be the most challenging fight in the game.

EDIT: The problem with this fight is that it goes against the combat system in one way: you have to allow him to start attacking you (without countering at all) and only counter once you see the prompt. You might think you're taking damage, but you're not. It's just a bit counter-intuitive.


You are either being sarcastic or just have no idea what you are talking about. Websites (Kotaku is one example) have been posting strategy for this fight specifically stating that it may be the most challenging fight in the game.
Huh, is that so? Unless there's another fight or something it was a challenge but still something I pulled off on my first go. For the most part it's about being patient and not pressing buttons too soon.


however, how do i encounter the
other assassins such as Deadshot and Shiva
? do i have to complete a certain amount of sidequests or something similar?
follow the
SOS-Signal Sidequest. Should be in the northwest.
If you want to fight
, you got to return
to the place where you disrupted penguins weapon deal with flappy lips. There should be a lone stroller. Approach it an Shiva will show up and give you hints to some a "innocent man" in distress. Just follow the markers.


So the world won't load in properly.

I ran out of time on one of the Anarky side-missions and the game restarted me back at the start of the mission, just as the timer begins. Which is fine - the only issue is that it only loads in about a block of the city and the rest is ultra low-res textures which, if I touch, I instantly fall through the map.

There is literally nowhere to go. Nothing can be grappled. I can't fast travel. I can't enter any buildings. I've reset the system numerous times and it always loads me into this mission with the world failing to load in properly.

I'm stuck in low-res hell. This is a fun way to have wasted a 5 hour save.
So the world won't load in properly.

I ran out of time on one of the Anarky side-missions and the game restarted me back at the start of the mission, just as the timer begins. Which is fine - the only issue is that it only loads in about a block of the city and the rest is ultra low-res textures which, if I touch, I instantly fall through the map.

There is literally nowhere to go. Nothing can be grappled. I can't fast travel. I can't enter any buildings. I've reset the system numerous times and it always loads me into this mission with the world failing to load in properly.

I'm stuck in low-res hell. This is a fun way to have wasted a 5 hour save.

Which version?



Guess I'll hold out for a patch, but it seems unlikely it'll work for mine as I seem to be stuck in some sort of limbo.

This game is a glitch-fest in every version. Makes me sad. My friend is playing on 360 and has had freezing issues (only with this game). I'm playing on PC and after Alfred started talking about
the Black Mask murder scene
, nothing happened and I had no marker on my map at all. I got lucky when a friend texted me asking if I had completed it yet. I also had sound cut out on the second mission (fixed with a restart).
Managed to beat him (fucking finally). uugghhhhhh.
The sword part was obnoxious in particular.
Glad I got over with this shit of a fight.
Moving on.

I died about seventeen million times, I feel your pain. I had combat armor upgrade 3 and I still sucked. I'm way too hasty and "brute force" for this game. It worked better in the previous too...at least more than it does now.

By the way, I'm fucking loving the living shit out if this game.


Just finished the game and I loved it :)

I'm still missing 2 of the most wanted missions though, can anyone help?

It's the 3rd last and 2nd last on the list, one of them must be
cos I've not encountered her yet, no idea who the other one is.
This is really one of my biggest complaints, how much of a pain it is getting around this damn city. The grapple points seem a lot more strict for some arbitrary reason, even on perfectly horizontal ledges. Sometimes there are grapple points and they simply don't register on the screen.

Good game, especially in the second half, but it can't escape the feeling that its simply a really impressive fanmod of Arkham City, complete with janky mechanics and bugs cuz no QA time. And throwing LOTS OF ENEMIES AT YOU AND NOW THEY'RE FASTER that's always popular with fanmods.

I've noticed the weird grappling too. It's not as easy to shoot around the place.


Yep,360 version is a mess,I will wait for a patch...my screen for no apparent reason just turns black,I can still hear everything and all but I cant see anything,the only thing I can do is reboot the 360,very weird.


I'm loving most of the game but the boss fights are very gimmicky and drawn out, and the size of the crowds makes fighting a group take forever because you have to parry 3-4 people at a time.
Loving the upgrade you get later on in the game. Finally able to do something easy about this guys with shields :p.

Also the first big upgrade you get is awesome, my favorite tool of the three arkham games.


so... what do i needa do about martial artists enemy type to keep my combo going?

1)attack them. if they counter your attack, the game goes slow mo for a sec and you have to counter them.
2) When you see them running towards you they can do 2 things:
roundhouse kick (The hint is bigger than a normal attack and is also a little bit confusing, the prompt should have been a completely different color imho) or they just stop suddenly and go in counter mode(step1)

And to people who do find Deathstroke difficult, just wait for copperhead, lol...


I'm really becoming soured on this game because of this cutscene bullshit. There seems to be nothing that helps and everytime I try and get through the cutscene
with Joker's reveal
I just get mad close the game. I'd understand if the game ran poorly in general, but it doesn't. I'm getting 30-40 fps pretty consistently on low settings.


Loving the upgrade you get later on in the game. Finally able to do something easy about this guys with shields :p.

Also the first big upgrade you get is awesome, my favorite tool of the three arkham games.

What do you mean by first big upgrade? The concussion thing? I'm finding no uses for it?


Has anyone been having any of these game breaking bugs on the Wii U version? I really want to play it, but I've got a huge backlog and I don't want to start it if I'm just gonna lose my save or get stuck somewhere.

I've played about 7 hours and have yet to encounter any game breaking bugs on the Wii U version.
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