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Batman: Arkham Origins |OT| Justice from the head of Prototype And Hulk: UD


Yes, the framerate is reaching Skyrim levels on Ps3 ('ve had slideshows during fights for the arms containers). Its really, really bad. Some cutscenes and music completely fuck up too. I am shocked that its so bad, Skyrim bad.

It starts off well when I just boot the game, but after some 15 minutes or so it goes down the shitter. I have the feeling its an issue with the cache, as the HDD is going bonkers too.


You're going into the final stretch, as in I'm pretty sure once you get there you're in a point-of-no-return section and have to finish the whole game. Probably less than an hour to go.

OK, thanks. I still seem to be missing some side content then, plus I've still not met
So performance wise, we're looking at the Wii U version on top for the consoles? Too bad about the lack of multiplayer, but $10 cheaper is a good gesture.

Dr Dogg

Loving the new crime scene stuff. The time line scrubbing element is quite nifty. Makes me wish there was another Condemned in the works. Saying that same publisher so who knows.
This game is better than AA/AC imo, better story, music, crime scene detective work, characters, and the voice acting is top notch. The combat is sort of the same, to me it seems a little faster and more counter heavy, which I am really liking.

I hope this team gets another shot at a batman game in the future.


PS3 has this too - stuttering video, audio dropping. It's quite the mess and it completely ruins cool moments.

Yeah it has really marred my time playing the game. Why should pre-rendered movies be that taxing on any sort of hardware? They're just movies! Is the game loading underneath while the scene plays? This is incredibly frustrating. I paid for a full game. I shouldn't have to look up cinematics on fucking youtube.
So the (side mission character)
Mad Hatter
mission is bugged, right? I get on the platform on the water, shoot my hook and the platform will not move when I pull. Restarted checkpoint 4 times and no progress.

Or am I missing a trick?

At this point its more like what missions/parts of the game are NOT bugged.

Very disappointed with what they delivered with Arkham Origins - very loveless and careless... a truly b team effort by the b team.


Yes, the framerate is reaching Skyrim levels on Ps3 ('ve had slideshows during fights for the arms containers). Its really, really bad. Some cutscenes and music completely fuck up too. I am shocked that its so bad, Skyrim bad.

It starts off well when I just boot the game, but after some 15 minutes or so it goes down the shitter. I have the feeling its an issue with the cache, as the HDD is going bonkers too.

The new patch is causing this. Either delete the patch and play offline or wait for the patch that will undo the damage that the last one did.


What a shame about the technical dificulties, really, this game is excellent, but sadly the Prototype influence sneaked in as it has some "Activision Quality" feel over it.
I've been looking in this thread the past few days but it's hard to sort through all the SP talk (which I know I'll love anyway) and the unmarked spoilers, so I guess I'll just ask:

How is the MP? Is it something you see yourself putting time into or is just a check-mark on the box?


I was "lucky" enough to play one match after searching for about an hour. Havent started SP at all though but whatever I had to take down the players along with another person playing as Batman. You die very easily, it's very frustrating. I knew somewhat what to do after playing AA and AC but I was still very rusty but managed to take down alot of people successfully. In the end it just feels very clunky, the map was very boring but I guess they're designed like that to give B&R some protection.

I started another match later that was cancelled because the host left. I was playing as Bane's faction or whatever and the camera was very zoomed it. The fact that you can use the 'detective' mode to spot B&R feels very unfair to those players considering how fast you can take them down as soon as you spot them.

It has potential though, unlike the Tomb Raider MP that was dead on arrival and forgotten by the developers after a patch or two that did not really do anything.

Also I never liked the upgrade weapons system in multiplayers and certain armor that gives you special abilites etc. On top of that they have boosters. It doesnt feel very balanced.


Just called WB Games customer support and they didn't even have an option for Origins. Maybe they've been flooded with calls. So I sent an email. This game does seem a bit less polished than the other Arkham games.

Btw, could my cutscene problem be an issue of my PC getting too hot? I've been considering investing in a laptop fan, as I've heard those help increase game performance. Is there truth to that?


Just finished it. The game got better as it progressed but it was not on the level of the previous games. It probably wouldn't have been worth it at full price and I probably won't go back to it but as I got it bundled with my video card I can't really complain. It was a bit too long perhaps.


Anyone experience this bug for one of the radio towers on PC?

The one where you grapple line through the window, and you have to open the vent and grapple up to it to get out. When I grapple up the vent he just hangs there and won't go in the vent.
Anyone experience this bug for one of the radio towers on PC?

The one where you grapple line through the window, and you have to open the vent and grapple up to it to get out. When I grapple up the vent he just hangs there and won't go in the vent.

Yeh it's a well known bug.


Just called WB Games customer support and they didn't even have an option for Origins. Maybe they've been flooded with calls. So I sent an email. This game does seem a bit less polished than the other Arkham games.

Btw, could my cutscene problem be an issue of my PC getting too hot? I've been considering investing in a laptop fan, as I've heard those help increase game performance. Is there truth to that?

Is it stuttering real bad. With audio dropping in and out? If so you might want to try rebooting your machine and see if that helps.


No Scrubs
Just called WB Games customer support and they didn't even have an option for Origins. Maybe they've been flooded with calls. So I sent an email. This game does seem a bit less polished than the other Arkham games.

Btw, could my cutscene problem be an issue of my PC getting too hot? I've been considering investing in a laptop fan, as I've heard those help increase game performance. Is there truth to that?

It could be, the only real issue with the cutscenes I've had on the PC was
in the GCPD

Anyone experience this bug for one of the radio towers on PC?

The one where you grapple line through the window, and you have to open the vent and grapple up to it to get out. When I grapple up the vent he just hangs there and won't go in the vent.

Everyone has that issue. Hopefully they know about it and are working on a fix.


Is it stuttering real bad. With audio dropping in and out? If so you might want to try rebooting your machine and see if that helps.

It's stuttering pretty bad, and typically the audio doesn't drop out, it just plays at a normal pace while the video lags, so it goes out of sync. Restarting my computer yesterday seemed to have some effect. It just seems like an arbitrary thing to do. I'm trying to figure out if there's something else to be done. Maybe rebooting Steam.
Havin fun, happy I bought it on Wii U. A few blurry texture not loading but not at AC armored edition quality version. A good port and the game took some getting used to with the gamepad but I'm very happy with it.

Kai Dracon

Writing a dinosaur space opera symphony
Gliding in Origins is so much better than City.

Either Bat's has gained some weight in the years between them, or gravity gets worse in Gotham as time goes on.

The goddamn Batman gets all the free coffee and donuts he wants.

There is unfortunately a downside to this.
I guess I've just been really lucky. No glitches and only experienced some slow-down/stuttering once so far. I was definitely crossing my fingers while in the burnley radio tower, though haha. PS3 btw.


Gold Member
I just redeemed my codes for the Deathstroke and Knightfall stuff. Downloaded and installed them and now my game has become completely unplayable. Extreme stuttering, framerate drops to the 10s, audio hickups and glitching out. Surely this can't be because of those downloads? The game ran at an acceptable level yesterday, but now it just tanked.

Seriously, this is a fucking mess and they need to sort this shit out right now.

Edit: okay, I deleted the game files, unplugged my PS3, started the game back up and now it runs smooth as silk. So I can recommend anyone having performance issues to delete everything except the core install files. Fuck the patches and fuck the DLCs untill WB has this fixed.


It's stuttering pretty bad, and typically the audio doesn't drop out, it just plays at a normal pace while the video lags, so it goes out of sync. Restarting my computer yesterday seemed to have some effect. It just seems like an arbitrary thing to do. I'm trying to figure out if there's something else to be done. Maybe rebooting Steam.

You should restart again. There is some kinda codec file that is getting corrupted and the game stops recognizing it. Restarting your machine gets the game to recreate the file. I have had to do it twice early in the game but it has been running perfect for over a day now.

I don't really know what I am talking about but the cut scenes definitely screw up because there is a file that the game is failing to locate and rebooting the machine has fixed it for me twice.


Could someone elaborate on the performance issues, are they specifically tied to certain SKUs of the game or is it in general? Also are they in any way game-breaking? (insufferable frame rate, data being corrupted, glitches preventing finishing game / certain missions, etc.)

Thankfully for the time being there are some other games that have my attention so at the very least I plan on waiting it out until this game gets patched.


Aww, damn. I just got the game in PS3 and this talk about the performance has got me really worried. :(

I guess I'll have to sit on it till the next patch comes.
About 2 hours in and I agree with the reviews so far. There really hasn't been a "high point" to speak of.

One thing that really sticks out to me though - why am I playing as Ezio Auditore?


Just finished the game. Not going to do any spoilers but just going to say that, outside of some really fan-servicey moments and great character monologues, I was really disappointed with the "game" part of Origins.

Getting around the world is far less satisfying than the previous two games, with the grapple seeming much pickier than it used to be, and must more restricted, as there seem to be lots of rooftops and ledges that you simply cannot get on top of, which is really disappointing as City set a pedigree of you being able to grapple and climb almost anything that made the slightest bit of sense to.

If you manage to get near the Gotham Power & Light building with enough altitude, Batman will do his "Trying to get over the perimeter wall" animation from City, except there's no arms fire or anything discouraging his movement - he just seems to not want to get near that building.

And the combat... What happened? Asylum and City got hard sometimes, but when I died I almost always felt like it was my fault. In Origins you're constantly getting into these big brawls but the whole system feels subtly off, somehow. Batman has always sort of slid and flown across rooms to attack distant enemies, but now it seems hit or miss. Sometimes he'll make his way to an enemy, and sometimes he'll just punch uselessly at the air, ruining a combo multiplier. The timing window for Counter also doesn't seem to match up to the on-screen prompt the way it feels like it should, anymore.

*Enemies* seem to have picked up his ability to magically close distance, though, which is often infuriating. Batman himself also seems slower in a way that's maddening. In the first two games you could use judgement and Strike an enemy instead of Countering it, assuming you started early enough, but now Bats has all kinds of horrible wind up on his moves, and it almost never works in the satisfying way it used to.

I switched back to City on Hard mode in the middle of playing Origins on Normal, and it was ridiculous how much easier City felt, just because of the weird small changes to so many things, but more than anything because Origins loves to just dump enemy after enemy on you in horribly unbalanced combinations. Enemies are too numerous now, they way too liberal with the "special" enemy varieties, they're a bit too aggressive, and, maybe it's just me, but I feel like the previous games did sort of a Bayonetta thing where it wouldn't let an enemy attack unless it felt like they were "enough" on-screen. Now you're just getting hit all the time from every angle by guys you simply don't have the time to react to in the proper way. Just super cheap difficulty all over the place.

The Remote Claw seems to exist just so they can say there's a new gadget, as the Line Launcher did everything it does and was way more fun and interesting to use. The Glue Grenades are just reskinned Freeze grenades.

And how about that recurring
boss battle? That was pretty bad. An enemy with annoying and relentless attacks coupled with generous mook waves. I was getting pretty visibly frustrated.
And then they tried to mix it up with Super Venom Bane which was obviously inspired by the Mr. Freeze battle, but took everything that made that encounter great and made it completely tedious.

When I finished Asylum, I knew I'd want to play it again.
When I finished City I couldn't wait to start over on Hard.
When I finished Origins I thought: "Phew, it's over."

And what even happened with some of the assassins?

After all the advertising and the raw potential of using the character,
Deathstroke is the first boss battle and then is completely out of the picture for the rest of the game?
Meanwhile Bane is a persistent plot force and Firefly gets an entire scenario. Hell, I think
Killer Croc
got more screentime than
, and he wasn't even one of the assassins.
I remembered I could drop mines during combat. Did the training, then did it in combat in Gotham and got the challenge for 3 guys done. Now it won't let me drop mines at all during combat. What am I doing wrong?
I feel like City had the perfect balance to enemy encounters and the combat. AA there were very small and it feels like child's play compared to AC's, but AO is like ALL THE ENEMIES ALL THE TIME, always attacking, lots of special types, small areas with a dozen guys, hiding updates behind this shitty skill tree and side quests.


shut uuuuuuuuuuuuuuup
Decided to hold off on this one until I see they've adressed the big issues for the ps3 version. Reading all these glitch/bug/framerate posts is worrisome. Very unfortunate as I was looking forward to playing it.


You should restart again. There is some kinda codec file that is getting corrupted and the game stops recognizing it. Restarting your machine gets the game to recreate the file. I have had to do it twice early in the game but it has been running perfect for over a day now.

I don't really know what I am talking about but the cut scenes definitely screw up because there is a file that the game is failing to locate and rebooting the machine has fixed it for me twice.

Oh ok, I'll have to keep that in mind and keep doing it then. I just got to the cutscene where
Joker reveals himself
and alt+f4'd out of it because I want to see that scene properly.



I cannot beat Deathstroke :(

It took me half a dozen tries to beat him, the fight is a pain. You have to counter a split second later than usual. Counter, hit him a few times, then try to hit him with a quick bat claw so you can get three or four extra punches in. I got pretty frustrated with the fight as I felt I was countering as well as necessary but I was still getting hit. After delaying my counter a split second, I beat him and only got hit once. Keep trying, you'll get him



I cannot beat Deathstroke :(

Like benjammin said, countering too early is deadly. That is, hitting the button before you're prompted to during one of those times he's attacking you.

I'll break my example down in parts:

1) Slade quickly attacks (not the one where you see the prompt from the beginning)
2) bats is fighting back
3) slade is about to hit him over the head.. counter-prompt appears.
I'm sure a ton of people panic and try to counter at #1. Deadly.

When I no-damage'd him on hard, I only used the batclaw to not get
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