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Battlefield 1 |OT| Make War Great Again


I don't understand the battle pack thing. I got one and unlocked a gun but I don't see it as choosable when I customize my class. Do I have to do something to actually use the guns?

You only unlock the skin for guns which have to be bought with warbonds you get from leveling up. You also need the appropriate class level to be able to purchase guns. And you can only buy them when in a game not from the main menu (for now).
I don't understand the battle pack thing. I got one and unlocked a gun but I don't see it as choosable when I customize my class. Do I have to do something to actually use the guns?

Battlepacks are just skins for guns, not the guns themselves. You still have to unlock the gun through a combination of leveling up the class and paying for it with war bonds. You also have the option to scrap skins for guns you don't want to use (I personally just scrap everything because I could not possibly care less about what skin my gun has).


I don't understand the battle pack thing. I got one and unlocked a gun but I don't see it as choosable when I customize my class. Do I have to do something to actually use the guns?

It's only a skin, find the weapon and check the Visual option (when you customize the weapon/the gear icon on the weapon).


BioShock Infinite is like playing some homeless guy's vivid imagination
Conquest feels so lifeless compared to Operations, even with 64 players. Really boring to play.


What's the best way to play as a tank driver? Should I be reloading after every shot? Alternate between the shotgun cannon and the main cannon? I get caught with my pants down all the tank in a tank, as I seem to have to reload ALL THE TIME. That's a player mistake that I'm looking to correct.
Alternating weapons is imperative absolutely. For me it is pretty simple. If they are close, shotgun, far away or another vehicle then I use the cannon. Sometimes I use the cannon when the enemy is close just because it is fun, but the longer reload time on it makes taking on a group of enemies not ideal.

The main cannon should be reloading on its own as soon as you fire. It takes some time but that is the point of it.
As someone who has gravitated towards tanks since the very beginning and is pretty good at them, I believe the biggest thing is knowing when to go in and make things up close and personal and when to stay back and fight from a distance.
Hint: There is a lot more of the latter than the former.

The other big aspect of being a tank driver is having someone who is support as a passenger to do manual repairs. If you do not have that, you really have to approach things from a distance and repair yourself, which of course leaves you exposed.



Thank you for making me feel bad for what I thought were pretty good stats.

Some of the stats I'm looking at from other players are insane. I mean, how does one do this:

307 games and not a single loss? C'mon!

The highest kill streak stats make no sense. On PS4 alone, a guy has a killstreak of 134 and lists 549 games. My killstreak of 26 make me sad.

I would be in the top 50 kills for the mondragon storm if I could add my stats. :D Otherwise I compare poorly.

I wouldn't mind capture the flag, though.
Or a one-life mode on a very small map.

I would love a one life trench game, ideally 64 players, with 10 on one side defending against 54 infantry climbing over the trenches running at a enforced position.

Rygar 8 Bit

Jaguar 64-bit
I typically use the heavy tank.

heavy tank you need to be super cautious and hang sort of back and not in the open if you move into a fight you will be grenaded to hell and be out flanked but if you hang out in the open you will be AT rocketed to hell its best to hang midway back from battle and stick to cover (buildings/ rocks) and stick to timing your main cannon dont just dump all of your shots all at once keep at least 2 shots incase you get jumped while you try and reload

edit: if you are finding the reload times of tanks to be a bummer you should try the flanker light tank i have and havnt looked back its way to good fires 15 times with a reload of like 1.5/2 seconds


So among Battlefieldtracker players I'm top 1% on heals and top 2% on revives. Medic is love, medic is life
quite literally


FFS, I'm going to kill everyone of those bastards who try to charge the bunker at Monte Grappa Operations instead of all just stand on top of it. It's so massively annoying. We're losing tickets by the second. You all go the B first, stand on top of it, take B, and then leave a couple of men behind to defend while you go and take A.

It's not that hard. Bunch of morons.


FFS, I'm going to kill everyone of those bastards who try to charge the bunker at Monte Grappa Operations instead of all just stand on top of it. It's so massively annoying. We're losing tickets by the second. You all go the B first, stand on top of it, take B, and then leave a couple of men behind to defend while you go and take A.

It's not that hard. Bunch of morons.

If the entire opposite team is under B, and you get a few guys to leave and cap A. You will lose B. Cap A first, and then rush B.
Got teabagged by a sniper from fucking miles away on Fao, so I sought revenge by infiltrating E and F, killing his sniper buddies and teabagging them instead.

I don't usually teabag in this game, but it had to be done.

It felt great.


heavy tank you need to be super cautious and hang sort of back and not in the open if you move into a fight you will be grenaded to hell and be out flanked but if you hang out in the open you will be AT rocketed to hell its best to hang midway back from battle and stick to cover (buildings/ rocks) and stick to timing your main cannon dont just dump all of your shots all at once keep at least 2 shots incase you get jumped while you try and reload

edit: if you are finding the reload times of tanks to be a bummer you should try the flanker light tank i have and havnt looked back its way to good fires 15 times with a reload of like 1.5/2 seconds

Good advice here. And if you go up against the wrong team, you'll be instantly killed in a couple of seconds. When people know how to kill tanks they're rendered pretty much useless. I'm a good tank but when you're up against 10-15 assault soldiers at once there's nothing that can be done (AT rockets will obliterate even heavy tanks in a second), even if you're playing carefully. I've seen entire games where the other team is 75% assault with a massive hardon for ending tanks.

But in a usual game, a good tank will survive the vast majority of the time.

And please.. don't forget.. if you're in a tank.. PLAY THE OBJECTIVE. My god tank campers ruin it all.

+1 for the flanker light tank. That thing is crazy good and actually effective against heavy tanks with the right approach.

But it's a lot more risky.


BF1 November Update Tomorrow (11/15) - Hope to see patch info soon. (Really hoping for PS4 Pro Patch! - No mention yet at this time)

Here is the info


Curious to see if they've improved events with Battlefest. The old events were kind of lame and only ever offered extra XP.


What's the best way to play as a tank driver? Should I be reloading after every shot? Alternate between the shotgun cannon and the main cannon? I get caught with my pants down all the tank in a tank, as I seem to have to reload ALL THE TIME. That's a player mistake that I'm looking to correct.

I have more kills with the heavy tank than every other weapon in the game combined. I've played Conquest exclusively and if I get the tank I usually finish at or near the top of the scoreboard (and near the top in flag captures/defends). They are extremely overpowered (and probably will and should be nerfed eventually) but you will still get blown up if you are careless or allow yourself to get swarmed.

The main shell and buckshot draw from the same pool of 6 shots, which will fill back up on its own. You don't need to reload. I use primarily the main shell and aim at the ground just below or next to an enemy (or a destructible environment if they are hiding behind one). I use the buckshot mainly if someone is hiding behind something non-destructible and only exposing part of their body. If they are completely behind a rock or similar non-destructible object you may still be able to kill them or at least injure them by shooting at the ground next to it with the main shell.

You should be capping and defending flags as much as possible but preserving your tank should be top priority. Try to engage other tanks when they don't see you. If you can land 2 shots before they hit you and they don't have other players supporting them, they are done. Likewise, don't instigate a fight with another heavy tank if your ammo is still refilling. If you are taking damage from infantry that is swarming you, throw up your smoke and retreat. Backing up in reverse works well. Save your instant repair for when you really need it. If you are just slightly damaged and you have time to do the long repair do that instead. If I take a lot of damage, I will often instantly hit the smoke and instant repair, throw it in reverse, and start killing anyone that tries to chase me. Then I'll find a safe spot and repair. It's a long match and keeping my tank alive as long as possible (preferably the entire match) means I probably win the round. There's no need to take unnecessary risks.

When shooting at other tanks, there is an annoying issue with hits not registering sometimes. Try to land direct hits to the front, back, or the sides (or the top and bottom in rare cases). Glancing shots at an angle seem to be the most likely hits to not register. If you find yourself at a disadvantage against another tank and retreating is not an option, sometimes the best bet is to ram into them and disorient the other driver. If you can get them spun around so that you are aiming at their side then their main gun is useless and you can just keep landing hits on them. 3rd person view is probably easier for this.

Anti-tank mines are instant kills so keep an eye out for them. The behemoths will ruin your day, especially the air ship. The dreadnaught too if it can see you. You can help chip away at the behemoths with your tank. Just don't leave yourself over exposed. Be careful about parking your tank near friendly mines too. If they get detonated when you are near them you will get blown up.

I wish it wasn't so effective because it kills the emersion, but 3rd person view is extremely effective. It greatly increases your FOV and let's you see over objects. I wish there was no 3rd person view but I use it constantly and switch to 1st person to line up shots that are farther away.

You can take out airplanes in one hit. The big, slow, low flying bombers are actually fairly easy to hit with some practice. Even the little planes can be hit with a good shot.


Sounds like they are patching in the features that should have been available at launch. Hopefully we get custom servers tomorrow.

Custom servers, hardcore and a massive patch are all coming tomorrow

Im excited to play with a ping of less than 200 when Africa is finally allowed to have local servers
What's the best way to play as a tank driver? Should I be reloading after every shot? Alternate between the shotgun cannon and the main cannon? I get caught with my pants down all the tank in a tank, as I seem to have to reload ALL THE TIME. That's a player mistake that I'm looking to correct.

I personally like the A7V.

The reload is decent and you get most other tanks with 4-5 shots.


Here's some changes I'd like to see change with regards to the medals and medal system.

First, how the medal system works:

  • Medals shouldn't have to be activated. They are always tracking what you do
  • Weekly medals give you more EXP than normal, but other medals can still be achieved
  • You can do the challenges for a medal simultaneously instead of one at a time in a specific order
As for the medals specifically:

  • Players will try to actively complete medals and because of this they shouldn't be set up in a way that makes them do very specific tasks
  • Medals should encourage positive behavior and people shouldn't have to go out of their way too much to earn them
  • More focus on challenges that you can get over time rather than ones that require skill or specific circumstances
  • This means no 'in a life' or 'in a round' challenges that can heavily influence a player's playstyle in negative ways
  • This also means medals requirements can take longer to achieve, but progress is a lot more gradual
  • More focus on helping the team rather than a player completing a task themselves
  • This means no more 'destroy/disable vehicle' challenges, but challenges that require you to help with destroying vehicles like 'do X amount of vehicle damage'
  • Basically all the Squad medals are a mess for people who try to actively get them

Here's a couple of examples of how I would change specific medals:


Hollywood Hitman

Gold Member
Man I need some plane help.. Tryin to get going with the bomber and its just feeling so heavy for maneuvering it. When I start fading downward I sort of can't get myself pitching back up. Or turning I keep going downward. The controls are just not flowing got me yet.


Am I the only one that has to keep class levels close to each other?

I've got everything at 5 except assault which is at 4. I'll never get those level 10 weapons lol



I love it when good squad play goes well. And this is what you get: operations win after 3 sectors (we were defenders) and the entire squad in the top 4. THe original squad leader even made me SL after like 10 minutes since I was basically giving the commands all the time. Felt good to be given the role. :D


Man I need some plane help.. Tryin to get going with the bomber and its just feeling so heavy for maneuvering it. When I start fading downward I sort of can't get myself pitching back up. Or turning I keep going downward. The controls are just not flowing got me yet.

What controls are you using? If on PC, make sure to bind pitch to buttons, otherwise you will have to keep swiping the mouse to turn the plane, which only leads to disaster.

Otherwise, the bomber is meant to be heavy to maneuver; you are supposed to keep it steady and going in a straight line so that your gunners can aim efficiently, and also so that you only have to worry about timing when dropping bombs instead of what angle your plane is. You only turn when you are near the edge of the map; you make a turn and you fly in a straight line until you get to the opposite end of the map. When in a bomber, make sure to plan out beforehand which objectives or infantry hiding-spots you want to fly over so that you can hit them and cause lots of chaos on the ground. If you don't know where people are, go in first person and look around the cockpit to see the ground all around you, check for bullets flying from random windows or rocks; that means there's people there.

Rygar 8 Bit

Jaguar 64-bit
Man I need some plane help.. Tryin to get going with the bomber and its just feeling so heavy for maneuvering it. When I start fading downward I sort of can't get myself pitching back up. Or turning I keep going downward. The controls are just not flowing got me yet.

try playing a attack plane has way better handling and you get practice with bombing runs
Am I the only one that has to keep class levels close to each other?

I've got everything at 5 except assault which is at 4. I'll never get those level 10 weapons lol

My Medic is level 4 or 5, and everything else is at 0, which is convenient, because the Medic's level 10 unlock is apparently the worst level 10 gun in the game.


Man I need some plane help.. Tryin to get going with the bomber and its just feeling so heavy for maneuvering it. When I start fading downward I sort of can't get myself pitching back up. Or turning I keep going downward. The controls are just not flowing got me yet.

You're probably making your turns too tight. Make larger turns and don't rotate into the turn too much or you'll start dropping.


When you run into a sentry class and have to get creative.

Bonus: Look at my squads classes, lol.


I would also like to add that I hate the medal system, or at least strongly dislike it. I can't seem to track any medals at all, I pick one during the loading screen but when I'm in the game it doesn't track one. And when I try to pick one while in game it reverts back to last weeks medals.


When you run into a sentry class and have to get creative.

Bonus: Look at my squads classes, lol.


I would also like to add that I hate the medal system, or at least strongly dislike it. I can't seem to track any medals at all, I pick one during the loading screen but when I'm in the game it doesn't track one. And when I try to pick one while in game it reverts back to last weeks medals.

Worthy sacrifice my friend!


My Medic is level 4 or 5, and everything else is at 0, which is convenient, because the Medic's level 10 unlock is apparently the worst level 10 gun in the game.

It's quick to take people down however the 5 shot clip means its pretty much unusable. Miss 1 or 2 shots and you're likely dead, 2 people there? Dead.


I have more kills with the heavy tank than every other weapon in the game combined. I've played Conquest exclusively and if I get the tank I usually finish at or near the top of the scoreboard (and near the top in flag captures/defends). They are extremely overpowered (and probably will and should be nerfed eventually) but you will still get blown up if you are careless or allow yourself to get swarmed.

The main shell and buckshot draw from the same pool of 6 shots, which will fill back up on its own. You don't need to reload. I use primarily the main shell and aim at the ground just below or next to an enemy (or a destructible environment if they are hiding behind one). I use the buckshot mainly if someone is hiding behind something non-destructible and only exposing part of their body. If they are completely behind a rock or similar non-destructible object you may still be able to kill them or at least injure them by shooting at the ground next to it with the main shell.

You should be capping and defending flags as much as possible but preserving your tank should be top priority. Try to engage other tanks when they don't see you. If you can land 2 shots before they hit you and they don't have other players supporting them, they are done. Likewise, don't instigate a fight with another heavy tank if your ammo is still refilling. If you are taking damage from infantry that is swarming you, throw up your smoke and retreat. Backing up in reverse works well. Save your instant repair for when you really need it. If you are just slightly damaged and you have time to do the long repair do that instead. If I take a lot of damage, I will often instantly hit the smoke and instant repair, throw it in reverse, and start killing anyone that tries to chase me. Then I'll find a safe spot and repair. It's a long match and keeping my tank alive as long as possible (preferably the entire match) means I probably win the round. There's no need to take unnecessary risks.

When shooting at other tanks, there is an annoying issue with hits not registering sometimes. Try to land direct hits to the front, back, or the sides (or the top and bottom in rare cases). Glancing shots at an angle seem to be the most likely hits to not register. If you find yourself at a disadvantage against another tank and retreating is not an option, sometimes the best bet is to ram into them and disorient the other driver. If you can get them spun around so that you are aiming at their side then their main gun is useless and you can just keep landing hits on them. 3rd person view is probably easier for this.

Anti-tank mines are instant kills so keep an eye out for them. The behemoths will ruin your day, especially the air ship. The dreadnaught too if it can see you. You can help chip away at the behemoths with your tank. Just don't leave yourself over exposed. Be careful about parking your tank near friendly mines too. If they get detonated when you are near them you will get blown up.

I wish it wasn't so effective because it kills the emersion, but 3rd person view is extremely effective. It greatly increases your FOV and let's you see over objects. I wish there was no 3rd person view but I use it constantly and switch to 1st person to line up shots that are farther away.

You can take out airplanes in one hit. The big, slow, low flying bombers are actually fairly easy to hit with some practice. Even the little planes can be hit with a good shot.

Coming from someone with 36 stars in a heavy tank.. they don't need a nerf. DICE just needs to raise awareness on what's effective. 2-3 guys can easily take a tank out in seconds with fairly minimal effort.

This is all good advice (especially switching to 3rd person). However, I can confirm that pressing R DOES reload your shot faster. I notice when I spam it, my shot regen starts much faster. If I don't press it (sometimes I forget), it's a MUCH slower timer until your shot starts to regen.

Be really careful about someone placing mines around your tank. I was getting one shot by a gun, then I realized the hot new thing is placing a mine and immediately shooting it. You suicide but can take out a tank filled with lots of people. Pretty damn cheap if you ask me, but it's happening more and more. I think if you suicide, your explosion shouldn't register as a hit on a person or vehicle, but that's just me. I'm all for shooting to detonate but not if you're just killing yourself.

Also.. be REALLY careful before you venture into a "red" zone, or a place that's occupied by enemies. Don't move in on a flag unless you're certain it's mostly clear and you'll survive any attacks. Look around for infantry before advancing, look at your map to see where stuff is that might hurt you.

USE YOUR MAP. Assign the map button to a nearby key so you can comfortably get a zoom on the battlefield. This is extremely useful for getting a visual on tanks (and infantry) that are far away but around an area you are moving to. You can also call out tanks for your teammates who haven't seen them yet. If a tank fires once, they will be visible on the map for a short time.

If you see a plane flying right at you, wait for them to get close, then take a shot at the center of the plane. Once you get the trajectory down, you'll start one shotting planes that are trying to bomb you. My record is like 8 or 9 planes in one game (including fighters).. Monte Grappa.. they just fly right above you and don't expect a ground attack.

But my best piece of advice.. PLAY THE OBJECTIVE. Don't tank camp, you'll hurt your team dearly.


Lol people on Reddit are so salty always. You just say something that some basic features like rent a sever, loadouts in main menu should have been there day one. And you get downvoted right away. Because the game is perfect as always. If those people were the majority we would still have a broken BF4 lol.


Lol people on Reddit are so salty always. You just say something that some basic features like rent a sever, loadouts in main menu should have been there day one. And you get downvoted right away. Because the game is perfect as always. If those people were the majority we would still have a broken BF4 lol.

Ugh. I like the game as well, but that is not exactly a controversial opinion.

Yep can't wait.

It drops on PS4 at 10am UTC/2am PT and will be down for an hour.

I'm hoping it'll have HDR in it.

Nice, so it is released in the morning.


Ugh. I like the game as well, but that is not exactly a controversial opinion.

Nice, so it is released in the morning.


• PC: Multiplayer will be offline for 1h starting 08.00 UTC / 12.00 AM PT.
• PS4: Multiplayer will be offline for 1h starting 10.00 UTC / 2.00 AM PT.
• Xbox One: Multiplayer will be offline for 1h starting 12.00 UTC / 4.00 AM PT.
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