You get one revive back every ~5 seconds.
yeah and thats really annoying.
You get one revive back every ~5 seconds.
You get one revive back every ~5 seconds.
I've slept on it and I still cant understand the rational on experimenting with automatic grenade resupply. My brain cannot wrap itself around any scenario or reasoning for why this should be implemented in traditional Battlefield, let alone be discussed in the same breath as reducing explosives spam.
DICE really is just totally fucking erratic and unpredictable when it comes to how they "balance" things. I really hope Battlefield 1 doesn't become a Battlefront situation.
I've slept on it and I still cant understand the rational on experimenting with automatic grenade resupply. My brain cannot wrap itself around any scenario or reasoning for why this should be implemented in traditional Battlefield, let alone be discussed in the same breath as reducing explosives spam.
DICE really is just totally fucking erratic and unpredictable when it comes to how they "balance" things. I really hope Battlefield 1 doesn't become a Battlefront situation.
I've slept on it and I still cant understand the rational on experimenting with automatic grenade resupply. My brain cannot wrap itself around any scenario or reasoning for why this should be implemented in traditional Battlefield, let alone be discussed in the same breath as reducing explosives spam.
DICE really is just totally fucking erratic and unpredictable when it comes to how they "balance" things. I really hope Battlefield 1 doesn't become a Battlefront situation.
Its funny, because regenerating grenades was what I came up with to solve grenade spam in BF4. This hybrid implementation strikes me as a mistake.
In BF4, after they upped the time on ammo crate grenade resupplies, he outcome was more people just sitting on the damn things. That's a bad fix. With regenerating grenades, you chuck your grenade and you accept the inevitable – you won't have one for x amount of seconds (let's say 30).
That does two things: A. It removes the ammo crate as an anchor – there's no reason to stick on a spot unless you're doing it for other, strategic reasons. B. As of now, my grenade resupplies almost immediately, then appears in my inventory a few seconds later. This is, at best, 25s faster than regenerating grenades. Therefore regenerating grenades will be less frequent.
The downside: The hybrid system promotes the worst tendency – ammo camping. By inducing a grenade regeneration bonus for sitting on a crate, they're promoting the old BF4 problem.
Honestly aside from it killing the ‘realism' this seems like the right way to go. This makes grenades more precious (for the strategic few), meaning you can't chuck them without screwing yourself later. As for the argument that it will increase spam because they auto-replenish, even if this were true, this only applies if the players live that long. Think about the average player in the average engagement. They ain't living that long.
This isnt a proper fix at all. Your theories assume that you always have a good ammo guy actually doing his job and actually dropping ammo. All ammo should come out of the ammo crates. Thats the whole point of having the ammo crates.
If they create maps with choke points that allow for people to grenade spam the whole game then maybe they should make better maps. Grenades are rarely a problem when the maps are properly designed. Only times grenades are an issue if when the map is a choke point fest.
I feel like that was always the case. They were addressing explosive spam because on two particular maps it was a huge problem.Sitting on ammo to get a grenade wasn't a bad thing. It meant grenade spam only happened at choke points. BF4's grenade system as it is now is infinitely better than what it's like in BF1. Grenades are only a problem on Locker and Metro really.
Im sympathetic to the wanting to be consistent, but DICE isnt the first dev to prioritize gameplay over realism. After all, we have spare magazines and grenades lying all over the battlefield but somehow we cant use any of them.
I think a good way to continue this conversation is to determine what maps you think are poorly made.
Well Argonne bunker fights can get pretty obnoxious, but yeah if they could change grenade respawn by game mode that'd be nice.I think its more a gamemode problem in BF1. Operations. Thats why theyre doing this, because of operations.
Grenades havent been a problem in Conquest cause none of the maps are designed like locker.
Gotta combat the terrible scourge of revive spam.You get one revive back every ~5 seconds.
Well Argonne bunker fights can get pretty obnoxious, but yeah if they could change grenade respawn by game mode that'd be nice.
Wait ribbons are already in?
- Ribbon of the Bull: Get 3 Behemoths kills in a round
- Ribbon of Augustus: Using any Tank, get 7 kills in a round
- Ribbon of Icarus: Using any Airplane, get 5 kills in a round
- Ribbon of the Khan: From horseback, get 3 kills in a round
- Ribbon of the Iron Star: As Assault, get 7 kills in a round
- Ribbon of the Falcon: As Scout, get 7 kills in a round
- Ribbon of Hippocrates: As Medic, get 7 kills in a round
- Ribbon of St. Christopher: As Support, get 7 kills in a round
- Scout Ribbon of Valor: Get 5 kills with Single-Action Rifles in a round
- Medic Ribbon of Valor: Get 5 kills with Self-Loading Rifles in a round
- Support Ribbon of Valor: Get 5 kills with LMGs in a round
- Assault Ribbon of LeFever: Get 5 kills with Shotguns in a round
- Assault Ribbon of Valor: Get 5 kills with SMGs in a round
- Ribbon of the Sniper Guard: Get 5 Headshots in a round
- Crimson Heart Ribbon: Do 5 Team assists in a round
- Royal Ribbon of the Stag: Get 10 kills in a round
- Ribbon of the Golden Heart: Get 3 kills with Melee Weapons in a round
- Ribbon of Sacred Unity: Do 2 Squad Suppression Assists in a round
- Ribbon of Blood: Do 2 Squad Savior kills in a round
- Ribbon of the Wolf: Do 3 Squad Spots in a round
Just got 214k xp in one operations round. I should defend more often. You can just camp one place and take out enemies coming in one after another. Had 51 flag defense kills. Whenever i am playing offense i feel like I have to go and get the other flag or no one will.
Final score was 37k which turned into 92k after the 2.5 Win Bonus. Lots and lots of ribbons, and then everything got multiplied because someone in my squad had Squad XP boost active. I have gotten 150k points before but this is just nuts.
lol 1101 mins to rank up. Fuck that. I'm still in the 80s, fuck the 90s.
Menu?Is it me or did the new patch mess up PS4 pro performance?
Yep. Tanks are pretty much required to take some objectives in Operations. Like the last sector in Sinai Desert and Seuz. For some reason, people love the solo tanks and either camp with the Artillery truck or waste the Light Tank for the entire fucking around because no one can spawn on it leaving them behind enemy lines with no friendly cover.I hate it when I get out of my tank to repair it in a pinch (where internal repairs are too slow and risk the tank being destroyed), only for some idiot teammate to steal the tank and drive to a hill to camp and fire off potshots. Sure, go ahead and selfishly use one of the three tanks we get to do jack squat.
It stings even more since I was using it with my squad to push and transport the team to objectives. Without it, we'd have been snowballed far sooner. It was pretty much a deadlock with it. Good tankers win games. Selfish tankers get two or three kills and cost the team major battles.
Bonus points for him abandoning a tank earlier that was about to be destroyed and letting the enemy take it.
I have no idea why they didnt run double xp weekends at least on holiday weekends. They have proven to bring back the players in pretty much every online shooter ive played this gen. That said, i am fine with leveling up slowly. I have spent months being Level 29 and then level 334 in destiny, and while it's taken my over a month to go from 91-99, i still prefer this slow grind over the RNG system in Destiny or the prestige system in CoD. I never knew which Prestige enemy players were at but when I see a guy in the 90s in BF1 I know i'm in for a tough fight. They have definitely reduced the number of Squad XP bonus you can get since the December update. i get like five a month now.Only reason I broke past rank 100 in BF4 was because the Double XP weekends combined with the 200% XP boosts meant hextuple XP. With the rarity of XP boosts in BF1, even quad XP is pretty fleeting.
Oh well, at least it's not Hardline and its "Legendary" grind. That was horrendous.
i dont know if i have noticed performance issues, but there has definitely been something off the last few nights. My hellriegel and MG15 are having hit detection issues where bullets just dont register. My aim is all over the place. It's almost like aim assist has been turned off or sensitivity has been tweeked. People come around corners and kill me before i can even go ADS, let alone get some shots in.Is it me or did the new patch mess up PS4 pro performance?
DICE really is just totally fucking erratic and unpredictable when it comes to how they "balance" things. I really hope Battlefield 1 doesn't become a Battlefront situation.
Not getting the feeling that Rupture is suited for Conquest. Probably will play better in Operations or Rush.
Who is this guy and why should I care that he doesn't enjoy Battlefield 1?
Yeah, my menus run like pants now post the last patch.Menu?
Yeah, my menus run like pants now post the last patch.
I wish they would go back to how it ran just after the pro came out. Everything was so smooth and the game was a dream to play. Seems like each subsequent patch makes it worse and worse. Typical DICE I suppose.