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Battlefield 3 Beta: Info and Meetups [Over]

Ice Raven said:
Lol you too huh? He was like 144-1.
I forgot to screen cap his name .

Doesn't seem like EA is doing anything about it.

There's a thread made by a mod to report them, but igo2war is on the second post, made on the 6th, and he's still alive and cheating.


Metalmurphy said:
Doesn't seem like EA is doing anything about it.

There's a thread made by a mod to report them, but igo2war is on the second post, made on the 6th, and he's still alive and cheating.
It's the beta, PB is not fully implemented yet.


AT mines are the greatest trolling device.

1. Sneak up as close as you can get to the common paths taken by vehicles out of the enemy base.

2. Plant a couple of AT mines.

3. ???

4. Trolololol at the rage when you get double kills + vehicle destroy points on jeeps or cripple tanks before they even get into the fight.


woober said:
The other team's deaths don't even add up to the amount of kills that guy has. wtf?
Other people probably quit and you can't see the whole team until you scroll down.

BC2, I never came across hackers/aim up until a few months ago; and those were dealt with pretty swiftly because of admins. Or quitting the game.


Looking at that 99 problems trailer again reminded me to ask: Have they said anything about the visuals being vastly improved or similar to what we're seeing in the media shown? While the beta looks decent I'm still left wondering whether we'll get those amazing visuals we've seen in pre-release media so far.


Trucker Sexologist
Ryuuga said:
Looking at that 99 problems trailer again reminded me to ask: Have they said anything about the visuals being vastly improved or similar to what we're seeing in the media shown? While the beta looks decent I'm still left wondering whether we'll get those amazing visuals we've seen in pre-release media so far.
Yeah, if you have a high end gaming PC. How do you think they were making those trailers?


FStop7 said:
PDWs really need a nerf. And so does the Stinger.

PDWs have already been adjusted for the release.

Problem with the Stinger is that it currently isn't effective vs. a competent jet pilot and is too effective vs. any copter pilot.

BF2 had the same problem. I don't think there is an easy way to balance the same weapon properly vs. both helicopters and jets without giving the helicopter some sort of increased defense vs. missiles.
Woo-Fu said:
The Battlefield 3 Open Beta will close on 12:00 PM Noon 10/10/11 CET
How many hours away is that?

I'm really pissed that the AMD 11.9 drivers give me worse performance, it almost cut my frame rate in half, most probably because my gpu usage across my 3 GPUs is only 60% on each one whereas before it was 99% on all of them... 11.9 broke crossfire :/

Uninstalling now, always gives me issues though, wish me luck!
Metalmurphy said:
He was sitting on the base, on a jet plane, and his shots were going directly to everyone on the map
Man, that sounds like it would be so much fun to play that way. Just hold down a button and instant win. That has to be the most fun you can ever get out of a game.


I had one where a guy was able to teleport everyone into a subway car and detonate C4 killing all of us at once. Was weird as hell because sometimes he wouldn't get all of us so I'd be sitting somewhere looking for enemies and suddenly half my team would disappear and the kill indicator would light up with the guy getting C4 kills. Sucked ass. Never really had a problem with hackers in Battlefield games though. Don't remember ever seeing one in Battlefield 2 and only saw one guy hacking in Bad Company 2.
Thinking of attempting to join this igo2war person and stalk him a little. Capturing exploits and hacks on video can never hurt right?

Set up video capturing in MSI Afterburner everyone btw.


VibratingDonkey said:
Thinking of attempting to join this igo2war person and stalk him a little. Capturing exploits and hacks on video can never hurt right?

Set up video capturing in MSI Afterburner everyone btw.

There is not point in this. The beta is completely open and free. All hackers are using a throwaway email account to play, there is no risk to anyone hacking of actually losing anything. That along with no anti-cheat is why there are so many hackers.

The M.O.B

They need to give bonuses for people who stick around to defend. Even when there are no enemies around.

I can't even count the amount of times a group of people will cap a point and then leave only to have the enemy come in 10 seconds later and take it back. STICK AROUND SOME!

And then when you defend and no enemies come around, the game gives you nothing while your teammates are off racking up points elsewhere. This wouldn't be such a problem if there wasn't this XP leveling up BS that makes everyone go where the points are instead of doing what wins.


The M.O.B said:
They need to give bonuses for people who stick around to defend. Even when there are no enemies around.

I can't even count the amount of times a group of people will cap a point and then leave only to have the enemy come in 10 seconds later and take it back. STICK AROUND SOME!

And then when you defend and no enemies come around, the game gives you nothing while your teammates are off racking up points elsewhere. This wouldn't be such a problem if there wasn't this XP leveling up BS that makes everyone go where the points are instead of doing what wins.
it has been this way since 1942
soulassssns said:
way to many hackers playing BF3.

Take a look at these fools accounts on battlelog.



125 pages long and growing.

It's an open beta. It's free, quick and easy to make an account, and there's no investment in an Origin account. Oh, and no one is being banned. I'm surprised there isn't a cheater in every server, it's pretty much risk free.

Alot will dry up in retail, and hopefully server admins will blacklist the rest.

The M.O.B

vaelic said:
it has been this way since 1942

But 1942 didn't have all of this leveling up and having to unlock basic crap, since they added experience points and such, they should at least use this to encourage players to play the right way. Instead they only further encourage players to just go for kills/caps.


I'm going to have a few weeks after this beta to prepare my PC for retail. As it stands now, I can't play too many matches consecutively without turning the room into a sauna. I have bad memories of saunas so it's traumatizing at the same time. :p

This is the only game I really care about now. Other games will be a nice change of pace, but BF3 is my bread and butter.
I H8 Memes said:
Hackers have shown up in every Caspian server I've played in over the last hour.
i dont understand the logic behind such juvenile actions.
demolitio said:
I'm going to have a few weeks after this beta to prepare my PC for retail. As it stands now, I can't play too many matches consecutively without turning the room into a sauna. I have bad memories of saunas so it's traumatizing at the same time. :p

This is the only game I really care about now. Other games will be a nice change of pace, but BF3 is my bread and butter.
should consider a nicer cpu cooler, as well as some more fans for airflow


i've been begging for over 5 years.
This is going to be an unbearable 15 days till release. Caspian has really made me remember how hyped I am about this game.

It's a shame they didn't show off CB in the console beta. I'm willing to bet that if they did Dice could have picked up some more console sales. Anecdotal but the couple of friends I have that are new to the battlefield series saw this beta (Operation Metro) as a bigger and more buggy COD. If they would have put out Caspian with all it's vehicles and jets the perception may have been different.

Ah well. I know I'll be enjoying the game. Gonna go PC first then buy on console later on if/when the price drops or GOTY edition.


The M.O.B said:
They need to give bonuses for people who stick around to defend. Even when there are no enemies around.

I can't even count the amount of times a group of people will cap a point and then leave only to have the enemy come in 10 seconds later and take it back. STICK AROUND SOME!

And then when you defend and no enemies come around, the game gives you nothing while your teammates are off racking up points elsewhere. This wouldn't be such a problem if there wasn't this XP leveling up BS that makes everyone go where the points are instead of doing what wins.

Someone needs to do that for the entire genre TBH, shooters are horrible at this.


Mr Nightman said:
should consider a nicer cpu cooler, as well as some more fans for airflow
I was told I couldn't add more fans since there's little room left and I'm guessing the liquid cooling I have is doing a decent job since that temperature is low. I think a new case will probably be the best answer for temps but it'd have to be a decent one for cheap. I'm just worried about screwing up more parts by getting so hot. My 4850 (stock fan sucked) pretty much screwed everything up and I got a 5770 since it was a cheap replacement and I convinced myself to get an actual fan for that one instead of trusting stock, lol.

I'm trying to get a gameplan in place where I can get a GPU (6870 for $139.99) around my birthday and then a mobo and CPU combo at Christmas since prices have come down and then I'll be good. I want BF3 to last a while for me while hopefully having an upgraded PC by the time disability comes through sometime next year.

I was pretty content with what I had but Caspian has me drooling, lol.


but ever so delicious
It's a shame you can't fly the mav with someone on. You can go straight up with someone on but as soon as you start to fly towards something, They end up falling off.
Ice Raven said:
i dont understand the logic behind such juvenile actions.

I believe one of the largest threads on Battlelog is the report cheaters thread.

I seriously hope DICE gets a handle on this crap.

Kueef is a hack loser as well.


Remember that DICE has said they haven't revealed their full anti-cheat system yet so the hackers don't know what's coming. I'm sure they'll get around that too, but I don't think it will be easy as it is now.
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