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Battlefield 3 Beta: Info and Meetups [Over]

Discotheque said:
the unlock system is one of the worst things to ever occur this gen for mp games. I can't believe I'm saying this but I'd be willing to drop 10 bucks to unlock everything, sick of this bullshit in shooters.

It's fine in rpgs and stuff but this is ridiculous. Not to mention you only unlock for one team.


I hate DLC, nickel and diming etc. and I would never even pay $0.01 for stuff I can unlock for free but in MP games... I can see how someone, even me, could just say "fuck this" and pay upfront having everything unlocked.

Fuck this rotten unlock system.


Kahoona said:
Actually, mines take the place of the repair tool so you could have the Stinger and mines at the same time.
I know, but I was talking about having a tracer dart and a rocket launcher that locks on to the tracer so basically it's able to destroy anything. But with the launchers, you have to choose air or ground basically and mines don't change that much because it doesn't compare to having a portable launcher to use. Not to mention losing the repair tool sucks unless you're an infantry only guy.

Special J

you guys get texture pop in caspian when you fight one one side of the map then die and quick spawn on the other side? its forgivable but wonder if anyone else has seen this.

1. so some of the stupid things i've seen so far... jeep+c4 nukes to insta kill tanks,

2. the complete impossibility of ever leveling jet after first day of beta. they really need to have better jet progression

3. stupid little indestructible map doodads that cause your tank to flip or get stuck permanently
Caspian Border is so damn good. Can't get tired of the map. I played a few rounds with 32 players yesterday and even though 64 players give you that epic battlefield feel with 32 players it becomes a little more tactical and the flags (yes I still call them that) do not change as frequently. So while the chaos of 64 people is nice, mixing it up with 32 players can be helpful especially when you're new to the series or you find the chaos a bit too much.
Special J said:
you guys get texture pop in caspian when you fight one one side of the map then die and quick spawn on the other side? its forgivable but wonder if anyone else has seen this.
If you mean the second after spawning with the terrain textures loading yes, but this lasts for maybe a second so it's not a big issue in my opinion.

Special J

Gen.Grievous said:
If you mean the second after spawning with the terrain textures loading yes, but this lasts for maybe a second so it's not a big issue in my opinion.

ya its short but its like one base color so its quite jarring.

Dmax3901 said:
And that's a wrap.

fuck i shoulda at least screenshotted my stats :<


was fun just got done uninstalling origin, bf3 beta, battlelog web plugin... so much crap EA makes you install :<


Barely played Caspian on the ground, haha.

Maxed out the jets with at least 300 kills and countless disables/destroys.

Oh, baby, am I going to be in a hurry to unlock those air-to-ground missiles when the real thing hits!

Special J

Pennybags said:
Barely played Caspian on the ground, haha.

Maxed out the jets with at least 300 kills and countless disables/destroys.

Oh, baby, am I going to be in a hurry to unlock those air-to-ground missiles when the real thing hits!

how do you control the jet? its so unwieldy. are there some secret keybinds to make it better?


StoppedInTracks said:

I hate DLC, nickel and diming etc. and I would never even pay $0.01 for stuff I can unlock for free but in MP games... I can see how someone, even me, could just say "fuck this" and pay upfront having everything unlocked.

Fuck this rotten unlock system.

Judging from BC2, DICE is more than willing to take your money for excactly that ;)


Special J said:
how do you control the jet? its so unwieldy. are there some secret keybinds to make it better?

Had problems with joystick config (Cyborg X), so I played with a 360 wireless pad.

From experience (lol), I'd say that leveling up the jets when others have the unlocks isn't that impossible. The first two levels to get flares might be difficult, I suppose, but the machine gun kills enemies just fine. You don't need fancy heatseekers. I managed just fine with only my guided missiles for sardine cans and bullets for birdies.


OdysseusVA said:

I'm already having withdrawls. Back to 1943 until launch...

Funny that you say that— flying with a 360 controller feels much as it does in 1943, except that it is very difficult in BF3 to kill infantry with the MG.


Had a lot of fun today with my jihad jeep (C4 stuck on jeeps) while trying to ram it into tanks, hilarious stuff. Got some awesome footage, definitely gonna make a little compilation.

Oh well, back to BF 2 for 2 weeks.
Pennybags said:
Funny that you say that— flying with a 360 controller feels much as it does in 1943, except that it is very difficult in BF3 to kill infantry with the MG.

Great to hear! I'll be master of the skies in no time :D


OdysseusVA said:
Great to hear! I'll be master of the skies in no time :D

I would love to see how exactly how much of an advantage I'd be at if I were to play the 360 version right at launch with all my flight time.
Now that the beta is over, there shouldn't be any reason why I should still have it installed on Origin, right? Just want to make sure in case the battlelog itself from the beta carries over to the complete game

DSN2K said:
back to BC2...

Same for me. Have to take care of a few things before I drop the game


To be honest, being in platoon now was useless...for console player - don't know how it was on pc.
I will add neogaf platoon the day battlelog will be online again.
HotHamWater said:
Some decent helicopter play here.

You know you've played alot of BF when that first scene makes your buttchecks pucker.

Also, what are the odds of us getting a new BF theme?
Some good runs, some bad ones. Any decent tanker would have dropped him from the sky in a lot of those approaches. The trick is to stay above the maximum elevation of the gun barrel. Sadly the helicopter wasn't very fast or manoeuvrable in the beta.

Out of all the Battlefield games the best helicopter controls/physics can still be found in Desert Combat. It is a mod for Battlefield 1942, a game that didn't even have helicopters. They were very fast and very manoeuvrable but it took a long time to master them.


leng jai said:
Its disgusting how many fuckers spend over half the match prone in conquest.

Glad I didn't experience this. In fact Conquest gave me the same enjoyment I feel while playing Bad Company 2 Conquest and Rush. This is what they should have demo beta'd first. Still glitches though. Targeting of fighters and choppers with the stinger doesn't always work for example. Or you'll hear the locking on sound even if you aren't targeting anything. Playing that class in conquest made all the difference to me since I normally playing an engineer in BFBC2. Everyone on the servers I tried seemed to be playing the game as it should be played. Was really interesting to watch some players dog fight in the sky though. That was first for me.

Still going to be waiting for the price drop though and then I might pick up the PS3 version. Done playing games like this on my PC. It's becoming my RTS/TBS machine from this point on as I don't want to have to upgrade this thing again or having something push it so hard something fails.


Reading some previews they talk about a superior Pc version (nothing new) but for the first time it seems that PS3 version is going to be better than X360's.
Is it confirmed?

Is the "texture stuff" (related to the X360 installation) going to fix this problem giving us a console version that is the same for both the systems?

Thanks. :/


The first mp map I'll check out at release will probably be firestorm, [obligatory snow conquest map] or a Caspian revisit.


Snowballo said:
Reading some previews they talk about a superior Pc version (nothing new) but for the first time it seems that PS3 version is going to be better than X360's.
Is it confirmed?

Is the "texture stuff" (related to the X360 installation) going to fix this problem giving us a console version that is the same for both the systems?

Thanks. :/

What? Judging from the beta the 360 and PS3 versions were almost identical. Like almost every other 3rd party game out there each had their own small strengths but they were basically identical. The texture stuff install is also present in the PS3 version.

From IGN.
Battlefield 3 Gets a High Res Installation Option
Both the Xbox 360 and PS3 versions are confirmed to have installation options for high-resolution textures.

"Battlefield 3 for Xbox 360 ships on two disks with endless hours of spectacular high-definition gameplay; disk one features the stunning multiplayer, co-op levels and HD installation content, and disk two features the superb single-player campaign."

Additionally, we asked EA whether or not the game would offer the same feature for PS3 owners, and fortunately this seems to be the case. "The PS3 version requires the same install but it's all on the one blu-ray disk," a spokesperson for the company confirmed.
Flying a plane isn't that hard. It's about on par with flying planes in Ace Combat. The fact that the Y axis was configured upside down, really screwed with my attempts to get a real hang of it. And I missed a free moving cockpit camera. I guess it's the external cam for peripheral vision then.


Last night when playing my jet/heli controls didn't work at all with my mouse. It was like the mouse sensitivity in vehicles was extremely low. I could not bank or do much of anything.

I was going to try to find a fix tonight but now the beta is closed. Does anyone recall if there is a specific mouse sensitivity for vehicles?


After playing a decent amount of the beta I think my sweet spot for maps that I enjoy will be a large scale Rush map with all the various vehicles. I really hope several maps of that variety exist.

Conquest is fun, but I seem to enjoy the more focused conflict of Rush a lot more. Conquest matches with random people involve a bit too much running between checkpoints only to get shot by a guy hiding in the bushes for my taste.


PjotrStroganov said:
Flying a plane isn't that hard. It's about on par with flying planes in Ace Combat. The fact that the Y axis was configured upside down, really screwed with my attempts to get a real hang of it. And I missed a free moving cockpit camera. I guess it's the external cam for peripheral vision then.

Right-Click + mouse movement = Free Cockpit view


My problem was losing my tail in a dog fight. I could never lose them. As soon as I had some one on me they were glued. The only chanc i would have it to stall in the top of the map.


georgc said:
My problem was losing my tail in a dog fight. I could never lose them. As soon as I had some one on me they were glued. The only chanc i would have it to stall in the top of the map.
hit the brakes, they'll fly right by


Will there be a way for ground troops to laser tag ground units like tanks and have a buddy jet pilot take them off?

what I want is a stronger connection with air support, requesting jets and heli's to your location by tagging tanks and other types of armor with a laser.

How cool would it be to sit in a squad and being pinned down by a tank, shoot off an RPG at the tank (to distract it) while having one squad mate flank the tank and tag it with a laser while waiting for a jet to pick up on it and pop a laser guided missile your way.


PjotrStroganov said:
I don't use the mouse to fly;)

But I guess I could try and map the look function to the right stick in the final game.

Neither do i. I just use the external view for situation awareness.

I really hope there is a way to map the views with a combination of buttons.

Like Right trigger + right stick for free view.

Some good helicopter and jet videos on the last page!

Menelaus said:
hit the brakes, they'll fly right by

Yup, brakes + turn or brakes + pull up. Also slow right down for dogfights for better aiming.
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