oops wrong version
play the game. i've done it several times during the regular course of play.What's the idea behind getting a vehicle kill with the explosive bolt, Faceless. Surprise them as a team and pray you get the kill? Or what?
that works too!you wait for a teammate to C4 a tank and then HE bolt the C4. Killing your teammate and getting the destroy.
Lost more than I won (due to stupid randoms and LOL WHAT'S A KIT ITEM!? *doesn't throw it out!*), but it's good to be "back"(? hopefully) and getting a positive KDR with no bullshit latency issue getting in my way. I knew I couldn't be that rusty.
But on the negative side I gotta spray a lot more in CQC since I'm not as sharp with ADS as I used to be.![]()
I have not noticed any kind of increased latency as of late.Just downloaded the new maps.... What the fuck is going on with the lag? It's literally unplayable for me. It wasn't this bad before.
To put it in perspective, the ping bar is full and while playing any other game I can stream videos just fine... (not that I do all the time. Just proof that my connection can handle the bandwidth).
Does anyone have (or know where to find) some top down pics of the various maps (like the mini-map)? I'm after Caspian Border in particular but it would be great to have them all.
Perfect! Thanks for that.
Top down views for all vanilla BF3 maps on all specific game modes.
As far as I know there are no top down views of the maps made available by any of the DLC expansions. Dice never bothered making then.
But you can find top down views of the B2K maps by searching for the original BF2 maps on google. There are differences between the versions but the basic layout is the same.
Edit: You can find the B2K maps on the site I linked, but there are no Close Quarters, Armored Kill or Aftermath maps unfortunately.
Dice should make those maps available for Premium members instead of giving us shitty videos and useless "guides".
Kharg Island Conquest, game starts
I take the jet, get off to take C, then go to take B.
This Growler from OUR team comes to B, bails out and roadkills me and teabags me.
He then proceeds to attempt the same shit throughout the rest of the round.
He tries to kill me again, misses, I get on the Growler and he jumps as the passenger (probably to take over the wheel after I'm done driving it).
I drive to A flag, full speed towards the gas tank, I bail out...he then realizes what I"m trying to do, bails out but it's too late for him, the explosion from the gas tank gets him.
Boa and I proceed the teabag him.
Oh, you're playing right now? I'm gonna shave and then hop on after letting the PS3 cool down a bit. I'll probably play 1-4 rounds depending on long they take if you want to play some Rush with me in a little bit. I dunno if my connection will hold, but it's been solid today after they fixed the degrade issue after they fixed it Tuesday so... *knock on wood* my nightmare maybe over.
How much am I missing out on by not having Battlefield Premium or any of the map packs? Do they make the game any better than the base game?
Feel like I've only got half a game with all the expansion packs they came out with.
It's weird coming back to this game after not playing it for a while. The whole package just feels like a bit of a mess. This game is pretty damn ugly (multiplayer at least) on the 360, Jets feel awkward using a pad, and the game itself really doesn't feel like it belongs on a console IMO. It's just weird to me. I loved and played the shit out of Bad Company 2 on the 360 and I still think BC2 feels like a much better game overall.
Kharg Island Conquest, game starts
I take the jet, get off to take C, then go to take B.
This Growler from OUR team comes to B, bails out and roadkills me and teabags me.
He then proceeds to attempt the same shit throughout the rest of the round.
He tries to kill me again, misses, I get on the Growler and he jumps as the passenger (probably to take over the wheel after I'm done driving it).
I drive to A flag, full speed towards the gas tank, I bail out...he then realizes what I"m trying to do, bails out but it's too late for him, the explosion from the gas tank gets him.
Boa and I proceed the teabag him.
Kharg Island Conquest, game starts
I take the jet, get off to take C, then go to take B.
This Growler from OUR team comes to B, bails out and roadkills me and teabags me.
He then proceeds to attempt the same shit throughout the rest of the round.
He tries to kill me again, misses, I get on the Growler and he jumps as the passenger (probably to take over the wheel after I'm done driving it).
I drive to A flag, full speed towards the gas tank, I bail out...he then realizes what I"m trying to do, bails out but it's too late for him, the explosion from the gas tank gets him.
Boa and I proceed the teabag him.
you won't believe how many lurkers GAF Battlefield threads have!
you should still be banned
That was brilliant! He probably jumped into the passenger seat so you couldn't roadkill him back, he didn't count on the gas tank though lol! I think I had just joined you for that round, was there an ongoing beef between you and him in the previous rounds or was he just fucking with anyone he could? Did you hear him later in that round? He joined our squad and was talking shit for a few minutes, I didn't have my mic on but I could hear him through the TV.
Ugh, lost more than I won. I really want to come back Faceless. ;___; Trying to win by myself is futile when half the team won't put beacons down or at least attempt to DEFEND the tank.
When Fersis and Olimpia joined we won like 1-2 and then lost like 1-3 of the games. Ugh.
I'll be playing tomorrow if you guys want to play at like 6:30PM or so until like 9:30-10PM.
We really gotta turn that losing streak around. Makes me feel bad and angry. I know I'm better than that shit. :|
The switch teams option is very nice when playing solo.
I'm glad most people are not having issues with control lag anymore, but I'm one of the few who seems to have the problem worsened by the latest patch...
The last patch really screwed up the framerate for me (PS3 version). It's an absolute mess now. I checked EA's forum and it seems that I'm not alone, yet it runs fine for some. I don't understand why. It was never like this before.
U mean the battlelog forum?
I miss the old UK forum for BF, where did all those guys go? Battlelog?
I bought the game on the 360 new, got online pass and B2K for free. Only DLC I've bought is Close Quarters. But I need space. I have downloaded Multiplayer Updates 1-4, but not 5. My roommate only needed to download Multiplayer Update 4 to play online when he bought the game recently. Can I delete all the old updates, download JUST Multiplayer Update 4 and then the B2K DLC again(without having to pay for it)? I'm trying to get Close Quarters off the harddrive for now, basically. It'll save me 2GB's.
i was saying in my head "any second, they're gonna overrun us", but it never happened. every time they got some people thru they got killed.That Op Metro defense was beautiful. Get got B right away and never let go until the end despite the other team having better players.
That Op Metro defense was beautiful. Get got B right away and never let go until the end despite the other team having better players.
Even if I never actually bought B2K? Its not in my download/purchase history or anything. I'm scared if delete all the multiplayer updates, it'll make me purchase B2K to play it, even though I got it free with the Limited Edition.Multiplayer Update 5
Title Update - 183mb
Are the only things you need to play (plus your DLC). You can re-download B2K from the in-game store.
Even if I never actually bought B2K? Its not in my download/purchase history or anything. I'm scared if delete all the multiplayer updates, it'll make me purchase B2K to play it, even though I got it free with the Limited Edition.
If you got it for free, you own it. No matter what. You aren't going to have to rebuy it since the map pack was included with your limited edition online pass. You're safe.
Even if I never actually bought B2K? Its not in my download/purchase history or anything. I'm scared if delete all the multiplayer updates, it'll make me purchase B2K to play it, even though I got it free with the Limited Edition.
Cool. This'll free up some much needed room.
Thanks guys.
EDIT: Ok one more question - do I need the Rent-A-Server DLC? I dont buy my own servers or anything.
Did something happen where Battlelog doesn't show your kills/revives/heals/spots for your equipment?
Don't delete the Online Pass (tied to B2K) download in Storage. If you did it should be available in your download history.
Not needed.