Any tips on getting some kills with the DPV jeep? I'm missing 3 to unlock the MK3A1 shotgun, and I'm having a hard time trying to get then.
Is it a good weapon? I'm getting tired of the USAS...
I was never a shotgun guy, but I grew tired of getting killed with it (and frag rounds), so I decided to counter troll using it. The thing's quite fun using frags! So I'm willing to try different shotguns now!
I obliterate usas and the like with the famas and m4a1 easily. I will never stoop to their level!
The MASS is better imo against auto-shotguns in CQC.
Just run people over or next time park somewhere where you have a great vantage point and kill as many as you can with MG until you're dropped with a rpg.