24 hour blackout is a joke. they should blackout until there's a real answer.
This. 24 hours is a complete joke. What message is that going to send? You want DICE to fix this?
Yell at Demize to stop being a fake Sweede and start being a proper American that he is and call everyone on the team dumbasses and be a jerk since
they don't play as jerks in development and that's why half the shit in the game is completely broken or allowed.
It's mind boggling how the FAMAS was allowed into the game with it's "real" Rate of Fire with no damage nerf to compensate for that. Oh, you get a long reload during that. But who gives a shit when you're spitting out hot death per five enemies coming at you? Oh and you slap a flashlight on to where you pretty much pressed the "I WIN!" button and slap a IRNV scope on and can light enemies up from across the map (before this was nerfed, which it needed) or have to pretty much have one-two engineers in a helicopter to keep it alive/go toe-to-toe with the mobile anti-air and you need five people to take said helicopter out on the other end of that situation.
There's so many things that need fixing, along with the stupid INPUT LAG that the PS3 version has. It's hilarious. BC2 was amazing. I like BF3 and I like
some of the design decisions (like no damage around the crates in Rush to promote... *gasp* attacking!) but the bullshit far outclasses it.
It's why I haven't played in weeks and why I've gone full steam ahead into leveling to 80 in CoD8 while tanking my KDR there because I can't give two fucks about my KDR there.
That said: Popping BC1 at times as well is a night and day difference in how far DICE has come. BC2 really shows improvements and BF3 takes those improvements and tweaks them better/worse.