Thankfully that's getting patched out. Eventually. Maybe.I love that I can dominate the other teams Scout Helos on Canals with a MAV.
So the Tunguska has now become a complete rape machine?
Got nailed constantly on the attacking team, by it and couldn't even cross the water. On the next round, I decided to try the same. Not even used it before.
Ended up doing 25 kills, and took out 5 or 6 vehicles in 1 round.
Unless the entire enemy team focuses on killing you, you're pretty much guaranteed MVP if you keep the Tunguska lol. And it drives me nuts when people play super conservative in the thing because they're afraid of losing it and it ends up screwing the team over.
I should be able to attend the BC2 Rush & Conquest nights.
Thanks for the invite!
I would do BF1943, but I didn't DL it yet and I have like less than 2GB left in my month's worth of bandwidth.![]()
great game, how is the sony official wireless headset for this game?
If you ever decide to have a BC2 night during the weekdays, I'd love to join as I'm not available during the weekends.So, what we have so far:
Unless the entire enemy team focuses on killing you, you're pretty much guaranteed MVP if you keep the Tunguska lol. And it drives me nuts when people play super conservative in the thing because they're afraid of losing it and it ends up screwing the team over.
Anyone know how this happened? I unlocked the l85 something something assault rifle (the 2nd assault rifle for medic class that comes with B2K) and straight away I had one unlock for a it... a 12x ballistic sniper rifle. I check battlelog and it doesn't say theres such an unlock.. LOL guess I got 12x on my assault rifel!
All of the unlockable weapons for Karkand start off with a 12x scope except for the snipers. I am guessing that people were complaining that they didn't start you out with a scope so DICE said "here you go, quit your bitching."
All of the unlockable weapons for Karkand start off with a 12x scope except for the snipers. I am guessing that people were complaining that they didn't start you out with a scope so DICE said "here you go, quit your bitching."
If I could make one dollar for every freeze and disconnect I get I'd be a millionare.
If I could make one dollar for every freeze and disconnect I get I'd be a millionare.
If I could make one dollar for every freeze and disconnect I get I'd be a millionare.
I've had a few server issues where I lose connection to the EA servers, but thats rare. Never had it freeze. Playing on 360, by the way.
squad joins game... down 150 tickets... 60 tickets left.
Lucky you. I'm starting to think the problem is my PS3. I lose connection literally every 2 or 3 games and it's really annoying because whenever I try to join the game back the server gets full. I don't think my internet connection has any problems since I play a lot of 3DS online and never had any issues.
Not to mention the other team held all flags and our team was being spawn camped. Then we join, get a flank, our team magically grows balls and we get all flags captured. I really didn't think we were going to win that match.
It seems like every time I'm in a game with you, you lose connection or get booted. It really sucks, more so in the close matches.
I know! I always get kicked out during the most important and intense matches. To top it all when I try to rejoin I ALWAYS get the "server is full" message. And even worse, I'm always set to an EA server which doesn't have a queue list so I have to X like a madman if I want to rejoin.
really sounding like your internet is the problem if other ppl are fine. Check your router settings and try another ps3 game online and see what happens.
Ran into two dudes last night on xbox with 27 and 55 service stars on the USAS. Unbelievably vile.
I feel guilty enough using the FAMAS sometimes.Can't see how its fun playing a game on super easy mode.
I love Battlefield but I have been out of gaming for about 6 months now. Will be finally picking up BF3 on the 360 in April at some point.
After a few months after release, what are the overall thoughts? A bit more balanced now in terms of classes and weapons? How are the maps and was the DLC worth it? Did they ever think about 32player matches for console? Is there still a 360 community playing?
Cheers all!
39/2 on Caspian defense in a jet? 9k pts?
I was wondering what happened to you in Karkand.
I was also a dick and switched teams that last round because 1) OH BOY YOU IN A JET and 2) Bo switched as well and 3) I kinda wanted to attempt to get jet unlock points.
But my 20 points I earned spotting (I can't handle the speed of the jets) were earned in engineer. SMH DICE.
The USAS abuse is too funny. Literally 70% of the times I die is because of the USAS with frags!