Battlefield 3 |OT| My Body is Advised

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I unlocked the QBB-95 with just two mortar kills. Both on Strike at Karkand, on a ranked server, I finished the game, and appeared as MORTAR rather than KILLED in the killfeed.

Odd that it doesn't seem to register for some. Possibly a battlelog error in the same vein as the missing stats for some matches?

I believe so in that different guns firing the same bullet have different muzzle velocities. From the data tables that got decrypted different bullets have different gravity values. Most are the real world 9.8 but some of the sniper rounds are higher to exagerate the drop. My understanding is the only attributes that influence drop are gravity and muzzle velocity. The silencer decreases velocity so it increases the drop with range. Different guns have different muzzle speeds as well. The only difference between the EBR and the Mod11 and SVD is that its bullet is slightly faster IIRC.

In the real world a sniper rifle would have less bullet drop than an assault rifle for a given range as they tend to have a higher muzzle velocity and fire a heavier bullet which maintains its speed longer. So the ammount of drop will be the same for the time of flight but the sniper bullet has covered a much larger distance in that time.

In the game damage isn't linked to speed + bullet mass it is only linked to distance from the gun with silencers reducing the range to min damage.

Now I could be totally wrong. I'm going off a chart I saw a week or so ago which I can't find anymore...


They've gotta up the amount of damage a smaw/rpg does... It's way too low. I guess it stops it from being abused, but there's no way you should be able to survive a shot directly to the chest.


I can't for the life of me figure out why these clowns who sit back in the base and snipe all game even play BF. Seriously, a 30 minute game, in the same obscure spot, usually with a 2-3 K/D and 500 points. There are no words...
If the rocket hit the chest and he didn't die, that's lag. They're planning on reducing rocket splash damage to infantry and reducing the ammo count by 1, as it is.

Also, fuck my connection for constantly disconnecting me from XBL AND any server I try on PC. Gonna test new ethernet cables tomorrow (mine are hella old) and call my provider. I AM BOTH MAD AND JELLY


If the rocket hit the chest and he didn't die, that's lag. They're planning on reducing rocket splash damage to infantry and reducing the ammo count by 1, as it is.

Also, fuck my connection for constantly disconnecting me from XBL AND any server I try on PC. Gonna test new ethernet cables tomorrow (mine are hella old) and call my provider. I AM BOTH MAD AND JELLY


At least I'm almost done with this assignment.


omg, it's so hard to get suppression assists :/



At least I'm almost done with this assignment.


omg, it's so hard to get suppression assists :/

I got 14 in the time it took me to get the 100 LMG kills. I guess I'm just too efficient with my shooting and need to spray more.


I can't for the life of me figure out why these clowns who sit back in the base and snipe all game even play BF. Seriously, a 30 minute game, in the same obscure spot, usually with a 2-3 K/D and 500 points. There are no words...

High K/D means you're a good player, what's not to understand?

I hate how those idiots ruin the game

Wait, do you mean 2 kills 3 deaths? I thought you meant having a K/D betweet 2 and 3.

Why...wha..h.. That's even worse lol
RPG is so underpowered against infantry. I get that it shouldn't have a HUGE splash damage as that's not fun, but at the moment the rocket launcher is so useless against infantry it's almost laughable. If I get within 2/3ft of someone with an RPG they should die, simple as.


Trucker Sexologist
RPG is so underpowered against infantry. I get that it shouldn't have a HUGE splash damage as that's not fun, but at the moment the rocket launcher is so useless against infantry it's almost laughable. If I get within 2/3ft of someone with an RPG they should die, simple as.
Infantry splash damage on the RPG is kind of a Bad Company thing. I don't think the mainline BF franchise titles had it for balance reasons.


Blinded by the luminous glory that is David Bowie's physical manifestation.
Infantry splash damage on the RPG is kind of a Bad Company thing. I don't think the mainline BF franchise titles had it for balance reasons.

Shouldn't even need to spam rockets in the first place. :/
I was kinda pissed last night driving a tank and blasting an enemy who was prone about eight feet in front of me ... he was protected by the ground geometry. Took three shots: one at, one above, one blow - nothing. I would expect the tank to blow a hole in the earth, instead I don't think he was even injured.
So me and this other jet are flying directly towards each other and firing our main cannons. The other dude headshots me and my plane slowly falls to the ground.

What. The. Fuck.

Why the fuck aren't player health and vehicle health separated? Never mind that the shot was nothing but fucking luck, why the hell doesn't my jet take all of the damage incurred during a dogfight? Fucking DICE are amateur game designers.

It's fucking stupid that Gulf of Oman Conquest is imbalances from the get-go. Hey let's give one team 25 more tickets even though they both start with two cap points!


Reminds me of a moment on Wake Island when I was piloting the attack chopper. I was getting chased by a stinger and it took out my gunner, but myself and the chopper were just fine. I thought my gunner got sniped, but nope, it was a stinger.
I can't for the life of me figure out why these clowns who sit back in the base and snipe all game even play BF. Seriously, a 30 minute game, in the same obscure spot, usually with a 2-3 K/D and 500 points. There are no words...

i guess you never saw that movie and don't want to be AWESOME

High K/D means you're a good player, what's not to understand?

I hate how those idiots ruin the game

Wait, do you mean 2 kills 3 deaths? I thought you meant having a K/D betweet 2 and 3.

Why...wha..h.. That's even worse lol
well, if they have 500 points, how many kills do you think they had? :p

Reminds me of a moment on Wake Island when I was piloting the attack chopper. I was getting chased by a stinger and it took out my gunner, but myself and the chopper were just fine. I thought my gunner got sniped, but nope, it was a stinger.
i've been on both ends of that a few times. killed just the gunner with a stinger, and been killed by a stinger but the chopper survives.


So me and this other jet are flying directly towards each other and firing our main cannons. The other dude headshots me and my plane slowly falls to the ground.

What. The. Fuck.

Why the fuck aren't player health and vehicle health separated? Never mind that the shot was nothing but fucking luck, why the hell doesn't my jet take all of the damage incurred during a dogfight? Fucking DICE are amateur game designers.

It's fucking stupid that Gulf of Oman Conquest is imbalances from the get-go. Hey let's give one team 25 more tickets even though they both start with two cap points!

How would I snipe you out of a jet if you had it your way?


Official GAF Bottom Feeder
RPG is so underpowered against infantry. I get that it shouldn't have a HUGE splash damage as that's not fun, but at the moment the rocket launcher is so useless against infantry it's almost laughable. If I get within 2/3ft of someone with an RPG they should die, simple as.

It's not designed as an anti infantry weapon, they exist solely as a vehicle counter. You have a gun for a reason, use it.


So me and this other jet are flying directly towards each other and firing our main cannons. The other dude headshots me and my plane slowly falls to the ground.

What. The. Fuck.

Why the fuck aren't player health and vehicle health separated? Never mind that the shot was nothing but fucking luck, why the hell doesn't my jet take all of the damage incurred during a dogfight? Fucking DICE are amateur game designers.

LOL is this a real complaint? He shoot you through your window. Sniping people in their air vehicles is one of the greatest joys in this game.


Blinded by the luminous glory that is David Bowie's physical manifestation.
LOL is this a real complaint? He shoot you through your window. Sniping people in their air vehicles is one of the greatest joys in this game.

Seriously, dude got lucky. You should applaud him. Sniping people like that is crazy luck at times.


LOL is this a real complaint? He shoot you through your window. Sniping people in their air vehicles is one of the greatest joys in this game.

Agreed. I love lucky moments. I threw C4 from a helicopter and it actually landed on a jet flying by. Didn't realize it attached to the jet until I pulled the trigger. I'm sure the pilot had a wtf moment when he saw that he was killed with C4 in the middle of the sky.


Agreed. I love lucky moments. I threw C4 from a helicopter and it actually landed on a jet flying by. Didn't realize it attached to the jet until I pulled the trigger. I'm sure the pilot had a wtf moment when he saw that he was killed with C4 in the middle of the sky.
This would be fucking amazing to see. :lol


Bad design DICE strikes again. Everything is perma painted by Soflam, now almost impossible to counter flares and the random Javelin.

Choppers are close to useless. Lets not talk about planes.


I've done nothing with my life except eat and fap
Oman is a turd.

Wake/Sharqi are pretty eh.

Karkand is good, as it always was. Kharg still top in my book.

this is so wrong that I can't find any pic which could show HOW wrong it is.

Bad design DICE strikes again. Everything is perma painted by Soflam, now almost impossible to counter flares and the random Javelin.

Choppers are close to useless. Lets not talk about planes.

I'm owned badly by choppers on new maps.


°Temp. member
After talking to three different chat reps about not being able to play online, I decide to try one more time. The 4th guy changes something in less than a minute and then I'm finally able to connect. If it wasn't 2am I'd get in a few gaf matches.


Did they get rid of the Tank unlock that allowed you to have a 3rd crew member doing ECM officer duty?

CITV station upgrade.

never mind. Battlelog bug apparently.


I finally manage to run somebody over with a DPV on Oman and they take no damage. Think that "ASSignment" will be put on hold.


I'm up to 3 SQDM wins by doing most of the work myself. I really need some solid squadmates so I can get this stupid thing over with and use my pretty L85 once and for all.
Well I gave the new maps a shot yesterday, and I gotta say meh... (360 version btw)

Karkand and Sharqi are fun as usual, the added hallways and interiors make some parts more interesting, but I don't know if it's for the better.

By far the worst crime in this new DLC is Wake Island. It's an abomination. Aside from the asstastic contrast and lightning the map has been butchered by only having 3 cap points.

Overall, the contrast and lightning in these maps seems horribly overdone. At times in Sharqi the map looks like someone sprayed coaldust on every surface.

I'm still uncertain about Oman, the 4 bases layout seems weird and the action feels very very disjointed.

I hope I can give this another spin tonight, otherwise I'm going to sell the game for good.

I thought maybe the B2K would ignite that BF love in me, but so far nothing.
It's not designed as an anti infantry weapon, they exist solely as a vehicle counter. You have a gun for a reason, use it.

Of course, but if I happen to have an RPG out for a vehicle and someone pops up in front of me and I get an almost direct hit (if not a direct hit) and they don't die it's fucking infuriating.
My biggest complaint with BF3 on 360 is servers just losing people and never repopulating. It's so depressing always playing either half-matches since you join a game that's already in progress or playing matches that are practically empty. Just trying to get into a match with my squad and having us on the same team and everything populated and starting from the beginning... well, is a headache to say the least.

A complete failure on DICE's part.


I'm determined to find that SQDM server now like it's a rare treasure buried among crap. Every server should be 2 kills to win just so we can all get our L85 and go back to forgetting that mode even exists. Hell, DICE made that assignment just so they could feel better about wasting time making a mode no one plays. But then again, they didn't waste too much time on it considering how large the maps are still and how bad the spawning is, so scratch that...


So i bought karkland from the battlelog site, and it ain't showing on my origin.. help

It doesn't show up as a game or anything in Origin. Check the main BattleLog page and look for a box on the left that says you own B2K. You already downloaded B2K in the last 4GB patch so you're all set.

Otherwise, just try joining a B2K server and see what happens.


When keepin it real goes wrong. Very, very wrong.
my box still says buy now lol

my battlefeed says

kentpaul12 now has access to Back to Karkand for Battlefield 3

Back to Karkand
4 reimagined Battlefield maps
Enhanced destruction
More weapons, more vehicles
New assignments, new dog tags

Man this fucking sucks :(


my box still says buy now lol

my battlefeed says

kentpaul12 now has access to Back to Karkand for Battlefield 3

Back to Karkand
4 reimagined Battlefield maps
Enhanced destruction
More weapons, more vehicles
New assignments, new dog tags

Man this fucking sucks :(

I'll try to look around and see if I can find a fix because I slightly recall hearing about it before.

The first thing that popped was a little obvious but sign out of BL and sign back in. lol

Edit: A lot of others having the same problem with EA support saying they're looking into it.


When keepin it real goes wrong. Very, very wrong.
I'll try to look around and see if I can find a fix because I slightly recall hearing about it before.

The first thing that popped was a little obvious but sign out of BL and sign back in. lol

Edit: A lot of others having the same problem with EA support saying they're looking into it.

Thank you very much your help, i bookmarked that page.. i got work soon hopefully it will be fixed when i'm home. I the mean time i'l just play the normal maps and a have a great time.
Bad design DICE strikes again. Everything is perma painted by Soflam, now almost impossible to counter flares and the random Javelin.

Choppers are close to useless. Lets not talk about planes.

Nah, things have changed now. The ECM is mandatory to survive and flares are largely useless as a result (except if your gunner has them). I rarely get shot down but again the skill requirement for helicopters has gone up and beginners without ECM are screwed. Perversely I have to admit I've actually enjoyed the increased challenge.
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