Battlefield 3 |OT| My Body is Advised

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Blinded by the luminous glory that is David Bowie's physical manifestation.
Okay, the QBU isn't bugged on vanilla maps, just like the MG36. On PS3, anyway. 360/PC apparently don't have these bugged?

Anyway, the QBU does have a little kick to it but it isn't as bad as that one person bitching about it thinks. It's an automatic rifle so it generally is able to spam where you were first hitting pretty quickly if you feather the trigger.
Everyone, rank the B2K maps!

1. Strike at Karkand
2. Wake Island
3. Sharqi Peninsula
4. Gulf of Oman

All Conquest, obviously.

That's not to say Oman is bad bad, it's better than all but two or three of the vanilla maps.
Everyone, rank the B2K maps!

1. Strike at Karkand
2. Wake Island
3. Sharqi Peninsula
4. Gulf of Oman

All Conquest, obviously.

That's not to say Oman is bad bad, it's better than all but two or three of the vanilla maps.

Said this a few pages back, but I'd have preferred Mashtuur or Dalian over Oman. True fact.


Trucker Sexologist
Yeah he captured at 60 and is playing back at 30. So you get 50% slomo without any interpolation. Need to find someone with a beastly rig that can do 120fps for 25% speed slomo.
You don't really need a beastly rig to get 120fps at 720p in BF3. I reckon you can do it with $300 worth of GPU.


will totally Facebook friend you! *giggle* *LOL*
1. Gulf of Oman
2. Stike at Karkand
3. Peninsula
4. Wake

The latter 2 I haven't played much on. I just love playing Oman most though because the Viper chopper is almost always available on the US side to pick up, fly right to a capture point in need of some help, CRASH THAT MOTHER FUCKER INTO A BUILDING, BAIL OUT, BLAST SOME DUDES ON SOME "WHAT THE FUCK SHIT" AND TAKE THAT FUCKING CAP POINT, MOTHER F YEA.
Everyone, rank the B2K maps!

1. Sharqi Peninsula
2. Wake Island
3. Strike at Karkand
4. Gulf of Oman

Sharqi Peninsula is the greatest map ever, why are u all rating it so low -.-

You don't really need a beastly rig to get 120fps at 720p in BF3. I reckon you can do it with $300 worth of GPU.

If you set everything on low maybe. A $300 GPU can't even run everything on Ultra let alone at 120fps.


Blinded by the luminous glory that is David Bowie's physical manifestation.
Everyone, rank the B2K maps!

1. Gulf of Oman
2. Sharqi Peninsula
3. Wake Island
4. Strike at Karkand

On Conquest/Rush/TDM, doesn't matter. Same order.

Wake being gimped is a damn shame. But Karkand not having interiors and being hollow buildings with long ladders to climb for snipers haven is fucking terrible and I wish I could remove this map from existence.


Oh man, finally played some Sharqi yesterday. The battle for point D (construction site) brings back soo much memories from BF2.
1. Karkand
1. Sharqi
3. Oman
4. Wake

Every time I've played on Wake it's been extremely one sided with a team getting basically contained to 1 or 2 points. Not that fun even if you're on the winning side.
1. Strike at Karkand
2. Gulf of Oman
3. Sharqi Peninsula
4. Wake Island

I've never been a huge fan of Wake Island personally, not sure why. I still don't mind playing it though, and it's better than most of the vanilla maps.


1. Oman
2. Wake
3. Karkand
4. Sharqi

Not too big on urban combat in Battlefield. Caspian Border is still my favorite map in the game even after the B2K expansion. Unfortunately it's the only vanilla BF3 map that feels like it had any thought put into it.


will totally Facebook friend you! *giggle* *LOL*
Wake needs another cap point or something. I feel like even spawning at the air base I gotta run a mile or 6 to get anywhere.


1. Sharqi
2. Karkand
3. Wake/Oman

Neither Wake or Oman hold a candle to Sharqi, and Karkand is better than both of them, but not Sharqi.


Blinded by the luminous glory that is David Bowie's physical manifestation.
Wake needs another cap point or something. I feel like even spawning at the air base I gotta run a mile or 6 to get anywhere.

s/another/two cap points in addition to the three



Man I hope they sell B2K at a Xmas discount or something...I don't know how I ended up paying full price for the game, and everyone else got a bundle with the addon.
Man I hope they sell B2K at a Xmas discount or something...I don't know how I ended up paying full price for the game, and everyone else got a bundle with the addon.

That's unfortunate. Those of us who preordered or bought in the first couple of weeks got the Limited Edition, while those who waited a month got it for 25-50% off. You got it between those time periods I take it?
Man I hope they sell B2K at a Xmas discount or something...I don't know how I ended up paying full price for the game, and everyone else got a bundle with the addon.

Did you pre-order? Limited editions are supposed to be for pre-orders, remaining retail ones will sell fast after release.


Thank you sweet baby Jesus it sounds like they're working on VOIP for BF3 on PC.

Now I just need a static minimap and the game will ALMOST do everything right like it's 6 year old predecessor. Anyone know the best place to provide feedback without getting lost in a sea of "OMG DIS IS TOO POWERFUL NERF PLZ"?
1: Gulf of Oman
2: Strike at Karkand
3: Sharqi Peninsula
4: Wa Isl

Finally got the supression ribbon! Now that I have that dumb achievement, I can actually enjoy the game.

i still need that on 360.

I'm feeling a serious lack of access to vehicles on the new maps. Are there any servers that don't run CQ Assault (360)? The asymmetric vehicle set-up there is a problem.

yeah, they're called Rush servers...


Okay, the QBU isn't bugged on vanilla maps, just like the MG36. On PS3, anyway. 360/PC apparently don't have these bugged?

Anyway, the QBU does have a little kick to it but it isn't as bad as that one person bitching about it thinks. It's an automatic rifle so it generally is able to spam where you were first hitting pretty quickly if you feather the trigger.

It comes with a flash suppressor by default, too, which could mess up someone's perception of the recoil.


1. Oman
2. Sharqi
3. Wake Island
4. Karkand

Gulf of Oman is the best "battlefield" map in the game. Combined arms, air/land/sea, all playing a part and fairly well balanced. Add frostbite 2 to the mix and it is that much better.

Sharqi is nice urban fighting without giving up helicopters. The fight for the TV tower, trying to steal the other copter, clearing buildings, great stuff. Is a pretty good 32p rush map too.

Wake Island doesn't have enough buildings and is horribly unbalanced. Basically a map built for recon players.

Karkand? Boring infantry combat, if I wanted that I'd play the games that do it better.


Gulf of Oman is the best "battlefield" map in the game. Combined arms, air/land/sea, all playing a part and fairly well balanced. Add frostbite 2 to the mix and it is that much better.

I'm going to have to agree with that. Oman has a little bit of everything. Tight urban combat on the north side, large open areas on the south side and yeah, air/land/sea.

1. Oman
2. Sharqi/ Karkand (undecided, leaning towards Sharqi but need to play it more)
3. Wake (Falls easily to chokepoints and sometimes you're required to cover very large distances on foot. Not a bad map by any means but is the least favorite out of the 4.)

Salacious Crumb

Junior Member
1. Sharqi
2. Karkand
3. Oman
4. Wake

I rate all of them above the vanilla maps, but wake isn't doing it for me like it did in the past. I don't know if that's because of the changes they've made to it, or If I'm just over that map in general.
Best BF3 setup ever?



Blinded by the luminous glory that is David Bowie's physical manifestation.
GUI can't handle being that huge. It's still stuck around the gun.


I rather have 2143 as a small expansion for BF3 then a full scale sequel. I actually want them to go back to WWII now that destruction could change maps drastically. I still love the BF42 maps more than anything else.

I wish I could sell this mobo + quad core + liquid cooling combo deal so I can get a GPU because I'm really missing the heat in the house, lmao.

How about they just bring mod tools back for addicts like me that want to make full conversions again? :(


How the f am I supposed to kill a vehicle with the repair tool!?

Glad they picked up on the CoD trend of incentivizing players to do stupid shit instead of trying to win. :/


How the f am I supposed to kill a vehicle with the repair tool!?

Glad they picked up on the CoD trend of incentivizing players to do stupid shit instead of trying to win. :/

Best bet is to hide in cover as your teammates missile the vehicle and then you pop out on a suicide run when the tank is on fire and about to blow up. I've done that a few times before assignments came out. Otherwise, hope for an idiot

And I agree. Give me shit for winning a game and capturing objective rather than anything else although some of the assignments would be fun just as XP. I mentioned last night that they should give 10000 XP per win so people want to win more than get kills. Or have these unlocks based on objectives.
How the f am I supposed to kill a vehicle with the repair tool!?

Glad they picked up on the CoD trend of incentivizing players to do stupid shit instead of trying to win. :/
I think people only think it's hard until they actually try it, the repair tool works well against enemy vehicles. When you're that close you're usually inside their range of fire so their only defence is to drive away. If they get out you know because the button prompt to get in will come up (get in straight away and then start driving immediately if that happens). It's best done when the enemy vehicle is already under fire; they'll be focused on the threats they can see in front of them and will think that the damage they're taking is splash damage and not realise they're being repair tooled from the side.
How the f am I supposed to kill a vehicle with the repair tool!?

Glad they picked up on the CoD trend of incentivizing players to do stupid shit instead of trying to win. :/

Can you find one of those 2 player start servers and coordinate it over party voice chat?

Super cheesy but whatever works right?

This is assuming it's on PC of course.
Played some multiplayer BF for the first time since BC1, and the only Battlefield games I've played are BC1 and 1943. Impressions of a noob:

I was super-frustrated at first, even more so than in my first few games of COD. I'm not a big FPS guy so I fully expect to get murdered over and over again, but this was ridiculous. I'd head towards a capture point (played Conquest first), get murdered, try a different route, get killed, over and over again. All without ever seeing who killed me. I had a bunch of deaths within seconds of spawning two, which wasn't fun.

But I started to pick it up after a few rounds. I started getting the hang of identifying enemies and knowing where to look. I got better about making sure I'm not so damn visible and tried not to just start shooting until I knew I had a good shot lined up. I captured a few points, and died valiantly trying to defend my flag. I even tried to fly a jet. That did not go so well.

I tried Rush too. I guess old-school fans bitch about that mode being a console baby thing (?) but I liked the concept of defenders vs. attackers and moving with the front as we pushed (or were pushed) ahead to destroy new M-COM stations. Maybe it was the maps I played on, but it was cool fighting in one area and then moving to a new front in a different space. Maybe it was just the few rounds I was in, but this felt like a bit more of a team effort. Nobody was talking, but we coordinated and timed rushes on the attack side and covered the right spots on the defending side. I felt like I had a role to play, and while it felt good to kill some dudes it felt better to win a round.

A few complaints/observations:

* Is it normal that most people (on console) don't use headsets? Seems like a game that would benefit from a little voice communication, even if there are some idiots blasting dubstep or yelling at their moms. I'm starting to think mine is broken. Can you only talk to your squad? I never say anything, and I only heard someone once. They coughed.

* The whole unlocking/leveling thing is kind of a mystery to me. I'm sure I'll get it at some point, but there's pretty much nothing to tell you how the system works. I know it's really simple, but I'm still not sure in some cases what I'm working towards.

* Why the hell do I have to wait 30 seconds after a round if all I want to do is quit or find a new server? There must be a good explanation for this.

* The game systems themselves aren't ever really explained, except very briefly on a loading screen. I mean, they aren't that complicated, but how about a few pointers? It took me a little while to remember what "bleeding tickets" meant.

* Man this game would be a hell of a lot more fun with friends. I need to work on that.

I also saw the first gamertag that made me LOL - Friendless 41yr. He killed me, and I wanted to give him a hug.

I had a great couple of hours - really look forward to learning more about this game.


Blinded by the luminous glory that is David Bowie's physical manifestation.
Er-unlocking things isn't some huge confusing thing dude: Repair/Resupply/Reheal/Revive/Respot people. Get +10-20-30's for those actions. Goes to classes that'll unlock respective class item unlocks (generally guns). All-kit/all-class guns are unlocked on rank-up/level-ups.

Meanwhile, you don't really need a headset with the exception of calling things out and even then the Spot system does most of the work. But the audio is buggy and people are dumbasses right now. :/

And the "Game systems"/rules aren't needed to be explained as they are explained in the matchmaking menu. But it's okay to not see that because you're doing the right thing and proving Demize wrong in that not everyone is a dumbass and is able to find a server/map/gametype they want with the server-browser.

*ahem* That said, the gamerules themselves aren't that hard to understand after about 5-10 minutes. Conquest may be a little confusing in a "how did we lose when we were killing enemies!? DERP!" way, but people will probably yell at you eventually to where it'll click.


So, every time I log in into Origin, it tells me that my account is in use.

I changed my password and it still gives me the same message? Anyone?


Blinded by the luminous glory that is David Bowie's physical manifestation.
So, every time I log in into Origin, it tells me that my account is in use.

I changed my password and it still gives me the same message? Anyone?

Origin already running in the background? Different PC running Origin and has the account logged in?

Check your processes.
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