Battlefield 3 |OT| My Body is Advised

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Holy shit. Do you think you could find that in your history by any chance?

Round ends when a team hits 2 kills. Get your 5 wins quick here.

the 2nd seat has a machine gun. it only has a 90 degree turning radius though.

The gun is horrible. I found 32player conquest on Oman to be really good for this. There is a DPV at the russian base that nobody ever bothers with after the initial spawn so I'd just respawn there, grab it, drive the major loop looking for roadkill opportunities. Oh, and I think the roadkills don't register if you're going top speed. Let off the boost a bit before you hit. If you fire something like stinger/javelin and jump into a DPV before those hit and kill the kills count as DPV kills, FYI.
If I get within 2/3ft of someone with an RPG they should die, simple as.

If you get within 2/3ft of someone, shooting them with a RPG should not even be an option in a persons mind.

Of course, but if I happen to have an RPG out for a vehicle and someone pops up in front of me and I get an almost direct hit (if not a direct hit) and they don't die it's fucking infuriating.

A direct hit from the RPG does kill people in one hit. Splash damage don't often but still does a ton of damage. Same way in normal server modes that a point black shotgun blast doesn't kill a person in one shot, yea meh. Rocket spam is silly though and making them like BC2 is for the best. In past BF games, launchers did even less splash damage or next to none to infantry
If you get within 2/3ft of someone, shooting them with a RPG should not even be an option in a persons mind.

A direct hit from the RPG does kill people in one hit. Splash damage don't often but still does a ton of damage. Same way in normal server modes that a point black shotgun blast doesn't kill a person in one shot, yea meh. Rocket spam is silly though and making them like BC2 is for the best. In past BF games, launchers did even less splash damage or next to none to infantry

I meant if the rocket lands that close to them, not if I was standing that close to them.

And maybe it's lag but I swear sometimes I've hit people directly with an RPG and it hasn't killed them. If it didn't hit them then it was a matter of inches at most.

I don't want RPGs to be able to take out infantry easy, but there's a point where it just feels silly that it does so little damage against infantry.

Round ends when a team hits 2 kills. Get your 5 wins quick here.

The gun is horrible. I found 32player conquest on Oman to be really good for this. There is a DPV at the russian base that nobody ever bothers with after the initial spawn so I'd just respawn there, grab it, drive the major loop looking for roadkill opportunities. Oh, and I think the roadkills don't register if you're going top speed. Let off the boost a bit before you hit. If you fire something like stinger/javelin and jump into a DPV before those hit and kill the kills count as DPV kills, FYI.

i got 4 of my 5 kills capping A in 3 flag Oman. i parked it with the rear facing the closed corner wall and i could rotate to cover both sides of the building... people just ran into my gun, MUAHAHAHAHA

I meant if the rocket lands that close to them, not if I was standing that close to them.

And maybe it's lag but I swear sometimes I've hit people directly with an RPG and it hasn't killed them. If it didn't hit them then it was a matter of inches at most.

I don't want RPGs to be able to take out infantry easy, but there's a point where it just feels silly that it does so little damage against infantry.

yeah, i've gotten a few 100 damage assists with RPG's.

i even got a 100 VEHICLE DESTROY ASSIST, i was like... WHAAAAT!?
I meant if the rocket lands that close to them, not if I was standing that close to them.

And maybe it's lag but I swear sometimes I've hit people directly with an RPG and it hasn't killed them. If it didn't hit them then it was a matter of inches at most.

I don't want RPGs to be able to take out infantry easy, but there's a point where it just feels silly that it does so little damage against infantry.

When it comes down to it, I'd rather take a random "how come my rocket didn't kill that dude" moment, versus being spammed by rockets.

Keep in mind, also, that they specifically designed the rockets to NOT have much infantry splash damage at close range.


Blinded by the luminous glory that is David Bowie's physical manifestation.
i got 4 of my 5 kills capping A in 3 flag Oman. i parked it with the rear facing the closed corner wall and i could rotate to cover both sides of the building... people just ran into my gun, MUAHAHAHAHA

You got lucky. I had to roadkill 4 people at the pilot because the gun has a 75 degree LOCK and can't kill shit even if you get a bead on them. :/

Anyway, got my 5 DPV kills not touching that shit vehicle ever again. I'll hoof it, thanks.

I still need to get like 4 BTR kills to get the Jackhammer shotgun. Then it's rocket AT kills for the last engineer gun and I have all the guns.
I meant if the rocket lands that close to them, not if I was standing that close to them.

And maybe it's lag but I swear sometimes I've hit people directly with an RPG and it hasn't killed them. If it didn't hit them then it was a matter of inches at most.

I don't want RPGs to be able to take out infantry easy, but there's a point where it just feels silly that it does so little damage against infantry.

Compared to previous BF titles, the RPGs are doing more damage to infantry with splash than they used too. Splash instant kills at short range to people still, if they are surviving they possibly have on the flak jacket perk which reduces the explosive damage. I often equip flak jacket especially on maps known for rocket spam. Damage reduction is nothing special but it has saved me many times from blasts from RPGs that would have instant killed me.

And it was on their list of potential nerfs for the next patch, to reducse the splash against infantry


Finally got the second engineer assignment

Nice weapon... I like how they start you with a huge scope that's useless on a carbine though... Is it a bug or something?


i got 4 of my 5 kills capping A in 3 flag Oman. i parked it with the rear facing the closed corner wall and i could rotate to cover both sides of the building... people just ran into my gun, MUAHAHAHAHA

yeah, i've gotten a few 100 damage assists with RPG's.

i even got a 100 VEHICLE DESTROY ASSIST, i was like... WHAAAAT!?

I got one of those on Kharg the other day. Pissed me off. :lol


I'm noticing enemy mines on my radar, now. Is this because my team has one of those flying robot doodads up in the sky?


Today I tried sniping for the first time (like, serious sniping) and it was alright. Finally unlocked a straight bolt which makes sniping double as easy.


Anyone have stats for the QBU 88 yet? I have over 100 kills with it, but I can't place my finger on it. Usually it's three in the body but at range it seems like it's four sometimes but I can't be sure anymore (usually get a headshot or two in). Having a 10 round mag I thought it would be a copy of the Mk11/SVD/M39, but it seems like it shoots faster and to balance it, it's slightly weaker at range? It's like a mix of the SKS and SVD.

Anywho, I like it. Flash Suppressor, 4X Scope, Fore Grip and it's a pretty fun mid range BR.

Its your mind playing tricks on you. Its a carbon copy of the Mk11/SVD/M39 but with a slower reload time and minutely different horizontal recoil.

In other news, when are they going to fix the fucking weapon jamming. Most annoying thing in the fucking game when playing as recon. For anyone who doesnt know what it is, take out the base pistol and fire it as fast as possible. Around your 6 or 7th round it will have a very long pause.


I would just like to happily announce that after staying up all night with the heat off and a desk fan on to remedy my dying GPU, I have finally unlocked the fucking L85 and it's as good as I remember it...Thank you Jesus. You can take my health, my GPU fan, and my sanity, but you can't take my L85 away from me!

I just wish they gave me the little needle scope that's specific to the British weapons basically.


I would just like to happily announce that after staying up all night with the heat off and a desk fan on to remedy my dying GPU, I have finally unlocked the fucking L85 and it's as good as I remember it...Thank you Jesus. You can take my health, my GPU fan, and my sanity, but you can't take my L85 away from me!

I just wish they gave me the little needle scope that's specific to the British weapons basically.

Congrats on trudging through 5 games of Squad deathmatch... You earned that gun!
I straight up don't get the love for the famas. It's ironsights are unusable, it's terrible with the ACOG (I fucking hate ACOG's) and it takes 50 kills for a red dot. I play on hardcore, and the time it takes for me to fire a burst and wait for the recoil to subside is more than enough for someone with any other gun to drop me.

Do people love it because they can just spam fire from the hip or something?
I straight up don't get the love for the famas. It's ironsights are unusable, it's terrible with the ACOG (I fucking hate ACOG's) and it takes 50 kills for a red dot. I play on hardcore, and the time it takes for me to fire a burst and wait for the recoil to subside is more than enough for someone with any other gun to drop me.

Do people love it because they can just spam fire from the hip or something?

Are you on PC? Wondering as people playing the console version (PS3) seem to think it has no recoil. Wondering if the consoles got a different version of the FAMAS that doesn't have the recoil nerf all automatic guns got across the board in the earlier patch
Yes I'm on PC.

It's hilarious playing Oman and Wake on Russian. The SU absolutely destroys the F35B, I've gotten some pretty great scores recently.
How do I join the gaf server?

Advert Courtesy of Scogoth:

-Time to take a break from Skyrim and join us on Tuesday December Every night for Back to Karkand! We will be hosting all the new maps on our ranked server and encourage all of you to come out. For the BF2 vets this is a trip back to the good ol' days and for newcomers its a time to discover what made the Battlefield series so legendary. Remember to add the GAF tag to your name and get mumble setup!

Click the images below to Join us and Favorite either of the 2 USA Servers, GAFbros:

  • [REMEMBER]: Favourite the NeoGAF server and play as often as you can on it! Especially with low player count we need people to help seed the server so contribute to the community and play on the NeoGAF BF3 server!
    Even if you don't have a mic it helps to listen in w/fellow GAFbros on Mumble!

There are way waaaay too many snipers on them. It is seriously ruining my enjoyment of what used to be far more balanced sniper-wise in the stock maps. I shouldn't have to crawl everywhere.

I don't know. I mean isn't that where this game toes the line between COD and milsim? I think those moments where you have to drop into prone because you hear a bullet whistle by your ear are fucking magical.


I don't know. I mean isn't that where this game toes the line between COD and milsim? I think those moments where you have to drop into prone because you hear a bullet whistle by your ear are fucking magical.

I didn't say it had to be like CoD (which has its own sniper issues) just that there are wayyy too many in these new maps. An overabundance. Crawling from time to time is fun. Crawling a lot of the time is not.


There are way waaaay too many snipers on them. It is seriously ruining my enjoyment of what used to be far more balanced sniper-wise in the stock maps. I shouldn't have to crawl everywhere.
I honestly haven't had any problem with snipers at all. Sure, I've been sniped a few times but no more than on the vanilla maps. Is this another case where the game plays out differently on consoles or have I just been lucky?


Just wanted to poke in here and say the new maps are the shit. Haven't had this much since BF3 first came out. Skyrim took a lot of attention away from this beauty, but I'm back baby, and I'm loving it.


There are way waaaay too many snipers on them. It is seriously ruining my enjoyment of what used to be far more balanced sniper-wise in the stock maps. I shouldn't have to crawl everywhere.

I think people are trying to unlock and use the new snipers. Like me, heh.
The "new" maps, even if quite old, are definitely awesome. Much more destruction and more flanking routes is always a great thing. I thought I wouldn't be too excited to play the same maps I have spent 100's of hours playing, but I was wrong. Can't wait to see what else DICE has in store for us.
I didn't say it had to be like CoD (which has its own sniper issues) just that there are wayyy too many in these new maps. An overabundance. Crawling from time to time is fun. Crawling a lot of the time is not.

Depends on what you think is fun, I suppose. It's all just "war sandbox" to me. Snipers are a part of that. I don't even know what "too many" would mean. Whether it's "too many snipers" or "getting base raped by a chopper," it's all the same shit: you're whining that the other team won't let you go where you want to. Yeah, that's their job, mate.


I'm feeling a serious lack of access to vehicles on the new maps. Are there any servers that don't run CQ Assault (360)? The asymmetric vehicle set-up there is a problem.
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