thunker 9000
Streaming some Battlefield 4 on Xbox One @ 60FPS If anyone wants to check it out.
Pretty sure we ran into our first hacker tonight. Wasnt extremely obvious even though he was the top player on the opposing team. But looking at his stats his headshot to kill ratios make him either one of the best players in the world or a hacker.
Here is the player profile:
edit: and just as I post he changes his name to Chasseur3. Pretty suspicious. Rambo you play competitively, looks like a hacker am I right?
"No plans to add squads at main menu"
Fuck you DICE and your garbage game.
Where did they say no plans for party menu?you have got to be fucking shitting me.
fuck this bullshit,
cannot believe this is my launch game.
i play with 7 people in a group and we CANNOT
get into a game together, finish a game together, send invites, fucking anything cooperatively
fuck this new party system on xbox, and fuck dice
goes back to playing
edit: starts game with all players, split us up
I cant move from spawn, 1 player crashes
"No plans to add squads at main menu"
Fuck you DICE and your garbage game.
Cool that DICE is recompensing us early adopters for their muddy launch. I've got to ask though... as someone who is pretty dumb about guns, why do so many games seem to worship the M1911 pistol? I see it in almost any shooter that includes both handguns and real-world weapons, and Battlefield 4 even has a trophy dedicated to the thing.
In reallife the Glock G17 is the most used pistol because it's the most reliable gun ever createdIt's the granddaddy of all handguns.
And to think they actually originally let you group up on BF3 PC in BattleLog with friends, and join at the same time, and then they removed it .....
It's the granddaddy of all handguns.
Saw someone randomly with a GAF tag in a conquest game lastnignt on ps4 lol.
Unacceptable. Get with the fucking program DICE
It was prob me. I joined a game that someone with the PSN name LazyKarl was in and we were running a pretty vicious 2 man tank team on Golmud Railway. Next match I crashed out of Locker and called it a night.
I noticed a bunch of gaffers from my friends list joined the same matches and remember killing one or two familiar names.
If we're talking semiautomatic, then what about the Mauser C96?
True. The Mauser came out before the M1911. But in terms of popularity and still being used in modern combat? The M1911 holds that. It's a pretty popular firearm among people because of it's design choices and stuff.
It's like asking why the AK-47 is popular in some circles. It's an old gun, yes. But it's a reliable piece of firearm tech that can be counted on when it needs to be.
Oh, wow, Dice, you shouldnt have, double xp week?
Wha...what was that? On completion of a round?
Dice you useless fucks, I havent been able to complete a round for 4 fucking days.
Can I play with a guest on Xbox one? Back of the box says 2 to 66 for Xbox live.
I'd rather have manual knifing than animation based knifing
You can change your name in this game? HOW?!
How's the Xbone version of this game?
ugly but smooth
Are anyone elses Support field upgrades gimped? Unlocked both indirect fire and perimeter defense, but I can't select them. They still have the unlock criteria box even if I have long passed it.
I have CoD Ghosts, and I like it, but I think BF4 would be more fun if I traded CoD in.... are the PS4 issues that bad? And in your guys' honest opinion, is it better than ghosts?
I have CoD Ghosts, and I like it, but I think BF4 would be more fun if I traded CoD in.... are the PS4 issues that bad? And in your guys' honest opinion, is it better than ghosts?
Mmm. Just for clarification, when you say "ugly" are you talking about native 720p instead of 900 like the PS4, or is it missing effects too?
I'm not too fussed on resolution, to be honest. So if it's just that I can manage.
Apart from some missing AA the XB1 and PS4 versions are almost identical no? at least that's what I see from HD footage I'm watching.
Go with whatever pad you find more comfortable and where your friends are I guess.
XB1 = 720p
PS4 = 900p
Correct me if wrong.