Just played like 6 matches of Rush in a row.
No crashing, no disconnects.Could be better now or I am just lucky.
I played almost every non-conquest mode within the last 3 hours and everything was smooth, no crashes.
Just played like 6 matches of Rush in a row.
No crashing, no disconnects.Could be better now or I am just lucky.
So it sounds like this game is majorly fucked. Not playing PS4 until Christmas anyway but do you guys think all this shit will be sorted out soon, or should I exchange it for a different PS4 game while I still have the chance?
DICE/EA were aware of the Error CE-34878-0 issues at least 2 weeks before launch and still shipped the game. This shows they don't give a shit about you and only want your money.
"Potentially more worrisome than the pop-in was a consistent error that would dump me back to the PS4's front end. Error CE-34878-0 reared its ugly head five times during my session, and I wasn't alone other journalists also suffered the game-crashing prompt. I was told that this signified a network error, and we were playing on EA's own internal servers, so it's hard to know if the problem will persist when the game is available to the PS4-owning public in November." - Oct 30th 2013 11:30AM
How is the framerate of the PS4 version in mulitplayer?
So it sounds like this game is majorly fucked. Not playing PS4 until Christmas anyway but do you guys think all this shit will be sorted out soon, or should I exchange it for a different PS4 game while I still have the chance?
Honestly, its not THAT bad. Right now you cant play conquest 64 player.
Everything else seems to be pretty ok. Majorly fucked is harsh.
Like I said, I just played 6 matches in a row with no lag, no disconnects, and no errors.
DICE/EA were aware of the Error CE-34878-0 issues at least 2 weeks before launch and still shipped the game. This shows they don't give a shit about you and only want your money.
"Potentially more worrisome than the pop-in was a consistent error that would dump me back to the PS4's front end. Error CE-34878-0 reared its ugly head five times during my session, and I wasn't alone other journalists also suffered the game-crashing prompt. I was told that this signified a network error, and we were playing on EA's own internal servers, so it's hard to know if the problem will persist when the game is available to the PS4-owning public in November." - Oct 30th 2013 11:30AM
Not being able to play Conquest 64 is majorly fucked.Honestly, its not THAT bad. Right now you cant play conquest 64 player.
Everything else seems to be pretty ok. Majorly fucked is harsh.
Like I said, I just played 6 matches in a row with no lag, no disconnects, and no errors.
This is not my experience. Though your mileage may very, I've barely been able to be in a game at all, server browsers are empty and the games you do manage to get into, you are lucky if you make it through the game without the server crashing or disconnecting or you getting blasted to the dashboard with the CE-4...whatever error and losing your progress and settings (and singleplayer progress, if you've bothered with that).Honestly, its not THAT bad. Right now you cant play conquest 64 player.
Everything else seems to be pretty ok. Majorly fucked is harsh.
Like I said, I just played 6 matches in a row with no lag, no disconnects, and no errors.
I saw that earlier today as well. I think it's a generic server message for people who aren't aware you need PS+ for MP.I can't play any multiplayer match in BF4 right now. It just tells me that I lost connection to the session no matter what I try to join.
On the main menu I do see a scrolling alert banner that says "If you want to play online, make sure to activate your PSN+ account" Does everyone else see this? Because I do have PS+ and I've been playing Killzone no problem. Am I missing something? I have activated my system as my "primary" PS4.
DICE/EA were aware of the Error CE-34878-0 issues at least 2 weeks before launch and still shipped the game. This shows they don't give a shit about you and only want your money.
"Potentially more worrisome than the pop-in was a consistent error that would dump me back to the PS4's front end. Error CE-34878-0 reared its ugly head five times during my session, and I wasn't alone other journalists also suffered the game-crashing prompt. I was told that this signified a network error, and we were playing on EA's own internal servers, so it's hard to know if the problem will persist when the game is available to the PS4-owning public in November." - Oct 30th 2013 11:30AM
Honestly, its not THAT bad. Right now you cant play conquest 64 player.
Everything else seems to be pretty ok. Majorly fucked is harsh.
Like I said, I just played 6 matches in a row with no lag, no disconnects, and no errors.
This has probably been answered and discussed extensively, but I really don't want to read through five pages to find this answer, so here goes...
Is there no way to join a match with a party? My cousin and I were playing earlier and the only way he could be on my team was to join me after I started a match. Surely that can't be the only way?
This has probably been answered and discussed extensively, but I really don't want to read through five pages to find this answer, so here goes...
Is there no way to join a match with a party? My cousin and I were playing earlier and the only way he could be on my team was to join me after I started a match. Surely that can't be the only way?
Why did they remove the option to edit classes outside of games? They also removed party system.. I just don't understand some companies when it comes to multiplayer design.. I remember thinking this way on Assassins Creed multiplayer..
Wow hard to believe that in 2013 we have no party system in a AAA online shooter that takes 64* players.
*As advertised.
You can't.So how do i join games as a party with friends?
Cause it's broken or you just can't? If the latter, then that's retarded.You can't.
Cause it's broken or you just can't? If the latter, then that's retarded.
Surely they plan on patching that in, right? ...The latter.....=(
So how do i join games as a party with friends?
Well I bought this to play conquest.Honestly, its not THAT bad. Right now you cant play conquest 64 player.
Everything else seems to be pretty ok. Majorly fucked is harsh.
Like I said, I just played 6 matches in a row with no lag, no disconnects, and no errors.
Surely they plan on patching that in, right? ...
So I let the game run all night and it's still stuck at 29%
is there anything I can do?
My issue is with none of the bugs or glitches. It's the fact that I'm awful. I fly choppers right into the ground 100% of the time.
My issue is with none of the bugs or glitches. It's the fact that I'm awful. I fly choppers right into the ground 100% of the time.
So, the game knows we are friends so it'll do the work for us, is that what you're telling me? Still would rather have a party system but I guess that works.if you find a server with free slots, you all join the server- the game puts you on same team, switch to same squad. pretty simple (when you can find a server with 4 free slots-etc)
So, the game knows we are friends so it'll do the work for us, is that what you're telling me? Still would rather have a party system but I guess that works.