Classic all day every day friend!![]()
I find classic so boring. My favorite mode is still regular TDM. I never get bored of playing it.
Tell randumbs to do the same. Or maybe ND should issue a PSA...holy shit the "Lock-On Aim" control option in Survival is amazing. LOL
I can easily handle Moderate difficulty now.
It reminds me of Red Dead Redemption aiming.
Its only available on Survival - Light & Moderate modes btw
In my experience, you'll find the most adequate and least ragequitting players on Crushing.Co-op matches are like revolving doors: not fun at all. People will find any excuse to quit, even when it's not PvP. Sad.
I just experienced an endless money glitch after the host left. My controller was frozen and vibrating the whole time, I had invincibility and eventually the app crashed.
I can't stand this shit. I'd rather play a game that has quit penalties. I filed a bug report to Sony, but I guess Robert's signature 2-man team is too inadequate for proper QA testing. *sigh*
edit: power weapons also cannot be picked up after the host leaves... they're stuck there and they mess your triangle up (you can't even reload weapons).
It's full of bugs. QA testing is nearly not existent, especially when it comes to late join. Sometimes I join matches during the treasure hunting wave and I can't pick them up, because they're elevated, LOL!wtf loadout custom names aren't saved server-side
party invites from people playing UC4 don't work with UCLL, fucking hell...
Custom loadouts lose their names when you switch from UC4 to TLL.
Wow, really? Thank god you don't lose your gameplay/vanity unlocks as well...It's the same if you switch to another regional version of U4.
Wow, really? Thank god you don't lose your gameplay/vanity unlocks as well...
Yeah, I was only talking about the names. I switched back to UC4 and the names are intact.I should have clarified, i only lost the names of the loadouts, not the loadouts themselves.
That's not region locking. It's content locked to a certain account (game sharing via console primary activation doesn't work). Even if you made a second Canadian account, you still wouldn't be able to use that content (apart from digital games).I bought the Canadian U4 DDE, but my main account is from the UK, so i couldn't use the pre-order bonuses, mp packs and Uncharted points that came with the DDE, since they were all regionally locked. When they added the VIP relic bonus i didn't get that either, so i bought the UK U4 version when it was cheap. That's when i noticed that the loadout names didn't carry over, and neither did the SP saves. Thankfully i didn't have any problems with mp unlocks.
That's not region locking. It's content locked to a certain account (game sharing via console primary activation doesn't work). Even if you made a second Canadian account, you still wouldn't be able to use that content (apart from digital games).
Imagine if Uncharted Points could be shared with other accounts...
Game saves are SKU-locked.
It's only good in co-op. It sucks in competitive IMO.
I'm glad I finished unlocking all the hero ones a while back.
Getting fucking tired of this broken matchmaking. Fuck you for never implementing a solo Playlist, ND. I am always constantly outperforming the enemy team I'm facing despite them being in my skill level/parties, but it doesn't matter how better I perform when everyone on my fucking team are brainless idiots.
It's unbelievable.
The fact that I won't be facing coordinated parties is more than enough of a benefit for me. I wouldn't even care about team balance since I know everyone will be solo and not partied up. It'll be luck of the draw.A solo playlist won't fix team balancing issues. TLOU MP is a testament to that.
Season is over. Get your relics and for the homies taunt!
The new taunt for the new season is also amazing. 😂
Too bad I can't say the same for the ranked rewards. Zzz
yeah man i'm like the medic of the team most of the time. my record is 20 revives but that was on a lost match. 18 is the record for matches i've won^ Man I love that about UC4. People hate on the revive, but I enjoyed the teamwork out of the crazy near deaths.
What are the playlists in the MP now? Are they all well populated or nah?
yeah man i'm like the medic of the team most of the time. my record is 20 revives but that was on a lost match. 18 is the record for matches i've won
and nah, the game still feels pretty empty like before lost legacy came outi was hoping it would've rejuvenated the online population for this game
I agree with you. I love how this game encourages teamwork with the down system but a lot of people don't like it too. But like you said sometimes you can get your teammates out of dire situations. I got another set of videos with a friend who also uploaded his perspective of the fight
Feels like the community disappeared into other pockets of MP games.
Seems like ND is done with it too considering their poor support. All aboard Last of Us 2 MP!
which will just be more colors.until they add more shit.
which will just be more colors.
They can't add more skins if there's no support for this MP!They can't add more colors without adding new skins.
Tournaments with 15 Hz feels like a bad joke.
huh, what makes you say that? I'm not exactly casual but for the past year, Uc4 has been my go to online multiplayer shooter.Tournaments seems like such an odd thing to add now. Just about every competitive player I know quit playing the game within the first month or so - predominantly because they didn't feel it was competitive.
The only audience that left seems to be the super casual, so to add tournaments now doesn't make that much sense, at least from where I'm seeing it.
I don't really know what they could add that would make much of a difference at this stage. I think the multiplayers overall direction just lost too many players this time around. People didn't dig the sidekicks and mysticals, and classic feels a little barren or boring in comparison.
I think the best thing to keep people playing would be to do themed events and things like that. Look at what games like Overwatch and Destiny are doing, and mirror that in Uncharted. For instance, we should be getting a Halloween event, but we won't be.
Support for it is dead. Yeah there's still people playing, but just like a few months ago, I run into the same people every night. Thank you SBMM.