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Battlefield 6 reveal wasn't tomorrow


As much as I love BC2 and want BC3, today's DICE isn't DICE of Bad Company's times. The new game could be called and promoted as Bad Company 3. Unfortunately, if BFV is any indication, besides the title, characters, setting, marketing hype ("Look! It's BC3!!! We listened to you!") and other superficial stuff, BC3 won't be anything spectacular. The Spark in modern DICE is gone.


Writes a lot, says very little
I would have to question how much you've actually played BFV to claim that...

300 hours. Never had an issue with quality...

I agree with you that it was very much a problem with the game content at release. It's the primary reason for falling short of BF1 in sales.

Pretty much. As to why I don't waste the energy to entertain triggered people had much to really do with the sales of BF1 or BFV.

. You know full well that a part of the fan base were upset by Dices handling of criticism with "everyone's battlefield" mocking their hardcore fans.

Thats nice but those same fans would be triggered at BF1 and it went on to become the best selling Battlefield in history. So those same people likely didn't buy BF1, had no plans to buy BFV, thus likely have very little to do with the performance of either title.

People also cried over Far Cry 5 too, how much did that hurt the game?

So do folks cry and get triggered over stuff? Sure, but you could argue they do this about anything that hurts their feelings. I see little evidence it had much to do with BFV's sales as you need to question why it didn't effect BF1 or even Far Cry 5 if we are even trying to pretend folks who are triggered really make up that much of the overall gaming community. It just sounds like echo chamber banter.

I agree with you it was not a deciding factor and I never said it was.


you and I have a different opinion and that's fine. I won't be buying next BF if they push too much political messaging such as BLM into the game (and it's not only single player mode). I don't want Trump there, I don't want Biden there either. Keep current politics out of the game world. I vote with my wallet.

Never bothered me if they had that in the game or not. I never bought BF for those reasons, I only buy it for multiplayer... So I can't compare being triggered over such things regardless of side as I just don't buy games for those reasons, or choose not to buy for those reasons etc. Even if they had a fucking message siding with TRUMP in BF6, I'd still buy it as I don't fucking care....I don't have any feelings regarding that in terms of me buying a video game or not.

Is the game fun?

Is it well made?

Day 1.

Thats it.... They are free to have politics in their game, even if its shit I disagree with because why on earth would I ONLY BUY GAMES that have views I agree with? So when I buy GTA I should agree with murder and thats why I'm buying it? I support robbing banks too? smh. I think we need to take a step back and realize this is a video game, its make believe, its fake, its fiction. If someone is really buying videos games based on some political view, have fun, but it makes very little sense. So i don't really get either side regarding getting triggered over such things as I simply don't play videos games for those reasons and don't avoid them for those reasons etc.

Lastly I think BFV is a fantastic multiplayer experience now after content has been added and they've stopped changing game mechanics every other month.

Agreed, but that is the reason I play the BF series. I could care less if they talk about politics or have a BLM message in the opening or #METOO or any of that shit. If they do, thats nice I'm playing MP. If the don't.....thats nice I'm playing MP... I just don't care about it to the point of not purchasing it.


Gold Member
Lastly I think BFV is a fantastic multiplayer experience now after content has been added and they've stopped changing game mechanics every other month. More people should go back to play it if already bought. I want to buy another game from Dice if they deliver - I love the franchise, that's why I am hoping they keep to making the game great and leave the politics out of it.
I love it but maaaan, is it hard to give them anything. Vote with your wallet n shit.


Writes a lot, says very little
What a time to be a live that was.

Nothings come close for me, since them, pure chaotic fun

True, its why I'm hoping its BFVIetnam lol

If its Vietnam, day 1.
If its 2143.....day 1.
if its Bad Company 3 modern setting.....day 1.
If its Civil War.....maybe lol

So long as its the classic BF concept, its a day 1 for me, but I am really hoping its Vietnam.


Hipster Princess
300 hours. Never had an issue with quality...

Calling bullshit.

The game released is a very broken state. Every single patch has brought on several new bugs including some major ones such as invisible soldiers and entirely broken hit registration.


BFV got so boring so quick. Not to mention the single player portion sucking, I'm not looking forward to this.


True, its why I'm hoping its BFVIetnam lol

If its Vietnam, day 1.
If its 2143.....day 1.
if its Bad Company 3 modern setting.....day 1.
If its Civil War.....maybe lol

So long as its the classic BF concept, its a day 1 for me, but I am really hoping its Vietnam.

It wont be, that would be 3 historical games in a row

Modern no doubt in my mind.

I want choppers back regardless, jets can fuck right off tho, top gun wastemen

I dont even care about flying choppers, I just wanna SRAW those bitches out the sky, nothihg beats swatting a chopper out the sky


Gold Member
EA isnt restoring my BF3 account btw, I can't download browser plugins and play. Support is shit, even after repeat engagements.


Writes a lot, says very little
Calling bullshit.

The game released is a very broken state. Every single patch has brought on several new bugs including some major ones such as invisible soldiers and entirely broken hit registration.

Game released very solid. Never had any major issues with the quality of the game and patches and updates just made the game better then it was at launch. So....300 hours in, have no major issues. Free content, updates and no major issues is all I really ask tbh.

Was a very solid launch..


It wont be, that would be 3 historical games in a row

Modern no doubt in my mind.

I want choppers back regardless, jets can fuck right off tho, top gun wastemen

I dont even care about flying choppers, I just wanna SRAW those bitches out the sky, nothihg beats swatting a chopper out the sky

I used to shoot choppers (and the occasional plane) out of the air with the SRAW from BF2.


Hipster Princess
Game released very solid. Never had any major issues with the quality of the game and patches and updates just made the game better then it was at launch. So....300 hours in, have no major issues. Free content, updates and no major issues is all I really ask tbh.

Was a very solid launch..

You're about as deluded as the people who tried to defend the MCC on xbox when it launched.

Just browse the early patch notes.

Solid launch my ass.

And the fact is, a vast number of "fixed" bugs are still in the game to this day.


Tomorrow, and tomorrow, and tomorrow,
Creeps in this petty pace from day to day,
To the last syllable of recorded time;
And all our yesterdays have lighted fools
The way to dusty death. Out, out, brief candle!
Life's but a walking shadow, a poor player,
That struts and frets his hour upon the stage,
And then is heard no more. It is a tale
Told by an idiot, full of sound and fury,
Signifying nothing.


Ideally we need a BF2 remake but with 128 players.
Just slap on a new engine, update player kits/vehicles to modern/near future tech and copy&paste the BF3 mp progression with all of them cool looking dogtags and skins etc...
And have all vehicles spawn on map instead of the shitty wait in a menu.
TKing vehicle campers is hilarious in the older BF games! You get a vehicle and go run them over but jump out at the last second killing them.
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my major complaint with BFV was how hard it was to see enemies, I don’t remember having that many issues in BC2, BF3, or even BF4 (skipper BF1).

also, can BF get back to BC2 levels of destruction, and separate maps for Rush type modes. I think that’s the major issue with the latest BF games, making a map work with every game mode, and ending up with maps that are mediocre in every mode.


This thread got me playing BF4 again. You pack of bastards 😂

Some right griefers on it on the ps4. Had some arsehole tipping the tanks over at spawn on Golmud Railway all match. The little tail.


DICE has a lot to make up for. BF 1 and V were okay but not the right direction. 1 had some good stuff but they went backwards with V with operations mode.

At the end of the day BF still offers a unique experience. Its not battle royal and its not COD. But as a BF fan you know there is always going to be BS but thats the price to pay for what BF offers. There is a lot of shit you have to put up with for that big map big battle BF gameplay. Either you roll with it or you dont


Will a long way off to match CoD. The Modern Warfare reboot was great. Thats why I prefer a BF remaster. Slow steps first.


NO auto aim lock on bullshit. Pure skill.

Dude it used to make those J-10 whores so mad too. I loved it.

For those who haven't played BF2. The J-10 is a Chinese fighter jet in BF2 that was considered very OP. It was small, agile, and had a ridiculous turn radius. I was awful at using planes in the BF games but even I could do pretty well in that plane.


not really, CoD gunplay is swallow as fuck, as average as bf1+v were, at least the guns felts like guns

I talking about both Multiplayer and Singleplayer at the same time. Is hard to get it right those days.

And IDK you, but the gunplay on CoD was decent, not amazing but still fun to play, at least in comparison with their precessor, not necessary comparing BF gunplay.
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I talking about both Multiplayer and Singleplayer at the same time. Is hard to get it right those days.

yeh i wont disagree with that, MW SP was decent, coop is fun, MP is pure aids (just not my cup of tea), warzone is decent
Remember when the battlefield 1 trailer dropped? The hype was insane and the cod trailer was getting trashed. It wasn't that long ago and the culture has completely flipped. Battlefield was King and cod was cod. One good game with modern warfare and one dud like bfv completely changed the script. Now Cod seemed to be doing large scale arenas with warzone that has even more players .You are only as good as your last game.


Remember when the battlefield 1 trailer dropped? The hype was insane and the cod trailer was getting trashed. It wasn't that long ago and the culture has completely flipped. Battlefield was King and cod was cod. One good game with modern warfare and one dud like bfv completely changed the script. Now Cod seemed to be doing large scale arenas with warzone that has even more players .You are only as good as your last game.

Cod still doesn't have the sandbox feel tho, like bf has, sure cod has groundwar, but its horrifically bad so.........there's still no game that offers what bf does which is why it sucks when it goes bad, at least bf4 is still popular


Writes a lot, says very little
You're about as deluded as the people who tried to defend the MCC on xbox when it launched.

Just browse the early patch notes.

Solid launch my ass.

And the fact is, a vast number of "fixed" bugs are still in the game to this day.

Thats nice. I felt it had a solid launch and I had no issues regarding quality. Not that serious, people are allowed to freely disagree you know...
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I would like a modern or even future take. Time to get out of WW1/WW2/Vietnam era. Played out.

I also want grand operations back but even better. Regular operations was fun but was a giant step back from Grand Operations in BF1.

A good idea I had was to take the BR map and create some sort of BR/Operations/Rush hybird where Operations would take place on the entire giant map maybe up the player count for next gen or something. 200 player grand operations on one giant map thats persistent for the entire round.

In the end though it comes down to map design and BF V did not have great maps and the DLCs maps were even more disapointing. The Pacific stuff was ok. I think BF 1 did a lot better job as the maps were a little bit more dynamic and changed up the terrain and thus the gameplay as you advanced in the map.

Map design just hasn't been the same since bad company 2 and probably peaked at BF3. If they don't nail the maps the rest doesn't matter.


Cod still doesn't have the sandbox feel tho, like bf has, sure cod has groundwar, but its horrifically bad so.........there's still no game that offers what bf does which is why it sucks when it goes bad, at least bf4 is still popular
Agreed, I was really looking forward to Ground War until I played the beta and watched footage of other maps and all of them played like Metro. The 100 player Ground War never happened either. I was hoping Cold War combined arms would finally do it but nope it's 12v12.

BFV sucking is a great tragedy to me as I there are no other go-to multiplayer FPS that will fill that gap with full on-scale battles. Battle Royales don't interest me either.


NO auto aim lock on bullshit. Pure skill.
Eh, the lockon stuff had a longer cycle time than flares in most cases meaning that unless you had two players with stingers you weren't taking down the copter, much less a jet---which in the case of helicopter with two or more players in it is how it should be.


Neo Member
A "TEEET@TEEET88318895" tweeter account appeared, posted this with reversed BF3 radio chatter in it. I hope there is something.
You're about as deluded as the people who tried to defend the MCC on xbox when it launched.

Just browse the early patch notes.

Solid launch my ass.

And the fact is, a vast number of "fixed" bugs are still in the game to this day.
I played it at launch and it was fine? also just as another example, Horizon zero dawn on PC, plenty folks seems to have had issues, me? Non... stop being so bloody soft, and trying to tell ppl they are basically lying...
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