You're thinking of Tag Climax - apparently, it's used for the Bayonetta & Jeanne battle in Witch Trial 5.
I was tired when I wrote that post apparently.
Haven't gotten past verse three in trial V.
You're thinking of Tag Climax - apparently, it's used for the Bayonetta & Jeanne battle in Witch Trial 5.
Combos aren't about hardcore memorization; there's only two buttons that make up the majority of the combos, and there's often a pattern to those buttons! Paying attention to Bayonetta's movements also offers a great visual cue to remind you of what a combo looks like.
Consider Love is Blue on both hands and feet, which has one of the larger movesets in the game. All of these are combos:
Notice a pattern? All 6 of these combos follow the form [0-5 punches][kick until Wicked Weave(s) come out].
Throw in PKP and PPKP and you've probably learned the majority of Love is Blue's moveset!
Holding down the attack button with Love is Blue to shoot bullets is often a great way to give yourself time to think in the middle of a combo (it's also a good way to practice incorporating Dodge Offset).
And dodging frequently definitely isn't the worst thing in the world. Dodging in this game is intentionally very powerful and helps you keep up with the numerous tough enemies you'll face. That said, try to get in the habit of dodging when you see an enemy's attack cue to activate Witch Time.
Hmm so basically the first play through is kinda a tutorial right? That kinda makes sense for this kinda game. I'll keep at it I guess. It just sucks getting stones all teh time and feeling like dodging some moves is impossible lol.
You're thinking of Tag Climax - apparently, it's used for the Bayonetta & Jeanne battle in Witch Trial 5.
Isn't it the gallery?What's the "???" option on the menu? Also it sucks not being able to play Tag Climax alone.
Now that I've seen most of the game I have to change my statement about the difficulty, I now think the second game is harder than the first. At least on harder difficulties, maybe I just haven't figured Balder out enough... also a possibility.
I agree with you. Bayonetta 2 is easier than Bayonetta 1 for someone who's just trying to clear the game, but it's much harder to go for Pure Platinums in 2.
Or maybe I just haven't figured out Balder either. (I can Pure Platinum Jeanne 4 without too much trouble, though)
Going on the offensive is actually easier. Equip bracelet of time; it won't only force you to take the fight towards him, but it's also easier to pure platinum then just waiting and baiting, especially if you use Rosa.The most prevalent strategy seems to be playing with no agency at all, and only attacking after getting witch time. It's super lame and doesn't make me want to even bother going for Pure Platinum. I already know I can dodge all his attacks on IC now, so if that and holding Y to keep your combo is all there is to it, then it's not going to feel all that rewarding anyway.
Can you get banned for posting screenshots with profanity on miiverse?
Going on the offensive is actually easier. Equip bracelet of time; it won't only force you to take the fight towards him, but it's also easier to pure platinum then just waiting and baiting, especially if you use Rosa.
The most prevalent strategy seems to be playing with no agency at all, and only attacking after getting witch time. It's super lame and doesn't make me want to even bother going for Pure Platinum. I already know I can dodge all his attacks on IC now, so if that and holding Y to keep your combo is all there is to it, then it's not going to feel all that rewarding anyway.
Getting my ass kicked by Rodin, largely because I have a hard time dodging his move that reduces your HP to 1. Any reliable way to dodge this? Am I just not timing my dodges correctly, or do I actually have to run away?
It's a grab so you can't use bat/moth/hornet within or parry to avoid. Just dodge backwards at the right time (don't dodge into it).Getting my ass kicked by Rodin, largely because I have a hard time dodging his move that reduces your HP to 1. Any reliable way to dodge this? Am I just not timing my dodges correctly, or do I actually have to run away?
Nah, don't think so...Can the moon parry it?
Will try this later tonight. Hope he doesn't just chase me down, haha.It's a grab so you can't use bat/moth/hornet within or parry to avoid. Just dodge backwards at the right time (don't dodge into it).
this game is slaying me rn
my only complaint is how shit Tomorrow Is Mine compared to Fly Me To The Moon
Good, good.
Mysterious Destiny < Tomorrow is Mine << Fly Me to the Moon < Moon River
If only the gameplayed Moon River more. D: D: D:
this game is slaying me rn
my only complaint is how shit Tomorrow Is Mine compared to Fly Me To The Moon
That and the complete lack of dancing cutscenes.
Actually, the first game had better cutscenes in general.
If only the gameplayed Moon River more. D: D: D:
Sub Boss said:Anybody watched the animated movie?
Its bad, the characters look weird, bad CGI.^^^ Breakdance works wonders in racking up magic for torture attacks. Just dodge into witch time, then breakdance into a crowd. Especially useful for Alfheims where you need to kill with a certain number of TAs.
I'm mildly curious about it, though the consensus on GAF seems to be that it's pretty bad. How's the animation?
Yeah, I feel the same way. Bayonetta feels a lot sassier and more talkative in the original. I guess you can say the developers wanted to show a different side of her, but I really didn't buy Bayonetta for that. She's still very confident, but her lines are lacking a little oomph, IMO.That and the complete lack of dancing cutscenes.
Actually, the first game had better cutscenes in general.
Yeah, I feel the same way. Bayonetta feels a lot sassier and more talkative in the original. I guess you can say the developers wanted to show a different side of her, but I really didn't buy Bayonetta for that. She's still very confident, but her lines are lacking a little oomph, IMO.
Also, finally beat Rodin!
I'm waiting for the English release in 2019.Finally cleared Witch Trial V. The bracelet of time is a blessing lol!
But, did anyone get their Eyes of Bayonetta 2 book? Mine came in a couple of days ago and it's beautiful! Thanks amazon jp!
Why in the hell did I unlock Breakdance? Now she keeps randomly breakdancing during battle. So annoying. Why does it have to be the same button as dodge?
In the first game she had amnesia, and was pretty much a lone spirit. Her relationships were "strictly business" in the sense that they were founded on deals or mutual benefit. She didn't care about threat, and would taunt confidently in the face of it. She acted like the centre of attention and would control the scene with a calm strut. But then I guess she goes through a arc in the final acts when she regains her memory. Seems like Platinum thought it would be appropriate for the arc to carry through, but it means she's lost all the appeal she initially had. I like her better when she doesn't care, and is just in it for herself. I don't mind if that means she puts other people in danger occasionally (as long as she uses her extremely capable self to keep them from dying). It's so much cooler when she's out to do her own thing while fending off the futile attempts to stop her.
Bayonetta constantly "losing" boss battles in the latter 70% of the game. I'm dumbfounded as to how they screwed this up as badly as they did.
Most bosses in the original seemed to just be willfully sacrificing themselves, they didn't care that they'll die if it means resurrecting Jubi. The only two in the original who fought for real were Balder and Jubi, and Balder defeated and imprisoned her.
Perhaps, in the plot, the Audito viewed themselves as sacrifices for the Creator, but did it feel that way to the player? Did you feel like the bosses were sacrificing themselves to you? Of course not! You felt like you were a tiny character going up against a massive construct who could easily pass as the final boss in any other game, complete with epic orchestral music. Your victory was punctuated with upbeat dance music and inappropriately brutal QTEs that dispelled the sense of tension and made the epic bosses look weak; in retrospect, there was never any doubt that Bayonetta was going to stylishly win, right?
With Balder, you get to see a bullet in the boss' forehead and a multi-minute victory cutscene before he gets up and says "You've done exactly what I wanted you too! And you couldn't have possibly foreseen my crazy complex plan!".
Contrast that with The Prophet, Lumen 3, and Loptr where Bayonetta literally gets knocked down and beaten up moments after you stylishly and flawlessly defeat the boss. Contrast it with Aesir, where Bayonetta doesn't get her victorious QTE until Loki saves her and depowers the boss, invalidating your entire fight. Alraune also has an unsatisfying end, with Rodin stepping in and telling you to "chill, woman". Insidious is finished off by Loki's out-of-nowhere super attack, and even then the end result is you getting sucked into the boss and falling unconscious inside its innards.
Lumen Sage 1 and 2 are also relatively unsatisfying, both ending in a "draw" (Lumen Sage 1 has Bayonetta falling unconscious into the ocean and Loki kissing her, but that's another issue entirely...we'll just call it a draw). Compare that with the Jeanne 2 and Jeanne 3 from the first game, where Jeanne would be hunched over and out-of-breath even while she continued to exchange sassy taunts with you.
Kamiya probably wanted to up the stakes and make this feel like a real challenge to Bayonetta.
*More Bayo2 spoilers, just like the bottom of the last page*
Then I find it unsatisfying that the woman who punched god into the sun and tore apart aircraft-carrier-sized angels can't beat a human-sized enemy, who's main show of power is beating Bayonetta up in post-boss-battle cutscenes despite me (the player) decimating him in gameplay.