Segata Sanshiro said:By all means, skip it... IF YOU HATE AWESOME
This made me ---> :lol :lol :lol
Segata Sanshiro said:By all means, skip it... IF YOU HATE AWESOME
U K Narayan said:I feel that the Ninja Gaiden games are too different to compare to a game like Devil May Cry 3/4 or Bayonetta.
God's Beard said:But Ninja Gaiden Black vs DMC3 is the classic action debate!
The whole argument is pretty stupid.God's Beard said:But Ninja Gaiden Black vs DMC3 is the classic action debate!
sonicmj1 said:I've played for nearly ten hours now, and the end of the game at least appears to be close. But I dunno.
Whose bright idea was it to put one of the awesomest boss battles ever in the same chapter as that excessively long Space Harrier tribute?
That part is unnecessarily hard due to the bizarre camera angle. Don't feel too bad.koshunter said:Started playing it again on hard.
Holy fuck! Died 18 times on the first chapter but still managed to clear it, even though it stopped counting after the first five deaths.
Just after Jeanne shows up and you have to get 3 torture kills without witchtime is where my death spree began.
But man, did it feel so good finishing that.
Yes, I realize I suck.
ConcealedBlaze said:Haven't you heard? Nowadays it's NGB v. DMC3 v. God Hand v. Bayonetta
You're living in the past, friend.
canova said:no the other poster is correct
NGB vs DMC3:SE is the classic. No game, I repeat no game can approach those two in the action genre. Bayonetta is still a child's play compare to those 2
canova said:no the other poster is correct
NGB vs DMC3:SE is the classic. No game, I repeat no game can approach those two in the action genre. Bayonetta is still a child's play compare to those 2
Do not start this fucking stupid argument, please.ConcealedBlaze said:Have you played Bayonetta or God Hand? They both give NGB and DMC3SE a run for their money, and in Bayonetta's case may even surpass the two.
U K Narayan said:Do not start this fucking stupid argument, please.
canova said:no the other poster is correct
NGB vs DMC3:SE is the classic. No game, I repeat no game can approach those two in the action genre. Bayonetta is still a child's play compare to those 2
No its the Lighting teleporting thing that would one shot you if you couldn't DT out of its grabs.God's Beard said:Were those the ice things that you just toss around with the devil bringer all the time?
a Master Ninja said:At worst you probably won't love the gimmickyYou'll probably love taking on Bayonetta's rival, Jeanne, as her abilities are similar to your own. You do fight giant bosses, but unlike most 3d action games this one pulls them off remarkably well.Outrun and Afterburner sequences seeing as they don't rely on the skills you've honed up until that point. They aren't even bad, just too long.
The basic angels don't put up much of a fight but I think other common enemies like Joy or Grace & Glory will provide what you're looking for.God's Beard said:Other than Jeanne, I haven't seen other small, intense fights, and the larger bosses I've been exposed to in reviews and trailers and such don't seem to be radically different than what I've fought in other games. I hope that I'm wrong, of course.
Normal isn't difficult. On normal, my deaths by QTEs were certainly greater than my deaths by enemies. It's enjoyable, but it's not hard. I've a feeling it was designed so that people unfamiliar to the genre would be able to beat it, assuming they had no regard for doing so with any expertise.God's Beard said:Sell me on this game. I love DMC1, but the demo feels like DMC4 on steroids. What I want to know from people who have the game already is, how does the enemy AI stack up? Do normal enemies have fun and interesting fighting styles like the Shadows in DMC1, or are they fodder like the giant angel in the demo? How's the difficulty for normal mode compared to the demo, because it felt like auto play a little bit to me. How useful are the different weapons in different situations, or is it one-size-fits-all like DMC4?
Aside from all the crazy shit going on in the story and the minigames and novelty camera angle changes, what's the level of the gameplay compared to say, God Hand and Ninja Gaiden? Does it feel more like a combo fest or a series of fights with real opponents?
DMC1 - shadows, nelo angelo
DMC3 - agni & rudra, vergil
DMC4 - Credo, Dante
NGB - Murai, Alma, Doku, incendiary ninjas
God Hand - Everything
any giant monster that just sits there and lets you swing at it, or weird gimmicky fights
Rez said:why not play on Easy? it's there for a reason.![]()
Eggo said:Regular enemies can deal over 75% damage to your health bar in one combo
Eggo said:I play games on their default difficulty setting, because I figure that's how the designers want the game to be played.
Eggo said:I play games on their default difficulty setting, because I figure that's how the designers want the game to be played.
If you had said this statement 6 months ago, I would've been with you. After playing only s small sample of Bayonetta I can say that Bayonetta comes dangerously close to those 2 and even surpassing them in some ways.canova said:no the other poster is correct
NGB vs DMC3:SE is the classic. No game, I repeat no game can approach those two in the action genre. Bayonetta is still a child's play compare to those 2
You have the same concerns as me and I can tell you that you will like this game for sure. The enemies are more aggressive than the ones in DMC4, there is a huge list of weapons (unlike with DMC4 where it's a one fit all kind of thing). You also have a Vergil-like boss battle in this game so it delivers on that front.God's Beard said:Sell me on this game. I love DMC1, but the demo feels like DMC4 on steroids. What I want to know from people who have the game already is, how does the enemy AI stack up? Do normal enemies have fun and interesting fighting styles like the Shadows in DMC1, or are they fodder like the giant angel in the demo? How's the difficulty for normal mode compared to the demo, because it felt like auto play a little bit to me. How useful are the different weapons in different situations, or is it one-size-fits-all like DMC4?
Aside from all the crazy shit going on in the story and the minigames and novelty camera angle changes, what's the level of the gameplay compared to say, God Hand and Ninja Gaiden? Does it feel more like a combo fest or a series of fights with real opponents?
DMC1 - shadows, nelo angelo
DMC3 - agni & rudra, vergil
DMC4 - Credo, Dante
NGB - Murai, Alma, Doku, incendiary ninjas
God Hand - Everything
any giant monster that just sits there and lets you swing at it, or weird gimmicky fights
The game compensates for this by making it literally impossible to fail. You can die as many times as you want and it'll still let you continue from where you left off.Eggo said:I'm probably the only dissenting opinion in this thread, but I don't 'get' this game. I'm somewhere around chapter 10, and I've lost interest in continuing. They're recycling bosses at this point, and the game just isn't fun. I'm playing on normal difficulty, and it's too difficult for me. The deaths come often and it ends up being more frustrating than fun.
It's too bad too, because there's a lot to like about the game. The graphics are amazing. Some of the landscapes are gorgeous. Bayonetta is a cool character with a lot of style. The movelist is deeper than a single character in a fighting game when you factor in all the different weapons you can equip.
I just think they messed up the game balance in a big way. This game will never be a mainstream success because it is too hard-core for its own good. Normal difficulty (the default setting) feels like a hard difficulty, and I'm sure casual gamers will be just as turned off by the constant dying. Regular enemies can deal over 75% damage to your health bar in one combo. That's not good game balance. It's masochistic, which is the way I feel about a lot of the encounters. It reminds me of a 16-bit platformer where you have to make timed jumps on moving platforms while enemies randomly shoot at you from the sidelines. You don't make games like this any more, because games have gone mainstream. That's not even mentioning the boss fights, where the deaths really start to pile up.
The economy sucks in this game too. Unless you're playing at an S-type level, you're not going to have enough money to buy many moves or items. Moves like the aerial dodge should have been available off the bat. In order to buy the moves you want, you have to go back and farm previous levels, which is tedious.
Ironballs said:I'm trying so hard to not cave and upgrade my Amazon order to release date delivery. I really need to stop lurking in this thread.
Ironballs said:Welp, I caved. C'mon Tuesday!!!!
And clearly the designers wanted the game to be a little difficult.Eggo said:I play games on their default difficulty setting, because I figure that's how the designers want the game to be played.
No Witch Time.DihcarEM said:So i'm almost trough hard mode, how diffecult is infinite climax mode and what changes with it? Is it like Dante must die mode?
Shito said:No Witch Time.
DihcarEM said:Damn, and how is the enemy AI, normal or hard mode?