â Narayan
She says "This is my Fantasy Zone."Miburou said:LOL.I had a feeling someone would post that.I mean the segment where she says "welcome to the Fantasy Zone".
I know what you mean though. >
She says "This is my Fantasy Zone."Miburou said:LOL.I had a feeling someone would post that.I mean the segment where she says "welcome to the Fantasy Zone".
She says "This is my Fantasy Zone."
I know what you mean though. >![]()
Ah! So she does. :lolMiburou said:Actually she says "Welcome to my fantasy zone". So we were both wrong. :lol
akachan ningen said:I just finished the game. It was amazing overall, naturally. But I don't think it's as good as DMC3 or, to a lesser extent, DMC4 and here's 10 reasons why.
- The combos don't change that much, depending which weapons you have equipped. What I liked about getting new weapons in DMC3 was that they were all radically different and changed the way you played the game. In Bayonetta, the only ones that really change your moves are the whip and the sword. I didn't like the whip much though.
- QTE bullshit. DMC4 had a little of this and DMC3 had none. What's worse is that most of them are "hit the QTE or die instantly" which is mental.
- Most of the bosses were big set pieces designed to compete with GOW in the battle of epicness. They are great to look at, but at the end of the day I wanted smaller, more personal fights.
- The Bike scene, missile scene. needs no explanation.
- The camera was fucking nutty, especially in small areas, like the scene where you fight jeanne on a missile. It took way to much effort away from the buttons to move the camera.
- Loading the gates of hell shop level every time was pointless. It should have just been a menu.
- The story was terrible. I wasn't expecting Shakespeare but it didn't capture my interest on any level. DMC4 was actually around the same level but DMC3 was better. And having to read books to find out more about the story was lame. Not that it interested me enough to find out about it but reading has no place in a crazy action game like this.
- Alfheim portals. A lot of them require BACKTRACKING to find. They couldn't just hide them all in clever places? DMC3/4 hide them in great places.
- Re-using areas from earlier levels. Another complaint from DMC4 makes an appearance in this game. It gave me a bad feeling of deja vu, which was supposed to be a joke in the game?
- Half the cutscenes are done in this "still image" style, even though they are using the actual character models. Why didn't they just animate them all? Maybe it was a style choice, maybe they wanted to save money. Either way, I didn't like it.
The boss fights with jeanne were probably the best part but I don't think they were even as good as the DMC3 fights with Vergil or the fight in DMC4 with this guy:
NIN90 said:I too would like to know how the combo meter exactly works in general.
For example: Why is 300 x 3.0 NOT 900 but something even lower than 300?
KevinCow said:Quick question: does the full game offer customizable controls? Having lock-on mapped to RB in the demo was ridiculously uncomfortable.
You can invert the Y axis, in the option menu: select the rocket icon to look at the commands sheet for this mode, there'll be a "Y: switch Y axis" at the bottom of the screen.Miburou said:The game is full of useful information. :lol
Seriously, though, anyone have any tips on how to get the achievement for platinum-ing verses 1 and 2 of that chapter? The fact that the Y controls are inverted is making it very hard for me to not screw up. What is the trick for platinum on those verses? Should I concentrate on not getting hit, on killing every last enemy, etc.? And can I do it on easy/very easy?
Monocle said:Haha, congrats.
Right on, that's just what I did. My basic approach was:
Wave 1
Long taunt enemies, dodge for Witch Time, use panther form to reposition myself, torture attack an enemy, repeat until 1 Affinity remains, taunt until all three magic bars are maxed, grab a dead Affinity's weapon, kill remaining Affinity with torture attack. That would leave me with only two torture attacks left to do.
Wave 2
Dodge for Witch Time, run to middle of enemy group and use pole spin attack until Witch Time expires, use panther form to travel to and pick up second Affinity weapon, kill weakened enemy with torture attack, repeat steps for final torture attack.
Wave 3
Try not to die.
Eventually I replaced Eternal Testimony with Pulley's Butterfly because I found that my main problem wasn't generating magic but staying alive.
akachan ningen said:I just finished the game. It was amazing overall, naturally. But I don't think it's as good as DMC3 or, to a lesser extent, DMC4 and here's 10 reasons why.
- The combos don't change that much, depending which weapons you have equipped. What I liked about getting new weapons in DMC3 was that they were all radically different and changed the way you played the game. In Bayonetta, the only ones that really change your moves are the whip and the sword. I didn't like the whip much though.
- QTE bullshit. DMC4 had a little of this and DMC3 had none. What's worse is that most of them are "hit the QTE or die instantly" which is mental.
- Most of the bosses were big set pieces designed to compete with GOW in the battle of epicness. They are great to look at, but at the end of the day I wanted smaller, more personal fights.
- The Bike scene, missile scene. needs no explanation.
- The camera was fucking nutty, especially in small areas, like the scene where you fight jeanne on a missile. It took way to much effort away from the buttons to move the camera.
- Loading the gates of hell shop level every time was pointless. It should have just been a menu.
- The story was terrible. I wasn't expecting Shakespeare but it didn't capture my interest on any level. DMC4 was actually around the same level but DMC3 was better. And having to read books to find out more about the story was lame. Not that it interested me enough to find out about it but reading has no place in a crazy action game like this.
- Alfheim portals. A lot of them require BACKTRACKING to find. They couldn't just hide them all in clever places? DMC3/4 hide them in great places.
- Re-using areas from earlier levels. Another complaint from DMC4 makes an appearance in this game. It gave me a bad feeling of deja vu, which was supposed to be a joke in the game?
- Half the cutscenes are done in this "still image" style, even though they are using the actual character models. Why didn't they just animate them all? Maybe it was a style choice, maybe they wanted to save money. Either way, I didn't like it.
The boss fights with jeanne were probably the best part but I don't think they were even as good as the DMC3 fights with Vergil or the fight in DMC4 with this guy:
Your points are fair for the most part, but your post has some inaccuracies. The biggest is in the quote above.akachan ningen said:[snip]
- The combos don't change that much, depending which weapons you have equipped. What I liked about getting new weapons in DMC3 was that they were all radically different and changed the way you played the game. In Bayonetta, the only ones that really change your moves are the whip and the sword. I didn't like the whip much though.
Monocle said:Your points are fair for the most part, but your post has some inaccuracies. The biggest is in the quote above.
Shuraba, Kulshedra, Odette, Lt. Col. Kilgore equipped to hands, Sai-Fon and Rodin all have drastically different move sets than Scarborough Fair's style, even though most of these weapons have nearly identical button inputs. If you want to count Durga, with its highly unique properties, add the Handguns, Onyx Roses and Bazillions and we have four weapons that share combos with Scarborough Fair. And even those have markedly different capabilities. Pillow Talk, a clone of Shuraba, rounds out the list. So out of 12 weapons, 5 of them are noticeably derivative. That's really not so bad. Between her weapons (most with 20+ combos) and special moves alone, Bayonetta clearly rivals and probably surpasses Dante's combat options in DMC3 and 4. Throw in stuff like dodge offset, animal transformations and accessories, and Dante starts looking a little less impressive by comparison.
Bayonetta's combat system has extraordinary depth to match the title character's impressive number of unique attacks. While I certainly would have been glad if Bayonetta had offbeat weapons like Nevan or Lucifer, I don't think the game leaves us with much reason to complain.
Damn, good idea. I didn't even think about using that accessory combo to sneak in a free attack.Jeo said:Came in to say that I finally beat that damn Alfheim 6 on hard and it looks like I wasn't the only one who had trouble :lol
My strategy for the first two waves was pretty similar, I used PKP with the Shuraba to stun Ardor so I could build up magic faster, and I didn't bother picking up a second weapon in wave 2.
In wave 3 I equipped Eternal Testimony and the Bracelet of Time. Every few seconds I was able to trigger witch time and land a PKP.
Don said:Has there been any announcement of an art book for Bayonetta? I loved the Okami art book and it would be cool to have something similar for Bayonetta.
Don said:Has there been any announcement of an art book for Bayonetta? I loved the Okami art book and it would be cool to have something similar for Bayonetta.
Dave1988 said:
Well, most of Dante's weapons and style-specific moves aren't available right away either. Bayonetta was designed to be replayed over and over again. It hardly seems sensible to discount a great big chunk of content just because it's not accessible in the first playthrough.akachan ningen said:A lot of those weapons aren't available the first tiime you play it though.
I know bayonetta has MORE combos I was just disappointed that they weren't more unique. And I never complained about the combat system, so I don't see why you're defending it.
1. The QTEs are absurdly easy to remember after you've experienced them a few times. They hardly constitute a reason why DMC3 and (snicker) 4 are better games than Bayonetta.btw, what were some of the other "inaccuracies" that you thought I had?
White Man said:I dig the game, and I'm kind of impressed that the story is incomprehensible starting at moment 1. What's basically going on is kind of evident, but boy are the Japanese effective at spewing confusing and indirect nonsense dialogue. It kinda reminds me of the good old days of poor translations, but the loc appears pretty decent, doing by the VA. And Fake Joe Pesci is awesome. I only wish there were a Beat Angels in the Face with a Telephone minigame.
Yeah. I felt the same way too in regards to the cutscenes. Total lack of exposition.White Man said:I dig the game, and I'm kind of impressed that the story is incomprehensible starting at moment 1. What's basically going on is kind of evident, but boy are the Japanese effective at spewing confusing and indirect nonsense dialogue. It kinda reminds me of the good old days of poor translations, but the loc appears pretty decent, doing by the VA. And Fake Joe Pesci is awesome. I only wish there were a Beat Angels in the Face with a Telephone minigame.
Nemesis556 said:So why doesn't Jeanne have Witch Time? She has Bat Within but not Witch Time at all.
I didn't realise she actually played different. I like how her demons that she summons and all her weapons are differently written up in the menu screen.
Does anyone know if SHE has alternate costumes as well?
Kaijima said:The thing about the story is that it is purposefully a massive send-up of the insanity and arbitrary twists of the typical Japanese action game. Tongue is pretty much firmly in cheek the entire time.
I'm not sure if "I can't follow the story" makes sense. It's a bit like saying "why does the man in that Monty Python sketch realize that the parrot is clearly dead."
Monocle said:Thank goodness Kamiya abandoned the fixed camera angles of the DMC series.
Dave1988 said:She does have alternate costumes as well.
Alx said:True. I wanted to like the first DMC, but couldn't because of the fixed camera angles, and the obscure puzzles that require to go back & forth.
Her old costume with the "Leia buns" is probably the only costume in the game I really want. I hope it's available.
Maybe it's a stupid question, but is the "finish 100 chapters" unlockable linked to a save file, or does it sum the chapters done by different characters ?
Alx said:Her old costume with the "Leia buns" is probably the only costume in the game I really want. I hope it's available.
Maybe it's a stupid question, but is the "finish 100 chapters" unlockable linked to a save file, or does it sum the chapters done by different characters ?
goldenpp72 said:anyone know where verse 5 is in chapter 1? I cant believe im stuck already doing pure plats :/ Also what do alt weapons you can buy do?
akachan ningen said:I just finished the game. It was amazing overall, naturally. But I don't think it's as good as DMC3 or, to a lesser extent, DMC4 and here's 10 reasons why.
- The combos don't change that much, depending which weapons you have equipped. What I liked about getting new weapons in DMC3 was that they were all radically different and changed the way you played the game. In Bayonetta, the only ones that really change your moves are the whip and the sword. I didn't like the whip much though.
- QTE bullshit. DMC4 had a little of this and DMC3 had none. What's worse is that most of them are "hit the QTE or die instantly" which is mental.
- Most of the bosses were big set pieces designed to compete with GOW in the battle of epicness. They are great to look at, but at the end of the day I wanted smaller, more personal fights.
- The Bike scene, missile scene. needs no explanation.
- The camera was fucking nutty, especially in small areas, like the scene where you fight jeanne on a missile. It took way to much effort away from the buttons to move the camera.
- Loading the gates of hell shop level every time was pointless. It should have just been a menu.
- The story was terrible. I wasn't expecting Shakespeare but it didn't capture my interest on any level. DMC4 was actually around the same level but DMC3 was better. And having to read books to find out more about the story was lame. Not that it interested me enough to find out about it but reading has no place in a crazy action game like this.
- Alfheim portals. A lot of them require BACKTRACKING to find. They couldn't just hide them all in clever places? DMC3/4 hide them in great places.
- Re-using areas from earlier levels. Another complaint from DMC4 makes an appearance in this game. It gave me a bad feeling of deja vu, which was supposed to be a joke in the game?
- Half the cutscenes are done in this "still image" style, even though they are using the actual character models. Why didn't they just animate them all? Maybe it was a style choice, maybe they wanted to save money. Either way, I didn't like it.
The boss fights with jeanne were probably the best part but I don't think they were even as good as the DMC3 fights with Vergil or the fight in DMC4 with this guy:
goldenpp72 said:Thanks a lot! one more quick question. Going for platinums is counter productive towards a short time, is there a good way to get under 3 hours while still going for the pure plats?
Oh and can you get under 3 hours by replaying chapters or do you have to do a new file, like is it total? Confusing..
If you have lots of platinums you want to keep, you could always go for a under 3 hours run on hard. You can replay chapters to shave off minutes on your total playtime.goldenpp72 said:Thanks a lot! one more quick question. Going for platinums is counter productive towards a short time, is there a good way to get under 3 hours while still going for the pure plats?
Oh and can you get under 3 hours by replaying chapters or do you have to do a new file, like is it total? Confusing..
abq said:If you have lots of platinums you want to keep, you could always go for a under 3 hours run on hard. You can replay chapters to shave off minutes on your total playtime.
Take your time and enjoy the game. Then work on your time. After that, platinums.goldenpp72 said:So basically go for the 3 hours first than do pure plat runs? I only have one pure plat in the first chapter so its not a big deal.
With that said, does the 3 hours just tally up all the chapters best times?
NIN90 said:No, but you won't be using lock-on at all.
Ninja Kn1ght said:Chapter XIV is ruined for me by a lack of checkpoints. It's incredibly frustrating. Other than that, it's been great so far.
brandonh83 said:wait what happens when you do it under 3 hours? and can you seriously do it at your leisure per chapter?
brandonh83 said:wait what happens when you do it under 3 hours? and can you seriously do it at your leisure per chapter?
rocK` said:Just finished the game on Normal.
The story was great, but I don't think I got the full understanding of what's going on and why the angels are considered 'bad'.