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BBC interviews woman "born without a womb, cervix and vagina'

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On one hand being dumped by a fiancee is terrible. On the other she did kinda violate his trust by not telling him so long. Glad that she found someone else.

I read stories like this and I wonder that, (on a slight tangent), if the mountain of poorly drafted and hastily ruled anti-transgender legislation, which seeks to define gender based on 'what your are born with' could legally be used to discriminate against people with this condition, regardless of whether or not they have had reconstructive surgery.

From what I've seen of that strain American politicians, they seem to have a terrible grasp of human biology. Or biology in general.
They probably don't know (or care about knowing) about such medical conditions. In their view if the rules allow someone to be discriminated against then they deserve to be discriminated against and it's all working as intended.

Morrigan Stark

Arrogant Smirk
I thought this was going to be an interview with the British girl with the same condition that I made a thread about awhile ago, apparently it isn't.

Also it apparently affects 1 in 4500 girls. Wooooooooow.
That thread is... quite something

Also fuck those doctors who told this British girl to "fix herself". WTF?

This is something you tell someone about before you get engaged.
I agree. However, I sympathize with her about that somewhat as it can't be easy to disclose. Note how many of these women are made to feel ashamed, broken, less of a woman, etc. As a young woman suffering from such anxiety, it's no big surprise she was reluctant to share her condition. Fortunately she is better now.


She didn't tell her ex until after they were engaged? .....

I don't think it would be a deal breaker for me. Doesn't seem like it would change a whole lot tbh the heavy stigma has to be religious.

I've no idea what I'd do in that position, honestly... But I wouldn't be surprised if I did break it off.


I guess her first fiance did not want to consider adoption? On her end, if she was getting somewhat comfortable with her body, that was a huge blow. Awful guy. As a gay guy, adoption is the only option I consider. I know for some that's a big deal. I'm glad she is with someone who finally appreciates her.

Can't really call him an awful guy. That's a pretty significant thing to hide from someone that you care enough about to get married. Also if she couldn't trust him with it till after they were engaged it shows a considerable lack of trust in the previous period of relationship
However considering she was engaged without having sex first she probably is quite conservative and/or religious herself; and anyone running in those circles usually has the expectation of children.
She had an operation at 17 to give her a functional vagina and has had sex. Not in the OP, but in the article, she says she doesn't believe in God.


Guilty White Male Mods Gave Me This Tag
Also don't forget Turner syndrome girls. Potentially a differently developed private part, so to speak, depending on the severity of their condition.


Once you pop the question you're in, if my wife had told me this after I asked her it wouldn't have made any difference. I didn't ask till I was sure. She is way better off without the guy.

Also I bet a very large percentage of women that can't have kids don't find our till after they are married. This is not something that would normally come up. Before your married all you do is try and avoid pregnancy.


Hasn't stemcell research come far enough that she could have eggs? Don't know anything on Greek law on using surrogates but all hope cannot be out for having kids in the future?
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