What have they changed? I went a week before the attacks in Paris in November and i had to laugh at the stupidity of their security. From train station to hotel you could either enter through downtown Disney style Disney village and pass through security (more on that in a min) or get straight on a bus to a hotel. There was no security this way or even checks you had a hotel booked. The train station is on a main line so anyone can go to it with he only reasons being Disney or if you somehow lived near by and was being picked up.
The only security is in the Disney village and the only way to he parks is through the Disney village. Here's where it gets stupid. There's a line for just people without bags, no one checks you here. In fact if the staff count is low and you have a bag you can sneak through here. Prams can also go through here without checks. If you have a bag of any size you go into a tent where either someone prods it for a few seconds in the dark tent and doesn't really check the bags contents or it goes through an airport style metal detector.
It was so dumb if you wanted to bring a knife or anything in you just put it on your body and no one would ever know. Or you could potentially sneak past these check points as they only used movable metal barriers to enclose them, no even chest height so easy to get over or go around. Just seemed the most pointless waste of time even bothering to do this. It almost seemed like it just caused hassle as it didn't provide any protection or deterrent in my eyes.
I'm glad this guy got caught, I have no idea how he got caught cos anyone with half a brain would have seen the huge flaws in these check points and worked around them with ease. I'm sure half the time it's just these people being complete idiots than any good system in place that catches these guys out.