The BBC still retains a lot about it that is very good. The quality of the documentary output alone is fabulous.
But it has become something of a hotbed and a magnet for people who come from a pretty specific political point of view. And I'm talking here from personal experience. I know people who work for the BBC, and used to work for the BBC. Sadly types of those people have made the corporation a place where only their points of view are heard with any real volume, and that's been highly detrimental to an organisation that is meant to be balanced.
Also, the licence fee is archaic and needs to be altered greatly, if not done away with completely. It's insane to require someone to pay a fee to watch TV channels that aren't even the BBC. I'm fully behind the idea of the licence remaining if you want to watch BBC output, but if you don't, there should be no requirement for you to pay it.