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Beachbody Workouts |OT| Gaf Does P90/X/X2, Insanity/Asylum, T-25 and More!


I wonder who is making more between Shaun T and Tony. Back when P90X I know it was Tony for sure but it seems like Shaun has all the attention now as far as in home workouts.

It's gotta be Shawn T. as of now. Although Tony probably still makes a lot from the P90X, TH Kitchen and the clothes/sunglasses line he just launched.


The Body Beast calorie calculation formula is that specific for Body Beast or does it apply to bulking in genereal?

The formula for finding the amount of calories needed to maintain weight seems correct, but was wondering about the formula for build/bulk and beast.

I need just shy of 2500 kcal to maintain but 2850 kcal to build/bulk, but I don't plan on doing Body Beast just yet, but was wondering if the formulas apply to bulking in general?


I'd say yes, it should apply for bulking in general. From the research I've made, most people seemed to be doing 25% protein / 50% carbs / 25% fat for bulking or something close to that. So if you want to bulk, you'll need to eat like 200-400 calories more than what you need for maintaining weight.


This poster pulses with an appeal so broad the typical restraints of our societies fall by the wayside.
Finished my most recent run of P90X over the weekend (after doing it, uh, 1 & 3/4 times last summer). The differences this time around for me were a set of adjustable dumbbells (Bowflex SelectTechs) and a pull-up bar instead of bands. I also ate a lot better — no cheating. Had much better results this time around, and lost twenty pounds as well. That's more an effect of my diet, though, and I really wasn't even trying to lose that much weight... I'm pretty sure that I have, like, no muscle. :|

I can confidently say that I'm in the best shape of my life, which is pretty awesome. My desktop background is a picture of myself at 210 pounds (I'm 126 now), posing for pre-P90 pics, to help remind me of how I can never let myself even approach those depths again. The biggest problem now is my wardrobe! I bought several new pairs of pants AGAIN this weekend, and another new belt. Thank god for the Gap Outlet — 70% off!

Started my next round today. My plan is to do it once more, MAYBE twice, possibly with each phase extended by a week or two, and then move on to P90X2 in the fall/winter if I can pony up the dough. I'm using the Chin Up Max now, instead of a chair, and while it will definitely take some getting used to, I think I like it.

For protein, I've also gone back to French Vanilla Creme ON whey (Vanilla Ice Cream was disappointing) and am now mixing it with almond milk (super cheap at Trader Joe's) instead of water and FUUUCKITISSOGOOD. Can't wait to drink it again tomorrow.


I started T25 last week a so far it's been alright, except the Friday double workout where I did it back to back and the Cardio part I started to half ass it due to fatigue towards the end...

My question is do you have to do the 2 exercises back to back, or should there be rest periods?? Or even move on exercise to Saturday? 25 minutes goes back so fast I still lift some dumbbells after my daily T25 routines to tone my muscles. I finished Insanity a month ago and it did nothing for my chest -_-


Well, that's me into Phase 2 of the Insanity workout and fuck me, is it brutal. I thought I was starting to cope well with Phase 1 and felt confident that I would be able to cope well enough with Phase 2 but after my day 2's Max Interval Plyo, it just shamed me badly. What it has done is show me that my body was probably starting to peak a bit with Phase 1 as other than muscle fatigue, my body was coping well with the exercises. After Day 2 of Phase 2 my shoulders are aching, my arms feel overworked, my quads, hams and groin are aching and my knees are feeling worn as well. Also, it's the first time I've saw or even heard of most of these exercises and I was left staring mouth open at some of the routines we had to do. 'Squat Pushups'? You cruel bastard Shaun!

I think I was half way through the first set of the second circuit in the Max Interval Plyo and I had a moment of 'I can't fucking do this'. The level of escalation increased beyond any expectations I had and really took me by surprise. However, I soldiered on and completed the entire workout. I couldn't last the pace and probably took more breaks than I should have, but I did my best to get through it. Still, 3.5 weeks to go and I can say I've completed my first run though of Insanity.

Anyway, results and stats time:

Week 1, Fitness Test 1
Starting weight 218lbs
Drop Kicks: 100
Power Jacks: 46
Power Knees: 79
Power Jumps: 22
Globe Jumps: 6
Suicide Jumps: 7
Push up jacks: 13
Low plank oblique: 55

Week 3, Fitness Test 2
Weight: 209lbs
Drop Kicks: 106 (+6)
Power Jacks: 52 (+6)
Power Knees: 106 (+27)
Power Jumps: 28 (+6)
Globe Jumps: 9 (+3)
Suicide Jumps: 13 (+6)
Push up jacks: 20 (+7)
Low plank oblique: 64 (+9)

Week 6 Fitness Test 3
Weight: 205.5lbs
Drop Kicks: 120 (+20)
Power Jacks: 56 (+12)
Power Knees: 121 (+42)
Power Jumps: 35 (+13)
Globe Jumps: 10 (+4)
Suicide Jumps: 15 (+8)
Push up jacks: 22 (+9)
Low plank oblique: 66 (+11)

So as you can see, since my first week, I've been steadily losing weight and my fitness levels are increasing too. Very happy with my progress so far. Although, I thought I may have lost more weight than I have by this point.
Day 30 complete! Halfway through Insanity

Today, for the first time, I started to get pissed off during the workout. My hamstring was playing up and I didn't feel that into it. In my mind it all became a waste of time all-of-a-sudden and I had to really grit my teeth and try and keep my cool to even bother finishing the workout. I even had a go at poor old Shaun T (sorry, Shaun). I think it's because I didn't eat much dinner last night, so didn't really have enough energy to pull through. However, I finished it, and I've had breakfast now and got over my little tizzy.

Anyway, on day 1 I decided to take pictures from the front, side, back and at an angle. I figured I'd repeat the photos on day 30 and day 60. I've just compared day 30 to day 1 and while I don't exactly have a 6-pack yet, my whole body has tightened up and looks better. I knew I'd put on weight during the last few months of my second year at Uni, but when I look back at day 1 I can't quite believe how much of a fatty I'd become! Turns out KFC and pizza are bad for you.

Anyway, just a post to say that I'm incredibly happy with the progress so far. I didn't realise how bad I was at the time. Hopefully in 30 days I'll have a figure I'm completely happy with. I've never taken my top off in public, for example. Maybe in 30 days that'll change...

I'll probably put the pics up on day 60 if anyone wants to see. I don't think I'd even be comfortable putting topless pics online until I have a figure I'm happy with.
Day 30 complete! Halfway through Insanity

Today, for the first time, I started to get pissed off during the workout. My hamstring was playing up and I didn't feel that into it. In my mind it all became a waste of time all-of-a-sudden and I had to really grit my teeth and try and keep my cool to even bother finishing the workout. I even had a go at poor old Shaun T (sorry, Shaun). I think it's because I didn't eat much dinner last night, so didn't really have enough energy to pull through. However, I finished it, and I've had breakfast now and got over my little tizzy.

The first time I did plyometrics I was sticking both of my fingers up at Tony when he suggested it was time to get back into it. Felt good.

I'll probably put the pics up on day 60 if anyone wants to see. I don't think I'd even be comfortable putting topless pics online until I have a figure I'm happy with.

Pics are great, but I admit I'm too shy to do so too. But I think it helps a lot to see real results besides the youtube "amazing transformations".


Started T25 with Cardio 1.0 last night. As expected I was sucking wind 10 minutes in but I finished pretty strong at the end. I haven't watched any of the other DVD's so I have a question for you guys that have been doing it...are all the workouts this squat heavy? It felt like 90% of the moves involved some form of squatting and jumping up.


Did Max Interval Sports Training or whatever it is called right before I went to bed.
Bad idea, was pumped up for the rest of the night and couldn't sleep.


Made it through my first week of Asylum 2. Still loving it! I did T25 full body circuit with my partner on Saturday just to check it out. Pretty intense 25 min workout. Will be doing it after I finish Asylum 2.


Hang out with Steve.
Finished my most recent run of P90X over the weekend

Excellent & congratulations!

My question is do you have to do the 2 exercises back to back, or should there be rest periods?? Or even move on exercise to Saturday? 25 minutes goes back so fast I still lift some dumbbells after my daily T25 routines to tone my muscles. I finished Insanity a month ago and it did nothing for my chest -_-

On the Alpha calendar, it says you can split the two Friday workouts apart by time or even do one of them on Saturday. For Beta, the recommendation is you do the two back to back. I haven't told my wife that and we've been doing them back to back ;-)

FocusT25 Alpha doesn't really have much for your upper body, although when you're doing push-ups you can switch to wide-arm pushups which will target your chest more.

I think I was half way through the first set of the second circuit in the Max Interval Plyo and I had a moment of 'I can't fucking do this'. The level of escalation increased beyond any expectations I had and really took me by surprise. However, I soldiered on and completed the entire workout. I couldn't last the pace and probably took more breaks than I should have, but I did my best to get through it. Still, 3.5 weeks to go and I can say I've completed my first run though of Insanity.
So as you can see, since my first week, I've been steadily losing weight and my fitness levels are increasing too. Very happy with my progress so far. Although, I thought I may have lost more weight than I have by this point.

Congrats on soldiering through! That's the definition of Dig Deep :) And fantastic results. I wouldn't worry about your weight -- Insanity is about "Max Interval Training" and getting your muscles moving in an anabolic state, which will stimulate muscle growth. That could partially explain your weight dropping more slowly.

Today, for the first time, I started to get pissed off during the workout. My hamstring was playing up and I didn't feel that into it. In my mind it all became a waste of time all-of-a-sudden and I had to really grit my teeth and try and keep my cool to even bother finishing the workout. I even had a go at poor old Shaun T (sorry, Shaun).
Anyway, just a post to say that I'm incredibly happy with the progress so far. I didn't realise how bad I was at the time. Hopefully in 30 days I'll have a figure I'm completely happy with. I've never taken my top off in public, for example. Maybe in 30 days that'll change...

Hah, I've cursed Shaun T many a time. There's a point in Asylum where he's urging on one of the women and she gets up & shoves him over, it's hilarious :-D Great job pushing through, and congrats on your results so far!

Started T25 with Cardio 1.0 last night. As expected I was sucking wind 10 minutes in but I finished pretty strong at the end. I haven't watched any of the other DVD's so I have a question for you guys that have been doing it...are all the workouts this squat heavy? It felt like 90% of the moves involved some form of squatting and jumping up.

In Alpha there's a ton of squats & lunges for sure. Alpha's all about building up your foundation, your connection to the ground, so there's a lot of focus on your calves, quads, hamstrings, glutes & core.

Did Max Interval Sports Training or whatever it is called right before I went to bed.
Bad idea, was pumped up for the rest of the night and couldn't sleep.

Yeah, I can't work out at night at all or the same thing happens. I just get to wired & even melatonin won't help me fall asleep. Early mornings are best for me.

Made it through my first week of Asylum 2. Still loving it! I did T25 full body circuit with my partner on Saturday just to check it out. Pretty intense 25 min workout. Will be doing it after I finish Asylum 2.

Total Body Circuit's a beast of a workout! In week 5 of Alpha, you do it 3 times. I'm thinking of doing Asylum 1 and 2 after I finish Focus T25. I've done Asylum, but not Volume 2.


Update from my side. Started P90X in February and finished in May. Wasn't that content with my improvment (I improved very much, but the thrill was missing) So I started Round 2. Started drinking 1L Milk each day and tried to eat way more than before... Arms started to bulk up a lot and I am seeing improvement in curling and everything. It's also nice that I take a big dump every day (I guess it has to do with my foods consumption and training lol) 5 Weeks to go and I will finish my second round.

I guess if I try a diet with salads and everything I will get a good looking Abs (they are there, I can feel them, but there is of course a little fat because of my eating habbit right now so that I get stronger)

I dunno what I will do after that, any recommendations? Going to the Gym? I started with 4,5kg per arm and I am now at 9kg (and it gets easier with each training, so I will hit 10kg next week I guess) I am 1,73m and I don't know what I should do then. I am addicted to sports now (before that I didn't do anything, now I cannot sleep if I don't train 6 days a week) I don't want to shred out much money (see body beast)

any help I would appreciate thanks!


----- ------
Finished my most recent run of P90X over the weekend (after doing it, uh, 1 & 3/4 times last summer). The differences this time around for me were a set of adjustable dumbbells (Bowflex SelectTechs) and a pull-up bar instead of bands. I also ate a lot better — no cheating. Had much better results this time around, and lost twenty pounds as well. That's more an effect of my diet, though, and I really wasn't even trying to lose that much weight... I'm pretty sure that I have, like, no muscle. :|

I can confidently say that I'm in the best shape of my life, which is pretty awesome. My desktop background is a picture of myself at 210 pounds (I'm 126 now), posing for pre-P90 pics, to help remind me of how I can never let myself even approach those depths again. The biggest problem now is my wardrobe! I bought several new pairs of pants AGAIN this weekend, and another new belt. Thank god for the Gap Outlet — 70% off!

Started my next round today. My plan is to do it once more, MAYBE twice, possibly with each phase extended by a week or two, and then move on to P90X2 in the fall/winter if I can pony up the dough. I'm using the Chin Up Max now, instead of a chair, and while it will definitely take some getting used to, I think I like it.

For protein, I've also gone back to French Vanilla Creme ON whey (Vanilla Ice Cream was disappointing) and am now mixing it with almond milk (super cheap at Trader Joe's) instead of water and FUUUCKITISSOGOOD. Can't wait to drink it again tomorrow.

Congratz dude, what you stirring in your pot tonight?

And yeah, I just tried Almond milk last week and alone it's damn good.

Deadly Cyclone

Pride of Iowa State
Careful with almond milk, the regular vanilla has a bunch of sugar. Be sure to get unsweetened. I love the regular, but it's pointless with all the sugar.


This poster pulses with an appeal so broad the typical restraints of our societies fall by the wayside.
Congratz dude, what you stirring in your pot tonight?

Careful with almond milk, the regular vanilla has a bunch of sugar. Be sure to get unsweetened. I love the regular, but it's pointless with all the sugar.
Yeah, it's a lot for something so low-cal. Sugar is usually the first thing I notice when checking nutrition.


I think I'll swap Yoga X out for something else in my hybrid routine as it's too long and I really don't enjoy it. Probably throw in some sort of cardio as my schedule is lacking it a little.


This poster pulses with an appeal so broad the typical restraints of our societies fall by the wayside.
I think I'll swap Yoga X out for something else in my hybrid routine as it's too long and I really don't enjoy it. Probably throw in some sort of cardio as my schedule is lacking it a little.
Man, Yoga X is by far my favorite workout. I look forward to it every week. And yeah, it feels long if you look at the clock, but it's only 10 minutes longer than Shoulders & Arms plus ARX, for example (and that's assuming that you do ARX with no pauses). Try skipping the stretches at the end, or even Yoga Belly Seven, or just do the first half! On recovery weeks, when yoga is on the schedule twice, I just do the first half with a short cardio intervals routine beforehand.
I think I'll swap Yoga X out for something else in my hybrid routine as it's too long and I really don't enjoy it. Probably throw in some sort of cardio as my schedule is lacking it a little.

If you can get it, P90X2 Yoga is a whole lot better than the P90X version. It is shorter (an hour), but you seem to work a bit harder at different stages and in general it just flows much nicer.

I enjoy Yoga now since I made the change and highly recommend trying it.
So, Tai Cheng. It's an exercise routine that's quite unlike any other exercise routine available from Beachbody, as one would normally expect from reading the product description. It's definitely not an exhausting exercise that you would get from even beginner workouts like Rocking Body, as most of the exercises for the first week that I've encountered so far don't even go past 30 minutes total per day. It's not a routine that most of Beachbody-GAF would be interested in, as it's not really a calorie-burner nor a muscle-sculpter.

If I had to describe what Tai Cheng actually does, I would use this rather torturous analogy:

Picture the human body as a computer. The performance of the computer as a whole is dependent upon the hardware components that compose it, much like how the human body is a composition of muscles, joints, nerves, etc. Most workouts are aimed at improving the performance of these components, making it last longer and perform more work. It's similar to how PC-GAF continuously upgrades the individual components of a computer (video cards, RAM, motherboards, etc.) to squeeze out more raw performance. Tai Cheng, on the other hand, is more akin to a computer analysis scan. It's not intended to necessarily improve these components, but it's meant to detect problems and issues that will degrade the overall performance. It focuses on proper composure, breathing techniques, and flexibility, and is designed to make you exercise properly rather than exercise harder.

Yeah, I pretty much posted just so that I can say that and get that out of my head. I'm still only on the first phase of the program and I may change my opinions later, but right now I think I'm actually enjoying it. At least my improved breathing technique allows me to sleep better at night.


Excellent & congratulations!

On the Alpha calendar, it says you can split the two Friday workouts apart by time or even do one of them on Saturday. For Beta, the recommendation is you do the two back to back. I haven't told my wife that and we've been doing them back to back ;-)

FocusT25 Alpha doesn't really have much for your upper body, although when you're doing push-ups you can switch to wide-arm pushups which will target your chest more.

Thanks for the reply! I think I will split the Friday workouts into two and then adjust my schedule for Beta and do them Tuesday and Friday because usually I go out Friday nights and don't feel like doing extensive exercising after work and dinner functions...

I know to get results you also have to work on eating right. But is there anything I can read up on why T25 works just as well as Insanity or better provided you are mindful of what you eat for both programs. T25 is definitely more intense in a shorter period, and I find myself much easier to 'focus' on giving it all because I know it's just 25 minutes as oppose to subconsciously pacing myself during Insanity.
So, my stupid hamstring doesn't seem to be improving. I'm in my Insanity recovery week anyway, so I'm thinking I'll take Sunday's rest day today, hope with a proper day off it recovers a bit, and then do today's Core Cardio & Balance on Sunday before my third fit test on Monday.



So, my stupid hamstring doesn't seem to be improving. I'm in my Insanity recovery week anyway, so I'm thinking I'll take Sunday's rest day today, hope with a proper day off it recovers a bit, and then do today's Core Cardio & Balance on Sunday before my third fit test on Monday.

Just make sure it's ok before your fit test as it's very bursty movements during that. I know it sucks to have to throttle back when everything in the videos tells you not to but listen to your body.


Did day 2 Speed 1.0 last night and my calves feel like they're ripping away from my legs, but it's all good. One thing this workout has taught me is how uncoordinated I am. My wife is doing these with me and sometimes we get to laughing at each other so much during all the cross feet, hop, jump back, etc..etc.. that it's hard to continue the workout. We probably look like two sweaty people having a seizure.


Hang out with Steve.
So, my stupid hamstring doesn't seem to be improving. I'm in my Insanity recovery week anyway, so I'm thinking I'll take Sunday's rest day today, hope with a proper day off it recovers a bit, and then do today's Core Cardio & Balance on Sunday before my third fit test on Monday.


Don't do Insanity when you're injured, plain & simple. Insanity depends on your kinetic chain functioning properly so that you can maintain perfect form, and injuries disrupt that. You end up off balance, putting extra weight & stress on other parts of your body to compensate and that can lead to further injury.

Take a few days off & resume when you're recovered. Seriously.

Did day 2 Speed 1.0 last night and my calves feel like they're ripping away from my legs, but it's all good. One thing this workout has taught me is how uncoordinated I am. My wife is doing these with me and sometimes we get to laughing at each other so much during all the cross feet, hop, jump back, etc..etc.. that it's hard to continue the workout. We probably look like two sweaty people having a seizure.

Yeah, Cardio & Speed are definite calf burners! So's Lower Focus, with those one-legged calf hoppers. My wife's working out with me too, and yeah I know what you mean :) Although we tend more to swear at Shaun T than to laugh! We're both pretty uncoordinated, but we're getting better! Practice & time make all the difference!


Did day 2 Speed 1.0 last night and my calves feel like they're ripping away from my legs, but it's all good. One thing this workout has taught me is how uncoordinated I am. My wife is doing these with me and sometimes we get to laughing at each other so much during all the cross feet, hop, jump back, etc..etc.. that it's hard to continue the workout. We probably look like two sweaty people having a seizure.

This week I've been doing two T25 workouts back to back each day instead of the insanity recovery week. will be doing the last alpha and first beta workout today. so far the coordination is my biggest complaint. I find the difficulty is more from trying to maintain coordination than the moves actually being a challenge. Even doing two t25 workouts b2b I find it quite easier than even a single month 1 insanity workout. Im worried the beta days will push too much into coordination instead of challenge but i'll see how the rest of the workouts fair before judging.

Deadly Cyclone

Pride of Iowa State
So I posted Monday about how I was up in weight to about 211 and was disappointed. This morning (same weigh-in time) I was 204.5.

I have some crazy fluctuations going on...


So I posted Monday about how I was up in weight to about 211 and was disappointed. This morning (same weigh-in time) I was 204.5.

I have some crazy fluctuations going on...

Not to veer us off topic, but I saw in another thread where you had said you can't seem to shed weight no matter what you do. Have you ever had your thyroid checked? Mine was hypo (under active) and once I got on meds I went from 206 to 180 in about 2 months. Nothing changed in my diet and my exercise was non existent at the time.

Deadly Cyclone

Pride of Iowa State
Do you get a lot of sodium in your diet? My guess is you are retaining water.

Not generally. Maybe this weekend I had more than usual and retained a bunch. That could be it.

Not to veer us off topic, but I saw in another thread where you had said you can't seem to shed weight no matter what you do. Have you ever had your thyroid checked? Mine was hypo (under active) and once I got on meds I went from 206 to 180 in about 2 months. Nothing changed in my diet and my exercise was non existent at the time.

Interesting. Not sure if it's that, or just that around 200 is my plateau. I was up to 240 at my worst and have been hovering around 200-208 range for a year now.


I think you should throw away the scale and focus more on visual and performance improvements. That will keep you sane more than stressing over the numbers you see on the scale.

Deadly Cyclone

Pride of Iowa State
I think you should throw away the scale and focus more on visual and performance improvements. That will keep you sane more than stressing over the numbers you see on the scale.

True, I just have a general idea of where I want to be weight-wise and I see that I still have a bit of a tire around my belly so dropping weight shows me that I am making progress when the mirror doesn't. :p
Don't do Insanity when you're injured, plain & simple. Insanity depends on your kinetic chain functioning properly so that you can maintain perfect form, and injuries disrupt that. You end up off balance, putting extra weight & stress on other parts of your body to compensate and that can lead to further injury.

Take a few days off & resume when you're recovered. Seriously.

Thanks for the warning. I walked around town a bit today and just got home and it's actually feeling a lot better. Hopefully by tomorrow morning it'll be back up to full strength.


Hang out with Steve.
Hey folks, I'm looking to expand my coaching team & wanted to mention it here.

A few benefits of being a Beachbody Coach:
1. 25% discount on everything Beachbody sells (this is the main reason I signed up)
2. The opportunity to help people achieve the same success you have, or even better (this is the other main reason I signed up)
3. The chance to turn your coaching into a work-from-home business (not as important for me, I have a great job already. Coaching for me is a hobby.)

I'm offering some pretty good incentives for new coaches who sign up either with a Challenge Pack (a workout program plus Shakeology) or Shakeology on Home Direct automatic shipping.

Click here to start the process and/or feel free to send me a private message with any questions you might have (such as what the incentives are!)


Noice! I just finished day 3, we'll be pretty close to the same sched.

Sweet. I'm going to do your hybrid starting Monday so I'll be a week behind you. Going to watch the Cardio video tonight to get a feel for the pace of the workouts.

Edit- Oh, I'm doing T25 with Shakeology for my breakfasts.. So we'll see how that works out.

Edit 2- Finished watching the cardio dvd. little weird that the cool down is a extra thing with Shaun T by himself... Cant wait to start this though.

Deadly Cyclone

Pride of Iowa State
So far Total Body is the hardest T-25 workout. I'm not great at holding myself in plank position for extended periods of time though. I'm liking the program overall. Interesting moves and you never feel bored.
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