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Beachbody Workouts |OT| Gaf Does P90/X/X2, Insanity/Asylum, T-25 and More!


Regardless, Max 30 is the real deal. Does anyone else agree it might be the hardest program they've done so far? I'm only on Day 3 and I barely made it through Sweat Intervals....

And you haven't even started the second month :p
I posted a short impression a few pages ago and also said it's the hardest so far. However, Shaun T's programs always rely on the fact that you really push yourself. Since you do not use weights it is easier to not push as had as you can and just take a break too early. However, IF you really push as hard as you can it's totally insane in regards to efficiency (time vs progress).


Haha, yeah...I am now afraid of month 2 :p

Are there any muscle groups that are missed in Shaun T's workouts? Like biceps, for example? I can't think of anything in the original Insanity that worked them.


Regardless, Max 30 is the real deal. Does anyone else agree it might be the hardest program they've done so far? I'm only on Day 3 and I barely made it through Sweat Intervals....

I just finished it yesterday, I did each max30 workout after doing a regular insanity workout so I was never at full energy but it gave me a direct comparison and Max 30 is a big step up. It's easily the hardest workout they've put out and it got me sweating more than any workout has in the past.

The only thing I don't like about max 30 is that there are a few awkward feeling moves, especially in month two. It is also much higher impact than regular insanity so that could be a problem for some people. I pulled something in my shoulder during the one arm burpees.

Max 30 will become my new main workout, I really like it overall and ill keep doing it until it becomes as easy as regular insanity is to me. Not sure where they can go for insanity 3 but I hope there is one. Good stuff.
It is also much higher impact than regular insanity so that could be a problem for some people. I pulled something in my shoulder during the one arm burpees.
That doesn't sound good. I've lost count of the number of people I know who have been injured in some way or another doing Insanity. It's like the Beachbody version of crossfit.


Yeah, I agree on the high impact bit. It's also really surprising how bad the squat form is from most in the video. You are NOT supposed to stick out your ass behind you :/ anyway, max 30 is defo my new fav of Beachbody but you do have to be VERY mindful of form.


Yeah, I agree on the high impact bit. It's also really surprising how bad the squat form is from most in the video. You are NOT supposed to stick out your ass behind you :/ anyway, max 30 is defo my new fav of Beachbody but you do have to be VERY mindful of form.

What is good squat form? Because I am very bad at it in legs and back and am not sure if I'm doing it right.


just did the first body beast workout after plyometric cardio circuit because why not and I loved it, it's a nice pace of change.
the only problem is if I have time to do them b2b, roughly 2hrs each day asks a lot
If you're going to do that, do it the other way around. Always weights before cardio, as you'll be too tired to get decent progress on your lifts the other way.


That doesn't sound good. I've lost count of the number of people I know who have been injured in some way or another doing Insanity. It's like the Beachbody version of crossfit.

I wouldn't say its crossfit dumb but the workouts move so quickly that proper form is a must especially at the intensity its asking of you.

Yeah, I agree on the high impact bit. It's also really surprising how bad the squat form is from most in the video. You are NOT supposed to stick out your ass behind you :/ anyway, max 30 is defo my new fav of Beachbody but you do have to be VERY mindful of form.

with proper form pushing your butt back helps keep your knees in proper postion. a lot of people have the tendency to lean forward during squats when the weight should be in the heels.


Hang out with Steve.
Ended up halting Les Mills Pump. I got to the point where I was dreading the workouts, procrastinating and making excuses, so it was time for a change.

Tomorrow morning I'm starting Insanity Max :30's Ab Maximizer schedule. Looking forward to it :)
can't decide. buy insanity max 30 from amazon for $138 and get it in 2 days.

buy it on TBB.com for $132 but get it in 5-7 days but there's a 50/50 chance i can stream it off beach body on demand when they make it available as they expand the programs?
can't decide. buy insanity max 30 from amazon for $138 and get it in 2 days.

buy it on TBB.com for $132 but get it in 5-7 days but there's a 50/50 chance i can stream it off beach body on demand when they make it available as they expand the programs?

A factor for me works be how quickly do you want to start? I just got it on Amazon cuz I was motivated to jump in

Speaking of which, just finished Max Cardio. Love this program but damn its brutal. Sometimes the endurance for me it's not cardiovascular strength but my foot hurting from all the hopping
A factor for me works be how quickly do you want to start? I just got it on Amazon cuz I was motivated to jump in

Speaking of which, just finished Max Cardio. Love this program but damn its brutal. Sometimes the endurance for me it's not cardiovascular strength but my foot hurting from all the hopping

i just ended with tbb.com since i'm week 4 of p90x3.


A factor for me works be how quickly do you want to start? I just got it on Amazon cuz I was motivated to jump in

Speaking of which, just finished Max Cardio. Love this program but damn its brutal. Sometimes the endurance for me it's not cardiovascular strength but my foot hurting from all the hopping
I did Max Cardio for the first time just now; that was fun. I'm not really following the program; my main weekly focus is weight lifting three times a week but I impulsively signed up for a 5K to challenge myself so I want to make sure my cardio endurance is up to snuff.
i just ended with tbb.com since i'm week 4 of p90x3.

Yay :)
I did Max Cardio for the first time just now; that was fun. I'm not really following the program; my main weekly focus is weight lifting three times a week but I impulsively signed up for a 5K to challenge myself so I want to make sure my cardio endurance is up to snuff.

I thought of the same when I'm done with the program! Love lifting :) how's that working put for you


I thought of the same when I'm done with the program! Love lifting :) how's that working put for you
Pretty well! I'm starting at a higher base bodyweight than when I was weight lifting last year (180 pounds versus 160, damn you holidays), but my strength is higher. Already surpassed my previous bench and squat PRs and I feel l still have a bit to go before I hit my limits (since I'm technically on a cut). Even mixing the cardio in I still feel okay.

I'm doing my first practice run tomorrow; I'm hoping I'll be pleasantly surprised by the results like when I first integrated chin-ups into my weight lifting routine (I effortlessly went through my reps and it felt awesome!). Haven't done any sort of serious running since the mile run back in high school so this will be interesting. :)


Hang out with Steve.
Max:30 day one complete! Cardio Challenge. Max out tone about 6:30, though I cant say I went all out the whole time as I had to grok some of the moves. Did pretty well over all. Modified some of the moves in the second half here & there and took several short breaks. Sweating profusely now :)

Definitely tougher than anything in T25. Been a while since I've done any cardio that intense!
Pretty well! I'm starting at a higher base bodyweight than when I was weight lifting last year (180 pounds versus 160, damn you holidays), but my strength is higher. Already surpassed my previous bench and squat PRs and I feel l still have a bit to go before I hit my limits (since I'm technically on a cut). Even mixing the cardio in I still feel okay.

I'm doing my first practice run tomorrow; I'm hoping I'll be pleasantly surprised by the results like when I first integrated chin-ups into my weight lifting routine (I effortlessly went through my reps and it felt awesome!). Haven't done any sort of serious running since the mile run back in high school so this will be interesting. :)

Sounds good! Love all the results, especially the chin ups :) how long have you been doing this? You gonna get ripped :)

What are your PRs, if I may ask? Mine for bench a year ago was 140lb, and squat...150ish lbs,


Sounds good! Love all the results, especially the chin ups :) how long have you been doing this? You gonna get ripped :)

What are your PRs, if I may ask? Mine for bench a year ago was 140lb, and squat...150ish lbs,

I started lifting again in late January after a three month hiatus. I only started up the cardio a couple of weeks ago. Current PRs (all of these are including 45 pound bar):

Squat: 222x5x5
Bench: 170x5x5
Deadlift: 260x5x3

Chest is definitely my weakest area, so I'm happy I broke through through the barrier I was stuck at with my bench press when I was lifting last year. It was around this point that squats were starting to be a struggle for me as well, so also happy that I made it through those. I could probably add some weight to my deadlifts since I was pulling 300-ish last year, but when I restarted in January I set the number low just to be safe and have just been progressing linearly from there.

Max:30 day one complete! Cardio Challenge. Max out tone about 6:30, though I cant say I went all out the whole time as I had to grok some of the moves. Did pretty well over all. Modified some of the moves in the second half here & there and took several short breaks. Sweating profusely now :)

Definitely tougher than anything in T25. Been a while since I've done any cardio that intense!
Oh yes, the sweat! I finally caved and bought myself a headband because any move that had me going down to the ground usually resulted in sweat getting into my eyes, which is rather unpleasant. Looking forward to your continued experiences with Max:30. :)


Quick questions: What is the best way to buy P90 in Europe/Germany? Seems hard to find, looks like P90X is easier to find an even cheaper via ebay than importing P90 from Amazon US. But I'd really like to start easy and cheaper than that. And if I'm reading the OT correctly, there is nothing else I need than what comes with the package?
Quick questions: What is the best way to buy P90 in Europe/Germany? Seems hard to find, looks like P90X is easier to find an even cheaper via ebay than importing P90 from Amazon US. But I'd really like to start easy and cheaper than that. And if I'm reading the OT correctly, there is nothing else I need than what comes with the package?

well the bands are there if you don't have a pullup bar or weights. probably could get some if youre not into using bands.


Hang out with Steve.
Max :30 day two: Tabata Power. Max out time, around the end of minute 6. Had to watch some of the moves a few reps here and there. Modified during the push-ups section, and did power jumps in groups of 4 to 10. The core work was a welcome surprise, was a bit of a break from the cardio & Plyo. Overall this had some really tough parts but was maybe slightly easier than yesterday's Cardio Challenge. The "burn out" at the end was brutal :) And there was once again copious amounts of sweat.


Max :30 day two: Tabata Power. Max out time, around the end of minute 6. Had to watch some of the moves a few reps here and there. Modified during the push-ups section, and did power jumps in groups of 4 to 10. The core work was a welcome surprise, was a bit of a break from the cardio & Plyo. Overall this had some really tough parts but was maybe slightly easier than yesterday's Cardio Challenge. The "burn out" at the end was brutal :) And there was once again copious amounts of sweat.

Yeah! Isn't it awesome?! The Tabata days are my favourite :D


Hang out with Steve.
Day three: Sweat Intervals. Max out time about 7:30, though I was a bit sore at the start & started the warmup a bit slower than I might have. Another tough workout! While I took several brief rests, I didn't start doing any modifications until around minute 20. Took a bit to get used to some of the moves, too, so once I get used to them and where they show up I'll be able to push harder.

Oh and my sweat did not come in intervals, it was pretty much continuous. False advertising! :)


Hang out with Steve.
Day four: Tabata Power again. Max out time about 9:30. Did the second half of the push-ups section on my knees. Didn't modify much else other than short breaks here and there. Definitely felt better throughout :)


Steve, this is your second run of Max30, right?

Man, today is a Tabata Day for me, too! I love them as well. Also, I cannot BELIEVE how much I improved in one week. First week Cardio Challenge (after 3 weeks of little exercise as I moved to a different state and adjusted to my new job): 7:50 first max out. Yesterday's Cardio Challenge? My first max out was at the 15:00 mark, which is a normal break anyway....I just had to make it a bit longer of a break for myself.

Can't wait to do my third Tabata Power : )


If you're going to do that, do it the other way around. Always weights before cardio, as you'll be too tired to get decent progress on your lifts the other way.

Doesn't that kind of apply to Max Cardio and Insane Abs also?
I always do cardio first and then the abs workout.
Can work either way for the ab workouts. No-where near the same sort of overall strain being put on your body. You can argue that being fully warmed up is helpful for them too.


Hang out with Steve.
Day 5, Friday Fight Round 1 complete! Feeling a bit under the weather but I pushed hard. Took a quick break at 2:30 -- mostly to shake out my sore calf muscles -- but I wouldn't say I maxed out until around 7:15 or so. The last 10 minutes involved a decent number of breaks and mods. One tough workout & I was completely drenched by the end!


All these years later I still chuckle at what a fucking moron that guy is.
I don't think I can do one armed push ups, I set up, descend and just fall. I don't think it's tiredness either, something in my form messes it up, but I don't really want to put in the effort to figure out what I'm doing wrong. Tony wants you to do them with your feet wide, and I don't think that works for me.
I don't think I can do one armed push ups, I set up, descend and just fall. I don't think it's tiredness either, something in my form messes it up, but I don't really want to put in the effort to figure out what I'm doing wrong. Tony wants you to do them with your feet wide, and I don't think that works for me.

why not do it on your knees? nothing wrong to modify
Or if not on your knees, do them against a wall (standing one arms length away). Much easier, but do enough of them and it'll help you towards the knee version, and then the full version.

I can still only do the knee version for what it's worth.


Hang out with Steve.
Learned earlier today that Beachbody's begun to make previously purchased workout programs that aren't in the regular Beachbody On Demand library available. So far it's limited to Focus T25, 21 Day Fix and 21 Day Fix Extreme, but now that these are up I'm sure it won't be too long before more get added.

If you're a club member, click the Beachbody On Demand button and at the top you'll see "Purchased Programs", and the eligible programs will be listed there. The launch library of 10 workouts is below that. Here's my signup link, or go to teambeachbody.com directly and sign up for Club membership.

(note that as I type this, the website is down.)

Edit -- site's back up :)
Learned earlier today that Beachbody's begun to make previously purchased workout programs that aren't in the regular Beachbody On Demand library available. So far it's limited to Focus T25, 21 Day Fix and 21 Day Fix Extreme, but now that these are up I'm sure it won't be too long before more get added.

If you're a club member, click the Beachbody On Demand button and at the top you'll see "Purchased Programs", and the eligible programs will be listed there. The launch library of 10 workouts is below that. Here's my signup link, or go to teambeachbody.com directly and sign up for Club membership.

(note that as I type this, the website is down.)

thanks for breaking the internet!
got it 2 days early. thanks based fedex and usps for not holding it until wednesday.


also TBB.com is still broke lol
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