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Beachbody Workouts |OT| Gaf Does P90/X/X2, Insanity/Asylum, T-25 and More!


This picture? uhh I can explain really!
This might help give you an idea: http://www.teambeachbody.com/eat-smart/nutrition-tools/caloric-needs

It all depends on what your goal is, but I personally wouldn't go below 2,000 for an intense program like P90X. You guys eating 1,500 or less, I don't know how you have the energy!

I"ve tried to hit 2,000 calories and when I do, I just feel FAT. Like really heavy and lethargic. Even when I work out, I still feel gross. When I wake up the next morning, I feel disgusting as well.


I"ve tried to hit 2,000 calories and when I do, I just feel FAT. Like really heavy and lethargic. Even when I work out, I still feel gross. When I wake up the next morning, I feel disgusting as well.

How tall are you and how much do you currently weigh? When I was cutting calories to try and lose weight (pre-P90X), my body got used to consuming 1600 calories daily and losing weight was slow going, but it was going. When I started P90X, I forced myself to eat 600 more calories than what I was used to because I wanted to burn fat, not muscle. Eventually, I acclimated. If you don't eat enough, you're not going to gain muscle. I lost more weight doing P90X and eating more and I'm much more muscular now than prior. I seriously would start with a 200 calorie increase and work from there. Unless you're a woman and weigh 120lbs, you should not be consuming a paltry 1500 calories.


No One Remembers

Deadly Cyclone

Pride of Iowa State
Got my stability ball in (one noted in the OP). I think I should have gotten the 65 one and not the 55. They say the 55 is what comes with P90X2, but this one is smaller than what they have. Oh well, it worked alright and was only $20.

I might splurge this weekend and grab a set of 15 and 20 dumbbells, target has some decent reebok ones for like $20 a piece.


Neo Member
I just broke down and bought 2 additional 8 lb medicine balls from Beachbody because I'm at the end of week 3 in Phase 1 of P90X2. I'm hoping these will be the same as the ones that came with the Ultimate SKU, but I doubt it at this point. It's $50 more than what I wanted to pay, but Amazon wouldn't ship them to me until March which is not soon enough.
Big 5 is your friend. I went there the week before starting X2 and bought two 8 lbs and two 6 lbs Valeo med balls. Fiancee doesn't think she'll be ready to use med balls for pushups next phase, so I have my 4 med balls all ready for Chest + Back + Balance :)


This poster pulses with an appeal so broad the typical restraints of our societies fall by the wayside.
I'm just doing P90 right now, and I'm doing about 1200'ish calories give or take. I haven't had any problems with my energy so far. I'm actually kinda surprised.
If that works for you over time, you can probably stick with it, but I'm not sure it's necessary (or healthy) to go that low. I did 1,600 per day when doing P90 and averaged more than two pounds lost per week (went from 193 to 166). I'm not trying to convince you to up your intake or anything, just sharing my experience — but if you start having trouble staying energized through the day, I don't think you'd hurt yourself by adding a couple hundred more calories.
That and I think it's counter-productive to do so. I think you're more likely to stunt your weight loss by causing your metabolism to slow to accommodate for the low calorie intake than help speed your weight loss. One of the first things mentioned on the Beach Body forums when people don't seem to lose (enough) weight and report a low caloric intake, is tell them to eat more.
Yup. If your body thinks it's starving it's going to do everything it can to keep you alive. Fighting against hundreds of thousands of years of evolution is best avoided. :)
If that works for you over time, you can probably stick with it, but I'm not sure it's necessary (or healthy) to go that low. I did 1,600 per day when doing P90 and averaged more than two pounds lost per week (went from 193 to 166). I'm not trying to convince you to up your intake or anything, just sharing my experience — but if you start having trouble staying energized through the day, I don't think you'd hurt yourself by adding a couple hundred more calories.

Do you have any thoughts on my earlier question about breakfast and P90? I find your posts helpful and even more so since you have done p90 yourself :/


This poster pulses with an appeal so broad the typical restraints of our societies fall by the wayside.
Do you have any thoughts on my earlier question about breakfast and P90? I find your posts helpful and even more so since you have done p90 yourself :/
I only exercise in the morning once per week max (on Sunday), so I don't have too much input on the subject. I tend to do my workout as soon as I can after waking up on that day, on an empty stomach, which has never given me any issues. I make sure to have a recovery drink immediately after, though, and usually a protein bar (Clif Builder's Bar, pretty much my favorite food on the planet) shortly after that.
I only exercise in the morning once per week max (on Sunday), so I don't have too much input on the subject. I tend to do my workout as soon as I can after waking up on that day, on an empty stomach, which has never given me any issues. I make sure to have a recovery drink immediately after, though, and usually a protein bar (Clif Builder's Bar, pretty much my favorite food on the planet) shortly after that.

Thanks. I am hoping I just need to adjust to it (never a morning person). That cardio (3/4) is hard!


I just broke down and bought 2 additional 8 lb medicine balls from Beachbody because I'm at the end of week 3 in Phase 1 of P90X2. I'm hoping these will be the same as the ones that came with the Ultimate SKU, but I doubt it at this point. It's $50 more than what I wanted to pay, but Amazon wouldn't ship them to me until March which is not soon enough.

Same here, ordered a couple more a few days ago. I also ordered a 12" and 18" Plyo box off Amazon, since I don't really have a sturdy platform or chair that I feel comfortable using. I know I could've made one for a fraction of the cost, but oh well. I think I also need some resistance bands, I skipped ahead and they use bands exclusively for a few moves in phase 2 (might just be on the bonus videos). I thought I'd be covered with the ultimate set or whatever, but I'm quickly finding that's not the case at all.

RE: morning workouts, I workout first thing in the morning since it's hard to find a set time every night to do it (work schedule can be erratic, plus I'm ready to eat and relax when I get home). Get up at 4:00 every weekday, chug a little bit of OJ and press play. It's not ideal, but it's the best I can do. I sometimes drag a little for the first exercise or two, but after that adrenaline kicks in and I'm ready to go.


No One Remembers
If that works for you over time, you can probably stick with it, but I'm not sure it's necessary (or healthy) to go that low. I did 1,600 per day when doing P90 and averaged more than two pounds lost per week (went from 193 to 166). I'm not trying to convince you to up your intake or anything, just sharing my experience — but if you start having trouble staying energized through the day, I don't think you'd hurt yourself by adding a couple hundred more calories.

Yeah, I'm going to see how this works for the next week or so and go from there.


I'm late to the new thread party. Congrats to everyone that made it through a round of P90/P90X/Insanity and also to those who are giving this a shot!

I finished a round of P90X last year (after three restarts) and just started P90X2 last night. I'm 6'2" and was right around 235-240 before I started, after the round, I was down to 215, since then I'm now back up to 225. I tried doing an Insanity/P90X hybrid program but at some point during the program, I screwed up my knee and had to stop. I'm really excited to get through P90X2 as the moves and equipment appear to be quite refreshing after doing the same thing over and over with P90X.

For those wondering if the nutrition has any impact on your results, I would give a resounding yes. I didn't follow the nutrition guide or maintain a restrained diet and after my round of P90X, while I felt a lot stronger and flexible, the visual results weren't exactly where I thought they would be. This time around I'm keeping a log of my intake and trying to watch the variety of foods that I consume. The worst thing is to put 3 months of effort in to not achieve the optimal results that you could have had, if you would've just been more conscious of your diet.

My diet thus far (I know it needs refined, appreciate feedback!)

1.5 cups of Life cereal with Fat Free Skim Milk: 250 calories

Salad (Lettuce, Fat Free Feta Cheese, Fat Free Dressing, Sliced Almonds): 150 calories
Fiber One Brownie: 90 calories
1 oz of Beef Jerky: 80 calories

Varies (as the wife is kind enough to cook), usually includes a veggie: ~700 calories

Fiber One Brownie: 90 calories
or Jerky: 80 calories

Syntha-6 Protein Shake with Fat Free Skim Milk: 300 calories

Total: ~1650 calories/per day
The medicine ball (ordering) situation in the UK seems to be shit. Does anyone have any suggestions on what sort of ones I should be looking for?

I noticed Reebok (and others) have grip medicine balls, but they're insanely expensive.


P90X grad here! It was my discovery of 2011, specifically because of the old thread so thank you for that.

Completed it twice, had GREAT results. I discovered I had a back, my biceps look good and also I have abs which was my biggest surprise!
I'm a vegetarian so I didn't follow the diet and I didnt do the abs workout but still got great results.

Currently in the middle of my 3rd P90X, I'm curious about P90X2 so I might get around to it later.


Question for you guys who do p90x/2 in the morning: do you eat breakfast or after? I am doing p90 and love the feeling afterwards in the morning, but sometimes it's really hard to keep going without food after waking up. Yet, if I eat first I'm pretty sure I will throw up soon because there's not enough time for digestion. I am currently trying to wake up at 645am, exercise, and leave for work by 815am

My first 2 rounds of P90X, I worked out in the morning. I did breakfast with a protein shake after I got done working out. If you absolutely need something in your stomach as soon as you wake up, drinking the protein shake before your workout might help. A 2nd one after your workout probably wouldn't hurt if you are like me and have trouble getting your required protein/calories.


I'm really interested in the foam roller, especially the RumbleRoller; however, the RumbleRoller is $50 more than standard foam roller ($20).

What benefits are there to have the RumbleRoller? Is the standard foam roller sufficient enough for the foam roller exercises, or is the RumbleRoller provide better results? The only difference I can think of is the nub-like texture that will provide a deeper muscle interaction/massage.
This might help give you an idea: http://www.teambeachbody.com/eat-smart/nutrition-tools/caloric-needs

It all depends on what your goal is, but I personally wouldn't go below 2,000 for an intense program like P90X. You guys eating 1,500 or less, I don't know how you have the energy!
Thanks, I'll check this out.

Finished day 3 last night. Abs sore today. Oh and hellllllooo Collete.
You and me buddy, I'm on day 4 tonight. My abs are still sore and bloody hell, plyo was ridiculous. You can do anything for 30 seconds my ass! lol
I'm really interested in the foam roller, especially the RumbleRoller; however, the RumbleRoller is $50 more than standard foam roller ($20).

What benefits are there to have the RumbleRoller? Is the standard foam roller sufficient enough for the foam roller exercises, or is the RumbleRoller provide better results? The only difference I can think of is the nub-like texture that will provide a deeper muscle interaction/massage.

I'm using a standard roller and it really works your muscles. It can hurt, but it's a "feel good" pain. The rumble roller looks like it could pin point sore muscles better but I don't think it's a huge difference. At least not $30 worth.
I've done these exercises for almost a year and a half now, and Legs and Back is the one workout that still makes me sore, every single time.

But good sore.


I'm using a standard roller and it really works your muscles. It can hurt, but it's a "feel good" pain. The rumble roller looks like it could pin point sore muscles better but I don't think it's a huge difference. At least not $30 worth.

If it's not worth an extra $30, it's definitely not worth the $70 price tag then. Thanks!!
Right I think I've got the diet down for the next 3 weeks at least.

I'm consuming 2000-2200 calories per day, with 50% of that being protein, 30% carb and 20% fat.

I've got two questions regarding saturated fats. I seem to get about 15g of it per day. Is that too much? Or is that ok?

Also, just finished week 2 (kenpo x) and I was wondering if anyone else starts randomly freestyling on kenpo :p?

Legs and Back time! Woo!

Those wall squats kill me though. Ugh.

Single leg wall squats.


(But I love it!)
So how does the nutrition aspect of this work? Is it specific macronutrient ratios and a fixed calorie intake, or do the calorie intakes / ratios change on certain days (heavy exercise / recovery)?

Something different entirely?
For wall squats...one good way to take you mind off the pain and keep your hands up to prevent cheating is to have someone pass you a basketball or even bounce it off an adjacent wall and catch it.


Plyocide complete. I thought that compared to Insanity, this would be less intense, but boy was I wrong; however there was less torque on my knees. All in all, feeling good.

I haven't looked, but how many medicine balls are "required" for the P90X2 program? I only have one 8lb thus far.
I always feel like the first 20 mason twists are the hardest as it seems like he counts slower for the first 20...or maybe it's all in my head..
I've got two questions regarding saturated fats. I seem to get about 15g of it per day. Is that too much? Or is that ok?
That's fine. You could get a bit higher before having to worry about it (not that you really could anyway, because your ratios would likely get messed up before that happened).


Also, just finished week 2 (kenpo x) and I was wondering if anyone else starts randomly freestyling on kenpo :p?

LMAO I do on doubles. I get all Dragonball Z and stuff.

FYI, for Yoga-X, I use a shoebox instead of a yoga block. Works just the same, as long as it's not flimsy. I just taped it shut.


LMAO I do on doubles. I get all Dragonball Z and stuff.

FYI, for Yoga-X, I use a shoebox instead of a yoga block. Works just the same, as long as it's not flimsy. I just taped it shut.

Phonebook would work too... if you still get those.


I drink chocolate Muscle Milk Light. 20 grams per shake. My post workout drink of choice.

I picked up a case of that yesterday from Costco! On sale! Woo.

I was drinking a Whey protein shake (45g or so) post workout. Should I switch over to the Muscle Milk post workout now? When do I drink the traditional shake?


This poster pulses with an appeal so broad the typical restraints of our societies fall by the wayside.
Looking at my daily nutrition I'm barely getting any vitamin a, c and iron.. Should I perhaps take supplements?

Are you eating any vegetables? I don't eat nearly as much as I should, but I get 100% or more of A and C almost every day without even really trying. Broccoli, carrots or tomatoes should do the trick.
Are you eating any vegetables? I don't eat nearly as much as I should, but I get 100% or more of A and C almost every day without even really trying. Broccoli, carrots or tomatoes should do the trick.

Just checked. Just eating two whole tomatoes per day should sort out the Vitamin problem :)


You fat avatar'd bastard

jk I love you


Started week 3 today(finished the workout). I feel good right now.

Same here, feeling awesome! I'm towards the tail end of Week 3, just did Kenpo X. Stretch tomorrow!

So in terms of post workout drinks, I was, previously, drinking a full protein shake with some fruits thrown in. Like I posted earlier, I just picked up a case of Muscle Milk Light with 20g of protein per drink.

Had the muscle milk today. Should I stick with the muscle milk post workout or use it as a snack during the day? When should I drink the more protein intensive shake?
Started week 3 today(finished the workout). I feel good right now.

I started week 3 today as well :D
*hi five!

I'm loving how I'm getting better at ab ripper x

So far, I have definitely gained muscle around the arms and shoulder area, which is great! But I don't feel like I'm losing fat. When is the period when the most fat is lost?

OG Kush

I started week 3 today as well :D
*hi five!

I'm loving how I'm getting better at ab ripper x

So far, I have definitely gained muscle around the arms and shoulder area, which is great! But I don't feel like I'm losing fat. When is the period when the most fat is lost?

The last month.


Had the muscle milk today. Should I stick with the muscle milk post workout or use it as a snack during the day? When should I drink the more protein intensive shake?
Immediately after the workout, as in within 15 minutes.
I know that a lot of people want to try P90x because they want to get ripped (I started it because of THAT reason), but this program goes well beyond that. Like Tony Horton mentioned, getting fit is just something that will happen eventually once you start living a healthy life.

I can't believe how better I feel after having started this program. Hyperbole aside, this is life changing shit if you commit to it.

I've been doing this since last year, and my results have been pretty decent. However I was clueless about tons of things like nutrition, so I just started again this year (I'm on day 20) and this time I'm trying to stick as close as possible to the nutrition guide. Since I'm 6'2 and my weight is 178 pounds, my main goal is to get rid of the extra body fat and look even more lean.

Right now my diet consists of stuff like roasted chicken, tons of steamed vegetables, fruits, peanut butter, skim milk, syntha protein powder, etc. Can't wait to see my results now that I'm following the diet.

BTW, the song during Legs & Back is freaking amazing. Never fails to get me pumped for that workout <3
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