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Beachbody Workouts |OT| Gaf Does P90/X/X2, Insanity/Asylum, T-25 and More!

The medicine ball (ordering) situation in the UK seems to be shit. Does anyone have any suggestions on what sort of ones I should be looking for?

I noticed Reebok (and others) have grip medicine balls, but they're insanely expensive. Does the program just need ordinary balls?

So how does the nutrition aspect of this work? Is it specific macronutrient ratios and a fixed calorie intake, or do the calorie intakes / ratios change on certain days (heavy exercise / recovery)?

Something different entirely?
Anyone able to advise on either of these questions?


What is your opinion on doing a Low Carb High Fat diet and P90X? Will the two work together?

I am experimenting with this a little. I dropped 8kgs in a month using Slow Carb from 4 Hour body with little exercise, and then put about half of it back on again. Wasn't sustainable for me.

I am three weeks into P90x running leangains.com eating regime (8 hour eating window, 16 hour fasted), and are mostly low carb - eating a little brown rice and kumara to keep the fuel up.

Seems to be working well. The workouts are tiring, but I still feel more energetic. Not being completely slow carb is helping as well - I think you need some flexibility when working out so much to get carbs, as long as they are the right carbs.

I am still struggling to get my appropriate daily calorie intake right though. I have two dogs and walk 15 - 17km on average each day on top of doing the P90X work outs, so burning a massive amount daily at the moment.

Does anyone know how many calories the average P90X workout burns?
I am experimenting with this a little. I dropped 8kgs in a month using Slow Carb from 4 Hour body with little exercise, and then put about half of it back on again. Wasn't sustainable for me.

I am three weeks into P90x running leangains.com eating regime (8 hour eating window, 16 hour fasted), and are mostly low carb - eating a little brown rice and kumara to keep the fuel up.

Seems to be working well. The workouts are tiring, but I still feel more energetic. Not being completely slow carb is helping as well - I think you need some flexibility when working out so much to get carbs, as long as they are the right carbs.

I am still struggling to get my appropriate daily calorie intake right though. I have two dogs and walk 15 - 17km on average each day on top of doing the P90X work outs, so burning a massive amount daily at the moment.

Does anyone know how many calories the average P90X workout burns?

Around 600 calories.


So I got kind of tired of running and decided to stay in today. So I decided to replace my run with plyo. Unfortunately for me today was "Base and Back" day which is half plyo and half back. So I did both dvds back to back and sure as hell got my ass kicked. :)

OG Kush

Around 600 calories.

what? are you serious? damn thats loads, i always thought it was like 200-300.
Ive been doing low-carb as well, and I'm slowly changing though as I realised I didn't get the results I wanted because if you want strength and muscle gains you need some carbs. As in i had a few (30gs or less for afew weeks) but I started to up recently, including rice now and oatmeal. Going to start intermittant fasting next week aswell.

OG Kush

Anyone else find towel pull ups the hardest? I can do 8 normal pull ups, about 3 corn corbs, about 5 switch grip pulls ups. But when it comes to towel pulls I can't even do 1. I always have to use the chair for it. Got any tips? Maybe I'm doing them wrong?


I fancy giving this thing a go but I'm coming in as a complete beginner and am ridiculously unfit. Should I do Power 90 first?


This poster pulses with an appeal so broad the typical restraints of our societies fall by the wayside.
I fancy giving this thing a go but I'm coming in as a complete beginner and am ridiculously unfit. Should I do Power 90 first?

If you're ridiculously unfit, I would say yes. Some people are impatient to get in shape (which I totally understand) and start with P90X, which isn't always the best idea since it's designed for people who are already pretty fit. If you're really dedicated, you'll be alright, but I know a few people who weren't prepared and gave up because it was too difficult. By starting with vanilla P90, you'll be in better shape to do P90X in three months and get more out of it.

You could try doing the P90X fitness test to gauge where you are right now. You probably don't have the equipment they recommend, but you can still get a feel for things. It's here: http://www.teambeachbody.com/home/-/dl_get_file/64608566-0952-4f84-8d92-3dcf82a31d23


Welp, I just finished week 3 plyo and it seems easy again... I'll probably start substituting plyox for some Insanity workout soon, and will by phase 3 for sure.


Neo Member
Did Balance + Power X2 yesterday. A lot of the stability ball moves are becoming easier to do. My core is getting stronger again, woot!


If you're ridiculously unfit, I would say yes. Some people are impatient to get in shape (which I totally understand) and start with P90X, which isn't always the best idea since it's designed for people who are already pretty fit. If you're really dedicated, you'll be alright, but I know a few people who weren't prepared and gave up because it was too difficult. By starting with vanilla P90, you'll be in better shape to do P90X in three months and get more out of it.

You could try doing the P90X fitness test to gauge where you are right now. You probably don't have the equipment they recommend, but you can still get a feel for things. It's here: http://www.teambeachbody.com/home/-/dl_get_file/64608566-0952-4f84-8d92-3dcf82a31d23

Reading the minimum requirements on that test I think I'm quite some way away from doing P90X properly. I'll almost certainly get frustrated, like you say, so I'll start out on Power 90.

I'd rather be finishing X in July than getting frustrated and quitting in February. Thanks for the advice.


Around 600 calories.

Thanks. I am having a hard time working out what my actual daily calorie burn is at the moment. I have a fitbit which tells me that my morning dog walk today was 5.72km, and burnt 1515 calories which seems really high to me. My fitness pal offers up about 585 which seems more appropriate.

If I follow fitbit, on Friday I walked 17.23km and burnt 3482 calories. I did Legs & Back P90X on top of that, which would put me at almost 4,000 calories for the day - again seems, way to high...

I think regardless of what is accurate, doing 2 big walks a day and P90X, I am running a pretty big calorie deficit at the moment. Eating about 1600 a day which is mostly low carb.
Any downsides to this? I am not looking to get big. More interested in lean and defined.

For context, I am 187cm (6,2) and currently 79kg (174 pounds), down from 101kg (222) last July.
Thanks. I am having a hard time working out what my actual daily calorie burn is at the moment. I have a fitbit which tells me that my morning dog walk today was 5.72km, and burnt 1515 calories which seems really high to me. My fitness pal offers up about 585 which seems more appropriate.

If I follow fitbit, on Friday I walked 17.23km and burnt 3482 calories. I did Legs & Back P90X on top of that, which would put me at almost 4,000 calories for the day - again seems, way to high...

I think regardless of what is accurate, doing 2 big walks a day and P90X, I am running a pretty big calorie deficit at the moment. Eating about 1600 a day which is mostly low carb.
Any downsides to this? I am not looking to get big. More interested in lean and defined.

For context, I am 187cm (6,2) and currently 79kg (174 pounds), down from 101kg (222) last July.

I'm no expert, but I think you are massively under eating. I'm 6'2" and 178 pounds, and I gotta eat 2400 calories per day according to the plan.

There's a part in the nutrition guide where it mentions that, unless your diet is flawless, you are actually doing something counter productive by adding so much cardio with your regular P90x program, and you could sacrifice muscle gain.

I'd recommend to dramatically increase your calorie intake and see how you feel.
I'm 1 day off the weekly schedule, would it be awful of me to skip the rest/x-stretch day to get lined up? Just finished my first week.
I'm 1 day off the weekly schedule, would it be awful of me to skip the rest/x-stretch day to get lined up? Just finished my first week.

P90x is only 6 days a week. The X-stretch is completely optional, and you can skip it if you want (I only do it during the recovery week, which btw starts tomorrow for me).

Fury Sense

Haven't read the whole thread, but want to just express something before getting into this again. I did P90X two years ago and it was so much fun. I recommend it to all my friends who want a work out plan. It's completely balanced and perfectly suited for beginners that don't want to be treated like beginners. I'm thinking about doing P90X2, we'll see.

My advice: Don't give up. Day 2 will feel ecstatically sore. Day 3 will feel almost as sore. After that, it's smooth sailing. Enjoy it


Neo Member
For those doing 2, do any of the kids from P90x return?
I combed through the videos, it's really just Bobby Stevenson (X2 Ab Ripper, X2 Chest Shoulder Tris) and Dreya Weber (X2 Total Body). Shawna is also in X2 Yoga, but I can't tell 100% if it's the same Shawna from the old X program - she looks slightly different, but maybe that's what a healthy lifestyle and 7 years can do for her lol. If you count P90X+, then Mark Briggs and Tracy Morrow are in Plyocide.

I'm just happy Colette is in several of the X2 videos. X2 Ab Ripper, P.A.P. Lower, V Sculpt. The motivation is there guys, you just have to push play ;)


Yoga X2 on tap for tonight. Hope it's less crazy than Yoga X.

Has anyone found a solution to doing actual pull-ups in a basement? My unfinished ceiling goes up to 85" which is the smallest height of some pull up towers. Thinking about a ceiling mounted bar but I don't know if I'll have enough clearance to do them. I currently use bands but I'd like to transition to pull ups ASAP.


So in terms of post workout drinks, I was, previously, drinking a full protein shake with some fruits thrown in. Like I posted earlier, I just picked up a case of Muscle Milk Light with 20g of protein per drink.

Had the muscle milk today. Should I stick with the muscle milk post workout or use it as a snack during the day? When should I drink the more protein intensive shake?

Recovery drink (protein/carb mix) after the workout, full protein drink anytime during the day.

By the way as far as flavors go, I fully recommend Whey's chocolate mint flavour. Fucking delicious.


Starting week 3 of P90X2 this week. Down another 2.5 lbs last week. Down from 220 to 213.5 in 2 weeks. :p

Nice! I think my weight has more or less remained the same (~190lbs), but I've gained a little muscle in my arms, chest and legs, and lost most of my remaining love handles and man boobs so I'm mostly happy.

Pretty upset with myself this week though. I don't know why, but my motivation goes to shit during recovery weeks. Instead of getting up and at least doing R+M I convince myself to sleep in and rest. I think I've done X2 Yoga twice (including this morning where I struggled for some reason) and R+M once this week. The rest of the days I did nothing.

Scheduled to start Phase 2 this Wednesday, in hindsight I probably didn't even need the rest week anyway and should've gone straight to Phase 2.
Right now I'm drinking a Syntha Cream and Cookies protein drink and it's unbelievably delicious. I like it even more than the GNC protein.
I combed through the videos, it's really just Bobby Stevenson (X2 Ab Ripper, X2 Chest Shoulder Tris) and Dreya Weber (X2 Total Body). Shawna is also in X2 Yoga, but I can't tell 100% if it's the same Shawna from the old X program - she looks slightly different, but maybe that's what a healthy lifestyle and 7 years can do for her lol. If you count P90X+, then Mark Briggs and Tracy Morrow are in Plyocide.

I'm just happy Colette is in several of the X2 videos. X2 Ab Ripper, P.A.P. Lower, V Sculpt. The motivation is there guys, you just have to push play ;)

Shawna is so flexible I found it to be distracting when I was doing Yoga on Saturday. I wanted to watch her instead of focusing on what I was doing. :)

For the P90X2 folks, are you taking the two recovery days completely off or doing the recovery workout? I took the first one off, and now today I'm thinking of doing an Insanity workout like Pure Cardio instead of resting. Ive been doing Insanity so long that I feel like I'm missing some good cardio work with X2. That might not be the case with the second or third phase I'm guessing.
Each time you go to eat some, cut off a finger. You'll stop craving them in no time. :D

(Maybe it's a good idea to get some healthier snacks in?)
Well, I personally snack on grapes, and have a graze membership so I get loads of healthy snacks that way.

But given you said chips I'm guessing you're in the US so the latter wont be helpful for you. But I'd imagine the usual would apply... fruit, nuts, carrots, celery or as a last resort, low fat versions of the snacks you enjoy.
Well, I personally snack on grapes, and have a graze membership so I get loads of healthy snacks that way.

But given you said chips I'm guessing you're in the US so the latter wont be helpful for you. But I'd imagine the usual would apply... fruit, nuts, carrots, celery or as a last resort, low fat versions of the snacks you enjoy.

So there's really no such thing as "healthier chips"? Yea I'm in the US, would it help if I just eat a bowl of cereals instead? I usually eat a variation of honey 7 grains kind of stuff

Deadly Cyclone

Pride of Iowa State
Shawna is so flexible I found it to be distracting when I was doing Yoga on Saturday. I wanted to watch her instead of focusing on what I was doing. :)

For the P90X2 folks, are you taking the two recovery days completely off or doing the recovery workout? I took the first one off, and now today I'm thinking of doing an Insanity workout like Pure Cardio instead of resting. Ive been doing Insanity so long that I feel like I'm missing some good cardio work with X2. That might not be the case with the second or third phase I'm guessing.

I've just been resting on both days. I debated doing the stretch workout disc on Wednesday rest day, but it's a good 20 minutes of the foam roller and I don't have one yet.

Once I get a roller I'll do the stretch DVD on Wednesdays, and nothing Sundays.
So there's really no such thing as "healthier chips"? Yea I'm in the US, would it help if I just eat a bowl of cereals instead? I usually eat a variation of honey 7 grains kind of stuff

You can get Rye crisps. Personally I think they taste like a dead donkeys ass but they're a healthy substitute for crisps.

I personally snack on Nuts, Apples, Bananas, Protein Bars, cereal bars. There's a lot of things you can eat just check the carb, salt and sat fat levels. If a snack doesn't tide you over till a meal its worthless.
You can get Rye crisps. Personally I think they taste like a dead donkeys ass but they're a healthy substitute for crisps.

I personally snack on Nuts, Apples, Bananas, Protein Bars, cereal bars. There's a lot of things you can eat just check the carb, salt and sat fat levels. If a snack doesn't tide you over till a meal its worthless.

Ugggh I can let go burgers and fries but the chips are killing me! Of all you mentioned which one do you recommend? I figure apples and bananas are probably the safest. I havent heard good things about cereal bars and I hear protein bars taste like that dead donkey's ass?

Deadly Cyclone

Pride of Iowa State
Ugggh I can let go burgers and fries but the chips are killing me! Of all you mentioned which one do you recommend? I figure apples and bananas are probably the safest. I havent heard good things about cereal bars and I hear protein bars taste like that dead donkey's ass?

Make banana crisps or chips. :p
Ugggh I can let go burgers and fries but the chips are killing me! Of all you mentioned which one do you recommend? I figure apples and bananas are probably the safest. I havent heard good things about cereal bars and I hear protein bars taste like that dead donkey's ass?

Cereal bars aren't too great but i went through P90X having one every second day and lost a load of weight. You can never go wrong with fruit. Eventually you'll get accustomed to the initial lack of taste of healthy food. I got the taste for fruit within 2 weeks.

Protein bars can be nice. I get white chocolate and cherry protein flapjacks from CNP professional. The brand is pro flapjack and they taste really nice.
There are some nice protein bars out there, though again a lot of it comes down to trying stuff. I'd say check the reviews on the sites but it's my experience that bodybuilders etc have no taste buds. Some of the crap which gets high user ratings for taste on these sites... ugh, god.



This poster pulses with an appeal so broad the typical restraints of our societies fall by the wayside.
Thanks everyone...I will skip the protein bars for now because of the taste. Damn....DAT craving
I've said it before in here, but try Clif Builder's Bars. 20 grams of protein, all natural (most protein bars have tons of processed shit in them), fucking delicious. The best five minutes of my morning are from 9-9:05 when I eat one (every day, for two years now). I've known some people who don't like them, but those people are crazy. Try the chocolate mint or peanut butter.
I've said it before in here, but try Clif Builder's Bars. 20 grams of protein, all natural (most protein bars have tons of processed shit in them), fucking delicious. The best five minutes of my morning are from 9-9:05 when I eat one (every day, for two years now). I've known some people who don't like them, but those people are crazy. Try the chocolate mint or peanut butter.

Can you find them easily or do I need to go to a store like GMC?


This poster pulses with an appeal so broad the typical restraints of our societies fall by the wayside.
Can you find them easily or do I need to go to a store like GMC?
Any decent grocery store should have them — I've bought them at a number of different chains. Trader Joe's also sells them.

Another snack I like is Kashi Go Lean cereal. A cup or so has around 140 calories, 13 grams of protein and 10 grams of fiber. My girlfriend says it tastes like "rabbit food" (it is a little plain), but I like it.
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