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Beer |OT|

Zombie Dust might be my favorite pale ale.

Zombie Dust is great fresh, but man oh man do the hops fade fast. It's kind of gross after that.

Gumball Head is FFF's wheat ale. Pretty much the perfect summer beer.

Gumballhead is the only FFF beer that makes me jealous about not having access to them in Seattle. Fortunately, Boneyard's Aleias (Wheat IPA) is pretty damn similar.


A friend bought me a bottle of Three Floyd's Behemoth Barleywine and I picked up a strange bottle I found at Whole Foods (some kind of banana bread concoction) so I'm planning on trying those out soon.

Is there any beginner friendly not-so-run of mill stuff that anyone would recommend?

I hope you enjoy it, but just keep in mind Barleywine is definitely not a beginner's beer. They're usually sweet, strong and liquory and are best drunk in the 60 degree F range.

Lately I've been asking the wife (who dislikes beer) to buy my beers when she's out shipping, and specifically ones she doesn't think I've had.

She's bought half a dozen so far, no doubles or ones I've had before. A bit hit or miss but it's been fun regardless! Most are ones I'd never choose myself.

Sounds like my situation. Wife doesn't really like beer outside of the occasional stout or porter, but she tries to pick me out new or interesting beers when at the supermarket. It is a lot of fun, I love my beer surprises in the grocery bags, never know what's gonna be in there but they've all been nice choices (Brother Thelonious, Le Merle, Dogfish 75min., Lovely Saint Winefride, Racer 5, various UK stouts and porters, etc.).

Seth C

At Pazzo's for Country Boy's pint night (Lazy Rye Pale Ale)

Yes Boss!

Not sure if I'm really down on this one. But everything is worth a try at least once:


Anybody try Seef? I had it last year in Antwerp...quite a nice little one:



I still need to crack my Sucaba open. Maybe this weekend.

Damn me for continuously buying beer with no plan to drink it.


Saint Nic
What's the consensus on pouring into a glass and the associated head? I always pour to have as little head as possible, but I see some pours above with nearly half a glass of head.


What's the consensus on pouring into a glass and the associated head? I always pour to have as little head as possible, but I see some pours above with nearly half a glass of head.

The proper way to pour is to pour at a 45 degree angle for the first half to 3/4 of the pour, and then straight in for the rest of the pour. This will leave a nice foamy head, but not too much (maybe like the width of a finger or so).

Some beers have almost no head, even if you dump them straight in, others have a bigger head, it depends on the beer. But you should not pour it to have no head.

Heres a good video showing a proper pour:


The Autumn Wind
What's the consensus on pouring into a glass and the associated head? I always pour to have as little head as possible, but I see some pours above with nearly half a glass of head.
I was always taught that you should have about an inch of head.


I live an hour and 30 mins away from FFF in Munster, IN. I have been going back and forth on whether or not to get tickets for this year's Dark Lord Day. Anyone been to it before? Tickets are expensive ($30.00) and that doesn't include the 4 pack of Dark Lord, which people are saying is $15 a piece.

So you're looking at $100 easily and that's not including if you get a chance to buy a Barrel Aged version for $50 if your golden ticket is a winner.

Someone who has been there before, let me know how it all runs down.


finished off a few of these and can't recommend them enough if you have access to this Brewery.

Hmmm. I passed on a six-pack of Péché Mortel from my local specialty store last week. I'll pass by again today and see if they still. Have it. I hear it is good...the problem is that I can't recall whether I've had it and liked it or not. It's pretty pricey.
I've wanted to try that beer for years! Never could find it around here (or anywhere else I've been), though :(

Russian River only distributes to CA, OR, CO and PA. They used to distribute up here in WA, but ceased distribution at the end of 2012.

I live an hour and 30 mins away from FFF in Munster, IN. I have been going back and forth on whether or not to get tickets for this year's Dark Lord Day. Anyone been to it before? Tickets are expensive ($30.00) and that doesn't include the 4 pack of Dark Lord, which people are saying is $15 a piece.

So you're looking at $100 easily and that's not including if you get a chance to buy a Barrel Aged version for $50 if your golden ticket is a winner.

Someone who has been there before, let me know how it all runs down.

So what does your $30 ticket get you?

That is a ridiculously stupid amount of hype. I'm so glad we don't do shit like that in Seattle.


I live an hour and 30 mins away from FFF in Munster, IN. I have been going back and forth on whether or not to get tickets for this year's Dark Lord Day. Anyone been to it before? Tickets are expensive ($30.00) and that doesn't include the 4 pack of Dark Lord, which people are saying is $15 a piece.

So you're looking at $100 easily and that's not including if you get a chance to buy a Barrel Aged version for $50 if your golden ticket is a winner.

Someone who has been there before, let me know how it all runs down.

DL is one of the finest beers I've had but there are issues with the entire process. The lines are massive and almost impossible to tell what line is for what. This is compounded by the fact that the fest is held on brewery grounds and the place is fairly small. Last year I waited in line for well over 5 hours to get a seat in the pub so I could have DL on tap. Did it once and it was delicious, but I would never wait in that line again.

The price is a bit high, but a good portion goes to charity so I won't hold that against them. However, the owner has stated that DLD is one of his least favorite days of the year and this attitude is reflected by the employees. Most of the 3F crew are the tatted-up biker type and they normally aren't super friendly as it is, but on DLD they can be even more rough. Not mean per say, but certainly not friendly.

The good aspects are the beers available, both in tents inside the fest and the staggering amount of beer people bring with for tasting/trading/sharing. The line to enter the fest itself is a sight to see, with empty bottle lineups that are damn impressive. Also, the food at 3F is a fantastic. Mostly BBQ but a few other options as well.

As I mentioned, the fest itself has issues and it's only going to get bigger so I hope they find a new plan, but in the end this is the only place to get DL and since I'm a huge RIS fan I can't say no. You are right to be wary, but with a good group of friends it can be an entertaining day.


Saint Nic
Thanks for the impressions and info on head! I'll keep that in mind as I go forth.

Regarding Dark Lord Day...

It's a LOT of hype. It is fun to go to once, but I will never go again. The beer is pretty amazing, but the nightmare that is parking, crowds, and disorganization makes the entire event pretty ridiculous.

You buy a ticket to DLD, and that ticket is part of a group - A, B, or C. That group letter dictates when you can buy your Dark Lord. But last year, people from C were buying beer during A, but that was just because the crowds were so nuts, the guys in "charge" of checking your group just didn't give a shit.

So say you go with your group, call it C, and it's your turn to buy beer. You wait in the longest line of your life that moves nowhere and is full of drunks. You're packed like sardines into a huge area (if that makes sense) because everyone wants to bum-rush the line when they open it to your group. It's like a concert and how people just shove there way up to the front. It's a mess.

Once you finally get up to the warehouse to buy your beer, you're given a scratch off. That scratch off has a "winner" or "loser" thing. If you get a winner, you are given the opportunity to buy one of the 4 special beers for that year (last year was a vanilla stout, a chili beer of some sort, and two others).

Here's the kicker - they charge you $50 for that one bottle.

And! Since you were in group C, everyone took all the good ones (in last year's case, it was the vanilla stout). So I got a winning ticket last year, but they were out of vanilla, so I sold my winning scratch off to some dude for $20. ZING.

Also, you still have to buy your Dark Lord beer, which is something like $15-25/bottle (I can't remember). So on top of your ticket, you need to budget for your 4 bottles of Dark Lord that you're allowed to buy. If you're "lucky", throw in another $50 for a special bottle if you so choose.

Now on top of all of that, you obviously can buy beer on site. They did have some great beer on tap, so I got to try and enjoy some awesome beers that they only serve on tap (one was a really thick stout that WASN'T Dark Lord...). You can buy bottles and cases of stuff while you wait to buy your Dark Lord, and they DO offer some special stuff if you know to ask. I got a bottle of Barrel Aged Alpha Klaus that they had in back. So you can get some nice, unique stuff. But lordy...

Don't get me started on the Brew Pub! You can get in there to eat something that isn't fair food, but expect to wait a few hours in a line of drunk folks line hopping like mad (because there are no personnel to watch this shit). Once inside, you can get Dark Lord on tap (it's the only place there to get it, so that's fan-fucking-tastic, too). So if you want to try the Dark Lord before you buy it, you have to wait in a multiple hour long line to get into the Brew Pub. Joy.

Last year's Dark Lord was SUPER sweet. I haven't opened any of the bottles I got yet because I wanted the sugar to calm down. I'm going to crack a bottle soon, so hopefully it doesn't taste bad. I had 2011 DL at 2012 DLD, and that was pretty awesome.

So, is the beer good? Absolutely - it's a strong, thick, powerful stout that really does deserve the praise it gets as a beer.

Is Dark Lord Day worth it? No. I'm glad I went once, but I will NEVER go again. It's a mess, disorganized, and SUPER expensive. See if you can't just buy a bottle second-hand. It'd be worth getting one at $30-40 and not dealing with all the other shit rather than spending money on the ticket + the beer + the stress of the day.

My two cents at least. :p


I live an hour and 30 mins away from FFF in Munster, IN. I have been going back and forth on whether or not to get tickets for this year's Dark Lord Day. Anyone been to it before? Tickets are expensive ($30.00) and that doesn't include the 4 pack of Dark Lord, which people are saying is $15 a piece.

So you're looking at $100 easily and that's not including if you get a chance to buy a Barrel Aged version for $50 if your golden ticket is a winner.

Someone who has been there before, let me know how it all runs down.

I've been to DLD 5 times. 2007, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012.

Each year they do things to attempt improvements. I think 2010 they implemented the ticketing system b/c in previous years people would wait in line all day only to not get any. 2011 they used a fence to keep non ticket holders from crowding the brewpub property, 2012 they split the tickets in to groups to spread out the rush. 2013 they are adding more groups and requiring the purchaser to be present with the ticket to help prevent scalpers.

Despite all this 2007 or 2009 was the best year.

Every year I have gone it has been 4 bottles per person. $15 per bottle. They don't announce the price or allotment until the day of, but so far it is been consistent.

The tickets used to be $15, but now they are $30. Although they may have a better band lineup this year, if you are into Death Metal that might be a pro.

I've always done group A, the first group in the morning. I always show up about an hour before my group time starts and get in line. (Parking is a bitch BTW so be prepared for that) Hang out in line and just drink and bottle share with friends and strangers as you wait. Eventually they line moves fairly fast (compared to previous years), before you can get in the gate you show your ticket and an ID and then go on in. They have at least one station along the line where you can buy drafts. Just before you get to buy beer you get a scratch off ticket, if you win you can buy a bottle of one of the Barrel Aged Dark Lord variants for $50. You buy your beer, then head back out in front of the brewpub. There they have porta potties, food vendors, draft lines etc..

If you buy 4 bottles + a BA dark lord + ticket you are already at $140, plus the cost of drafts and maybe food. You should probably bring $200.

There will be a huge ass line to get into the brewpub itself, last year that was the only way to get Dark Lord on draft. In previous years they had Dark Lord on draft in multiple locations outside, so it was a big disappointment that it was limited to the brewpub behind a 3-5 hour line. If you have all day though, it is probably worth waiting.

They do have other good options on draft outside though. Stuff you cant get in bottles.

There will be lots of people just milling around bottle sharing and drinking. Gotta watch your bottles though as in past years there have been some thieves stealing DL bottles.

It is very crowded and a bit chaotic. But it is a fun time and I think it is worth it. Even if you don't drink all of your Dark Lord, it has pretty good trade value for other beers we can't get around here.

Here my brief breakdowns from each year


One huge ass line, no organization. Got there in the morning and waited in line all day. Lots of people hauling coolers and drinking in line. I only bought 3 bottles, but I don't know what the limit was. Some people were leaving with 6 earlier in the day and I think some people were leaving with cases of 12. Bunch of people with lawn chairs just hanging out in groups and bottle sharing. I didn't stay too long after getting my beer though.

Busy but not too crowded. Plenty of space to walk around after you got your beer. Weather was great.


Didn't make it to this year, but friends did. Sounded the same as 2007 but at the end of the day they ran out and had to tell a huge line of people sorry. My friends were among the last 10 to be allowed in. As the day went on they reduced the allotment per person.


Came more prepared this time. With food and beer in coolers. Participated in a lot more bottle sharing with people in line. I remember they had Dark Lord on draft available from the draft tents. We would take turns sending someone to get drafts while waiting in line. I remember trying Vanilla Bean Dark Lord for the first time on draft, it was amazing. Also tried Bourbon County for the first time at a bottle share. Lots of people with lawn chairs, grills, coolers, and even kegs just staking out spots anywhere in the area. The line itself went in through the main warehouse doors and got super crowded. Waited in line a LONG time but still had a good time.


Now they had a ticketing system, but I missed out on the online sale. Didn't even hear about it until after it was over. Showed up anyway with some older bottles of Dark Lord, was able to trade a 2009 for two tickets (people could get at least 4 per person perhaps more). This year was a bit of a clusterfuck, two huge lines formed from opposite directions, no-one knew what line was what. Eventually we find that the lines merge together into one super line for beer. No-one from Three Floyds was making any attempt to organize the line. People had counterfeit tickets (tickets were not unique with barcodes or anything) and I think they had to reduce allotment because of that, I ended up getting 4 bottles. I think they were selling some 2009 as well this year.

I think they still had Dark Lord on draft available at the draft tents, and some variants but I don't think I was able to get Vanilla again. I got regular Bourbon Barrel. This year the entry ticket also got you a free draft of Dark Lord.

Lots of people setting up circles of lawn chairs in the parking lot, and then leaving camp and getting in line. This caused massing traffic issues with tons of chairs where people needed to walk.


Had 6 people all going for tickets, they sold out in seconds. I think 3 people ended up getting them and that was enough for the 5-6 people who really wanted to go.

Made the mistake of taking my girlfriend, woke up too late to eat breakfast, and she was not in the mood to drink. Whoops. The line was much more efficient this year with the group system, and they re-routed it to go around the outside of the building to reduce congestion and confusion in front. This was a great change. Getting the actual beer was way faster, just a few hours as opposed to 5+ hours in past years. The negative here was that mans less time to socialize and drink in line. They also added a fence to prevent non ticket holding people from getting into the actual brewery grounds. This was good to prevent congestion near the brewery, but had an unintended affect of making everyone want to crowd inside of the fence, where in previous years people spread outside onto other businesses' property (even though they were not supposed to) this year everyone wanted to be inside the fence, so it was still super crowded with people instead of lawn chairs.

I don't recall if Dark Lord on draft was available outside in the tents, but your ticket did not give you a free draft as it did in 2010.

Also it was really wet and muddy around the porta potties, which was kind of gross.

Couldn't say long as the GF wanted to go as soon as we got the beer.


Again sold out in seconds, I didn't get any online but a friend got some tickets at the brew pub the next day. Later found out some friends of friends had extras so it worked out.

Same basic system as 2011. The groups moved fairly quick. No Dark Lord on draft outside was a huge disappointment, that meant waiting in line for 3-5 hours to get into the brewpub so I said forget it. The highlight this year was getting a bottle of Barrel Aged Vanilla Bean Dark Lord. The dumb move was not trading a 2012 Dark Lord for a 2011 Darkness. Had other plans that night so I couldn't stay all day to drink and bottle share, stuck around a bit and tried some drafts. It was better than 2011 overall.

They really cracked down on not letting people setup camps of chairs / grills anymore. The people who did that did so on the property of neighboring businesses so really it wasn't cool, even though it allowed people to spread out.

I think 2009 was so good because it was like one huge party with people just camped out all over drinking. Sadly neighboring businesses complained so they have to prevent that now. They really just need more space.

Seth C

Holy shit. How were they?

All of them were great. 07 had a bit of souring going on. It's funny,
because I know it is supposed to have spicy and fruit notes. But
against the 08 it really didn't come through. The 08, which I think
way favorite, tastes of grapefruit and nutmeg and had a dry finish.
The 09 was like a smooth, heavy milk stout up front but finished with
a bit of hop bite.

The 07.07.07 keg went while pouring mine, which is why that glass was
half empty. Still, half a pint for free!
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