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Beer |OT|

Seth C

I'm at a North Coast tasting. So far I've had Scrimshaw, Wintertime, Red Seal, and Le Merle. Not sure what else we get to enjoy but I know two vintages of Old Stock Ale are in there.


Just picked up a six pack of the new Blue Moon Agave Nectar Ale. It basically tastes like the classic Blue Moon, but sweeter.


I am disappoint :/
I'm at a North Coast tasting. So far I've had Scrimshaw, Wintertime, Red Seal, and Le Merle. Not sure what else we get to enjoy but I know two vintages of Old Stock Ale are in there.

I love Old Stock. I've got 2010, 2011 and 2012 in the basement, and a 2009 whiskey barrel aged in the beer fridge. Pretty excited to do a vertical tasting once I get my hands on a 2013.

Also, currently sipping on Great River's Big Cock IPA. A bit sweet, but nice, citrusy/fruity hop character. Yes, it's a hell of a gimmick for the name, but the donate the proceeds for this beer to Pheasants for the Future, so in the end, worth it.



Whole Foods has them.

re: Sierra Nevada in cans

I stopped in for a salad bar dinner at WF tonight on Roosevelt and checked out their SN cans. $19.99 for a 12 pack of pale ale. I literally lol'd. The 12 pack of bottles at Safeway/QFC go for $15.99 lately. Sorry SN, you might have hipsters sold on that but not me. I'd prefer cans but absolutely not at a premium.


that glass can thing with the evil twin, is amazing.
i need one.

you sure you want him on untappd? he might give you a run for your money, as reigning untappd champion.

i'll be at Bell House in Brooklyn tomorrow for a Sixpoint Humane Society fundraiser, here's the exclusives I'll be stumbling my way through:

Balm of Fierabras

According to an ancient French lyric-song, Fierabras, a knight who stood over fifteen feet tall, conquered Rome and stole barrels of ointment that healed all wounds. In the famous Miguel de Cervantes novel, Don Quixote knew the recipe...Sixpoint Staffer Frank Kearl now tilts at windmills of his own, by adding salt and rosemary to create this bright, 5.2% brew.

Cadence Stout

Head Brewer Pete Dickson's own recipe that he's been improving for some time. Smooth, rich and complex, this foreign extra stout has notes of chocolate, oak, and roasty unmalted barley. A light touch of English hops gives this 6.5% ABV brew an earthy complexity.

Free Cascadia

A cascade hopped dark ale from friend of Sixpoint Jared Greenfield. Black from patent and chocolate malt, but piney with 66 IBUs, this brew is a taste Jared's homeland, the pacific northwest.

I Can Haz Orange Chocolate Milk Stout

Sixpoint teamed up with Moustache Brewing Co, an upstart microbrewery on Long Island, for this tasty dessert brew. Matt (bearer of the hefty handlebar namesake) and Lauri crafted I Can Haz with bright citrus hops, cocoa nibs, orange zest and lactose sugars— it's like chocolate-mandarin ice cream in a glass. 6.5% ABV.

Juicy Killer Crisp

After brewing up the Killer Crisp on the big system, the Bros took the first runnings and infused over a dozen citrus fruits on a smaller scale. Bursting with tang and zest, this juicy Imperial Pilsner is a fresh spin on the noble Crisp. 7.6% ABV.

Killer Crisp

A BeerAdvocate Bros original—a cutthroat Imperial Crisp that conceals a 7% ABV and amped up noble hops behind soft bready malts. Infinitely drinkable, this one will sneak up on you.

La Menudo

Sixpoint team member Adam Lang presents La Menudo, a Saison loaded up with coriander, lime zest and hot peppers. This traditional Mexican hangover cure will have you feeling fresh in the manana...At 7.0%, it's the next best thing to hair of "el perro." No beef stomach included.

Lengthweisse Berliner Weisse

Brewed up in a jam session with Sixpoint Volunteer Patrick Hayes, this riff on the classic Berliner Weisse is inspired by a certain band from Burlington. It's easy-drinking with a pronounced puckering note and at 4%, it echoes the style's low ABV. Don't be caught sleeping diagonal—try the Lengthweisse.


The legendary Leonidas in ale incarnation, backed by 300 (yes, 300) charging IBUs. Brewmaster Jan Matysiak presents the world's first Spartan Pale Ale, a brew spearheaded by immense bitterness from Warrior hops to create a formidable, 8.5% palate-busting brew.

Louisville Loveletter

An 8% ABV, sticky-sweet Scotch ale brightened by English hops and fresh mint. Part wee heavy part down South mint julep tribute, all Mad Scientists' innovation.

Malocchio's Bane

Malocchio, or the Italian "evil eye", was said to cause injury or bad luck to any unfortunate enough to incur it. The wielder of the eye had high arching brows and a stark stare leaping from dark eyes, and folklore said the only remedy was to bathe in beer and burn sage for protection. Sixpoint's own Brewer/Wise Sage Danny Bruckert has melded the two antidotes together into a sage infused IPA that's both delicious and auspicious. Note: sample size restrictions still apply, so no beer baths. 6.5% ABV.

Nigel's DreamCrusher

Sixpoint's Art Department went wild with this one. The grain bill features four different barley malts as well as oats, wheat, black and wild rice, and even some Greek orzo. They added whole leaf hops at every stage of the boil, Warrior and Cascade dry-hopped it, and ended up with a strong 8.2% brew with layer upon layer of complexity and 88 IBUs. You couldn't dream up a crazier concoction.

Old Ironsides

In a moment of poetic inspiration, Sixpoint Staffer Jake Williams saved the "meteor of the ocean air," Old Ironsides, from the "god of storms." Brewed with biscuit, black and chocolate malts as well as oak chips, this smooth drinking English Style brown will emphatically shake your palate's "mighty deep". 4.8% ABV.

Old Spice

A strong, spicy rye ale with big malt, hop and rye flavors, topped off with a hearty dash of Old Bay seasoning, at 5.6% ABV. Nothing fishy going on here though.

Patrick's Absence Stout

A Sixpoint sales team collaboration that had hoped to include the Alewife's Patrick Donagher. When the scheduling didn't work the sales team named it in his honor, since he was there in spirit. It's a sessionable dry Irish stout with a 4.8% ABV and chocolaty charred barley flavors. The plot thickened when the team realized that Sixpoint's Andy Howk had planned on brewing this one, leading to the creation of 'That'll Do'...

Peanut Butter Shop Ale

The guys at Carton Brewery detected notes of grape jelly in one of Sixpoint's house yeasts, inspiring them to create this PB and J brew. With some oil-free peanut mashed in, this bready wheat ale is smothered in peanut butter and topped with those notes of jam. 4.8 ABV. ** DO NOT DRINK IF YOU HAVE NUT ALLERGIES. **

Ray Deter Robust Porter

Brewed with Jimmy Carbone of Beer Sessions radio in honor of his friend Ray Deter, the late owner of d.b.a and an integral part of the NYC craft beer movement. It's a traditional English Porter that's robust, flavorful and low in ABV at 4.3%. Made with the premiere English aroma hop, the East Kent Golding, and London ale yeast, you know Ray would love it.

Saison du Stacey

Sixpoint alumnus Jake Hay lightly hopped his 5.0% Saison with Horizon, Simcoe, Tettnanger and Czech Saaz, then added Door County Wisconsin Cherries for a sweet and sour twist on the Belgian classic.

Smoaked Lager

Brewed by promotions manager Jeff Gorlechen and the youngest Sixpoint brewer's assistant on record, Alex Gorlechen (who, truth be told, did the lion's share of the work). This is a smoky, woody version of the pale gold session beer of the Bavarian gardens. Smoked malt and oak finishing deepen the character of this refreshing 5% ABV summertime brew.

That'll Do

A brew with Sixpoint's Andy Howk that began with designs of a stout. Due to a mix-up, Andy arrived on the brew day for a Belgian Dubbel. Undeterred, he brewed 'That'll Do' instead, a 7.6% ABV brew characterized by Belgian yeast and hearty biscuit malt.

The Ginger Assassin

A collaboration with Tyler Jones from Portsmouth Brewing, the Ginger Assassin is a 5.8% French Saison cloaked with mild, minty Perle hops and armed with spicy ginger and pink peppercorns.

The Not-So-Thin-Mint

From brewer's friend Scott Hunter, the Not-So-Thin-Mint is a rich 5.0% brew with all the elements of the Girl Scout cookie. This dark, lightly hopped ale is made with fresh mint, vanilla and real girl scouts (not really).

Tucking Friple

Brewer Danny Bruckert flexes a little muscle with this brew- a monster Belgian Tripel brewed with coriander that tips the scales at 9% ABV. The Tucking Fripel is lightly hopped with Czech Saaz and Hersbrucker to let the complex spicy-fruity yeast and loads of malt shine. Beneath a dense and creamy head is a bad-ass brew to be respected and sipped slow.

Willis' HSNY Rye

A Sixpoint and Humane Society of New York collaboration that combines the spicy rye flavors and rounded mouthfeel of Righteous Ale with the citrus slash of the Bengali Tiger. This Rye-PA was fiercely dry-hopped and has nearly three times the hops normally used for these beers. Deliciously complex, bright, earthy and strong, this unleashed brew will have you howling. 6.6% ABV.

Yellow Submarine

The Beatles meet Ravi Shankar. Brewer Heather McReynolds started with a malty English ESB built on Maris Otter Barley, and added yellow curry for a spicy twist. It's alluring, complex, balanced from East Kent Golding hops, and great with food. 5% ABV.

if anyone is curious i'll check one out any recommendations and post my thoughts
Headed up to Vancouver BC tomorrow for the weekend (Stars concert, dinner at Bin 941, etc.). Buying Cantillons, Central City Imperial IPA, Driftwood sours and anything else that catches that my eye.

I am TheAngryBurrito on untapped if any of you want to add me.

Adding. SeattleBeerPenguin.

Oh yeah, pint cans are awesome.



Isn't there a couple of GAF members that work for professional breweries? If so, which ones? Let us know so we can try your beers.
Isn't there a couple of GAF members that work for professional breweries? If so, which ones? Let us know so we can try your beers.

Yaboosh does, can't remember for who, though.

The former headbrewer at Deschutes is a close family friend and he now runs Crux out of Bend. Most people gets Deschutes, so there you go.


Yaboosh does, can't remember for who, though.

The former headbrewer at Deschutes is a close family friend and he now runs Crux out of Bend. Most people gets Deschutes, so there you go.

Yeah, I had the Mirror Pond Ale last year from Deschutes when we visited the states for some shopping. It was a nice, easy to drink Pale Ale. I'll keep an eye out for Crux if I'm ever in the area.
Yeah, I had the Mirror Pond Ale last year from Deschutes when we visited the states for some shopping. It was a nice, easy to drink Pale Ale. I'll keep an eye out for Crux if I'm ever in the area.

Crux has bottles that are only available in Bend at the brewery, and they've recently been shipping kegs up to Portland. That's as far as they distribute currently. My parents go down pretty regularly to visit, though, so I've got lots of bottles at the moment and typically have one or two growlers a month.


Crux has bottles that are only available in Bend at the brewery, and they've recently been shipping kegs up to Portland. That's as far as they distribute currently. My parents go down pretty regularly to visit, though, so I've got lots of bottles at the moment and typically have one or two growlers a month.

I'm in Prineville (flying into Redmond) in two weeks. Any chance I can find some Crux on tap there - any place worth checking out for good local beer?
I'm in Prineville (flying into Redmond) in two weeks. Any chance I can find some Crux on tap there - any place worth checking out for good local beer?

Prineville? No clue about what's there or in Redmond or if Crux makes it, but I'm sure some place around there has Boneyard, which you definitely need to drink. I'd also keep a lookout for Double Mountain, pFriem, Logsdon and Gigantic.

edit: There is a brewery in Prineville called Solstice Brewing. I've never been there or had anything from them. Sounds like they also keep Boneyard on tap regularly.


Had this yesterday with lunch

and I was impressed. Tasted like Blue Moon, but without that horrible coriander taste
Fiiiine, I'll sign up tonight. Thinking about starting a blog too.

Slow down on the retroactive check-ins. Untappd actually punishes you for doing that. You'll effectively get "banned" and not acquire badges, stats, etc. Just start fresh what you're drinking from today forward.


I tried Mother's Three Blind Mice the other day and it was pretty good. Reminded me a bit of Black Butte. I love when I find good, local beer.

Seth C

Slow down on the retroactive check-ins. Untappd actually punishes you for doing that. You'll effectively get "banned" and not acquire badges, stats, etc. Just start fresh what you're drinking from today forward.

Meh. Other than what I had yesterday, most of what I "checked in" to no longer exists. If I can't use it as a convenient way to track what I've had for myself, what's the point? They really need to let you add beers you aren't drinking RIGHT NOW, otherwise tracking "what beers I've had" is completely useless for me, having had hundreds if not thousands of beers before I ever signed up, with 25% of those never to be brewed again.
Meh. Other than what I had yesterday, most of what I "checked in" to no longer exists. If I can't use it as a convenient way to track what I've had for myself, what's the point? They really need to let you add beers you aren't drinking RIGHT NOW, otherwise tracking "what beers I've had" is completely useless for me, having had hundreds if not thousands of beers before I ever signed up, with 25% of those never to be brewed again.

It's a social network for drinking beer. Lets people see what you're drinking and also what other people are drinking. My trips to Japan, Belguim, Netherlands, etc., my PtY tastes were all before I joined Untappd, so I haven't added them. It is a great way to track what you've had moving forward.

RateBeer and BeerAdvocate are great for ticking lists.


Meh. Other than what I had yesterday, most of what I "checked in" to no longer exists. If I can't use it as a convenient way to track what I've had for myself, what's the point? They really need to let you add beers you aren't drinking RIGHT NOW, otherwise tracking "what beers I've had" is completely useless for me, having had hundreds if not thousands of beers before I ever signed up, with 25% of those never to be brewed again.

hey i thought the same thing, ive been drinking craft brew since before i legally could, but i just decided to track everything going forward, occasionally ill put in last nights beers in the morning after, because sometimes being out and drinking means putting the cell phone down....

Seth C

It's a social network for drinking beer. Lets people see what you're drinking and also what other people are drinking. My trips to Japan, Belguim, Netherlands, etc., my PtY tastes were all before I joined Untappd, so I haven't added them. It is a great way to track what you've had moving forward.

RateBeer and BeerAdvocate are great for ticking lists.

Gotcha. Not sure it's of use for me then. I already have a social network called Facebook, where my friends and I already share what we are drinking. I'm not sure there is a purpose for me in having a second one, especially if it will also forever and always not be a complete list of what I've had. Seems silly to try to re-build my social network, and one exclusively for bars/beer, when all of my friends already check-in on Facebook to share the exact same information. Thanks for the suggestion though.


and i just got the request =(

so sad, damn you facebook!

i did the opposite, and canceled all social networks except untappd }:)
Gotcha. Not sure it's of use for me then. I already have a social network called Facebook, where my friends and I already share what we are drinking. I'm not sure there is a purpose for me in having a second one, especially if it will also forever and always not be a complete list of what I've had. Seems silly to try to re-build my social network, and one exclusively for bars/beer, when all of my friends already check-in on Facebook to share the exact same information. Thanks for the suggestion though.

So you can link up with people from other parts of the world and see what they're drinking? Also fun to see what people in your area are drinking. I've actually made friends for bottle shares on Untappd. But if it's not for you, then no big deal.

It's also good for me since sharing what I drink on Facebook would probably lead to friends and family thinking I'm an alcoholic. Nice to compartmentalize my beer hobby to Untappd.

Seth C

and i just got the request =(

so sad, damn you facebook!

I mean, I'll leave the profile open for now, but if that's the case I doubt I'll really use it. I already don't Tweet, don't Instagram, etc. I tried them all but when everyone in all of my social circles already exists on Facebook and my Twitter followers number 8, well, it's hard to get motivated to use it. We'll see, but it just seems to offer the same thing I already have in a slightly different package.

I guess I've just never seen a use in these social networks that seem to be primarily geared toward letting people you don't even know "follow" what you're doing. But I've got it on my phone and will try to remember to use it and see if I enjoy it enough to keep up with it.

So you can link up with people from other parts of the world and see what they're drinking? Also fun to see what people in your area are drinking. I've actually made friends for bottle shares on Untappd. But if it's not for you, then no big deal.

It's also good for me since sharing what I drink on Facebook would probably lead to friends and family thinking I'm an alcoholic. Nice to compartmentalize my beer hobby to Untappd.

I'd be more worried about being an alcoholic if I ever felt the need to hide my drinking from friends or family. ;)
All of us wanted to add you on Untappd. I like seeing what people are drinking in other parts of the world.

I'd be more worried about being an alcoholic if I ever felt the need to hide my drinking from friends or family. ;)

No need to hide it, I'd just rather not flood my Facebook feed with it. Everyone knows I'm into craft beer, but I don't think they want to see it all the time. The ocassional beer festival pics make it on there, but that's about it.

Seth C

All of us wanted to add you on Untappd. I like seeing what people are drinking in other parts of the world.

No need to hide it, I'd just rather not flood my Facebook feed with it. Everyone knows I'm into craft beer, but I don't think they want to see it all the time. The ocassional beer festival pics make it on there, but that's about it.

My Facebook is basically only for pictures I take, so if people don't want that I suppose they can look elsewhere. :) People see what I cook, eat, drink, and what concerts I go to.

As for you guys, well, you already get to see what I'm drinking!

Also, is there no way to add pictures to check-ins, even as an update, from a PC? It seems that is limited to the phone app? If so I can't even use it to share any of the better pictures I take when I go to tastings and things.


Junior Butler
Can anyone vouch for Deschutes Red Chair? I swore a friend described it as a double red, but as far as I know it's a PA. They didn't hold back on the malts, so maybe there's hope.

There aren't enough quality reds in the world.
My Facebook is basically only for pictures I take, so if people don't want that I suppose they can look elsewhere. :) People see what I cook, eat, drink, and what concerts I go to.

As for you guys, well, you already get to see what I'm drinking!

Also, is there no way to add pictures to check-ins, even as an update, from a PC? It seems that is limited to the phone app? If so I can't even use it to share any of the better pictures I take when I go to tastings and things.

Weird, they used to let you add pictures from the website. Looks like they removed that functionality. It's pretty much a smartphone/tablet-oriented application.
Can anyone vouch for Deschutes Red Chair? I swore a friend described it as a double red, but as far as I know it's a PA. They didn't hold back on the malts, so maybe there's hope.

There aren't enough quality reds in the world.

Red Chair is a hoppy pale.

Boneyard's Diablo Rojo and Laurelwood's Deranger are fantastic red ales.
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