I really hate how a lot of people ended up conflating
"Let's not call everyone who has a grievance with the Clinton campaign or current democratic platform a racist/bigot/whatever so we can reach more voters"
If you voted for a fascist bigot who used a megaphone connected to stadium speakers to speak his dog whistle politics, understanding full well what it intended and the consequence of his policies would have on minorities and those in the lower class, you are either a bigot yourself, whether through intent or ignorance, or a complete idiot.
Nothing, and I mean nothing, in Hillary Clinton's platform is worse than literal policies in Trump's platform that calls for discrimination and even banning an entire religion.
Those who didn't vote are just as bad as those who voted Trump because their votes, not voting is still voting, means that they were okay with either outcome. They are okay that there was a good chance that bigotry, fear, and hate would be the main policies of the U.S. in 2017. Anyone who calls themselves an ally to minorities and didn't vote because "Clinton didn't speak to me" or "Facebook said Clinton did x" can just stop calling themselves that completely, because that apathy harmed us greatly.