It's a fucking joy to be alive, with just as much likelihood you could have been born a fly that lives for only 3 weeks or not even born at all; a dude's ejaculate contains approx. 15 million sperm per millilitre, so you're about 1 in 40 million. Well done, you won the lottery of life.
Do you have evidence that you're actually real and you're not a figment of my imagination? If so, can we prove that this evidence is actually evidence? Then how can we validate the truth of this evidence? (I do this to you, because what you're doing is dishonesty - you're not building a conversation.. you're just asking meaningless questions instead of acknowledging the ultimate point: we can't know, because we have no way of testing for the supernatural - god)
Because without God you cannot know anything. Without God, can you be wrong about everything you think you know?
Existence isn't dependent on a god, therefore you don't have an argument. In fact we have evidence against god or gods being responsible for any aspect of nature and we have proven they didn't do anything. For example ancient Greeks thought Poseidon was responsible for horrible weather, so sailors prayed for better seafaring conditions. We know today just how wrong they were.
I've always disliked that sort of theory or believe about proof of life being real or not. To me it's an easy observable fact that it's real. Look at generations over time, animals before humans/sentience or interactions still occurring when you're not present or away of them e.g. a tree in fact does fall in the forest even if you don't observe or cause it directly. You see the before and after, so does anything and everything around it over time and changes. The idea of a simulation is laughable, the glitches and exploits that would be inevitably possible if we did in fact live in a simulation or a fantastic delusion.
If you want to have your mind really blown then imagine what it was like for someone who may have lived 100 years but was born in the 1880s.
Such a person would have seen the first widespread use of the automobile, Man's first flight, both world wars, watching man step foot on the Moon, and the dawn of advanced technology. All of which would have occurred within the span of his adult life.
Now that is a life that would have been crazy.
My Nana is 99 years old next month. Insane to have grown up listening to her stories around the dinner table. War, TV, cars, phones, radios, computers, cameras, fashion, activities, social changes and more. I wish she could chat for longer then 5-10 mins these days but she is beginning to really struggle at such an age.