Why do you guys continue to give attention to shitposters?
I always check the post count. Almost 5 years on Gaf and not even 500 posts? Burner account
Why do you guys continue to give attention to shitposters?
I guess the Bernieorbust folks are starting their rally behind Jill Stein if these FB numbers are anything to go by.
Why do you guys continue to give attention to shitposters?
Don't get this. People are free to support who they feel represents them best. Do you feel better about yourself because you happen to support a more popular candidate? It's tribal fanboyism at its worst.
Who is "we"?
Feel free to criticize them and disagree on policy. "They are so adorable" is not criticism.
Unrealistic for a variety of reasons, chief among them being that he would be a drag on the ticket.
people are SO pissed.
I'm not sure I agree the situation is far better than anyone could have hoped for. We are at a pretty big fork with vastly different outcomes and the two most disliked presidential candidates in history running.
If this is as good as it gets, then you have pretty low standards.
Who is "we"?
Feel free to criticize them and disagree on policy. "They are so adorable" is not criticism.
Babbys' first election.ayy
people are SO pissed.
I guess the Bernieorbust folks are starting their rally behind Jill Stein if these FB numbers are anything to go by.
I guess the Bernieorbust folks are starting their rally behind Jill Stein if these FB numbers are anything to go by.
With regards to polling numbers, it'll be hard to quantify with the conventions and VP picks coming up soon. A better way of seeing how this effects this is how much of an increase in donations and volunteers this will bring.I'm interested to see how this affects her poll numbers for the next couple of weeks.
I guess the Bernieorbust folks are starting their rally behind Jill Stein if these FB numbers are anything to go by.
Tell me in 3 emojis or less how you feel about Bernie Sanders finally endorsing your abuela, GAF?
And I'm disappointed that the convention won't be a mess. Trump is going to have it tough going against 1 Former President + President + Vice President + Former Anti-establishment candidate + Warren.
He's got what? Christie?
Everyone else is keeping a healthy distance from him. Mccain, Romney, Ryan, Little Marco, Graham, Cruz, 3 Bushes.
Good guy Bernie. I mean he should have dropped out after March 15th, and shouldn't have dragged her name through the mud for the last four months ruining her credibility and causing her unfavorable numbers to stay over 50%, but hey it's better late than never.
Don't get this. People are free to support who they feel represents them best. Do you feel better about yourself because you happen to support a more popular candidate? It's tribal fanboyism at its worst.
It would interesting to go through the Twitter accounts of people posting all the "Betrayal" and "#IWasBerned" stuff and then revisit them come November. I bet a lot of them will still vote Democrat once their temper tantrum is over. Or they'll be posting some dumbass shit about integrity, but I want to be hopeful.
There's probably a number of them who don't even vote Democratic, or don't vote at all.It would interesting to go through the Twitter accounts of people posting all the "Betrayal" and "#IWasBerned" stuff and then revisit them come November. I bet a lot of them will still vote Democrat once their temper tantrum is over. Or they'll be posting some dumbass shit about integrity, but I want to be hopeful.
Yeah, that's what I'm thinking. And then like make it painfully obvious that they're not voting because of corruption or whatever.They sure as hell wont vote for Gary Johnson and Jill Stein under scrutiny
At best they just wont vote at all
Tribal Fanboyism is a much more apt description of BernieOrBust folks. They are the ones so tribal in their "Not Hillary" mentality that they turn on the candidate they claimed to originally support.
Tribal Fanboyism is a much more apt description of BernieOrBust folks. They are the ones so tribal in their "Not Hillary" mentality that they turn on the candidate they claimed to originally support.
Yes, it's truly Sanders' fault that Clinton's unfavorable numbers are so low. He's such a meanie.
Never change, GAF. The sore winning is fantastic to witness.
What's the over under on bernie stans not voting/voting for trump to teach bernie a leason?
Isn't it actually the opposite?
What does that even mean?
Ya, I just checked the thread, a lot of people trying to recruit angry anti-establishmenters into supporting Drumpf. I don't think /r/S4P has had any real progressives since the anti-Clinton BernieBros took over.While there are a lot of Bernie supporters posting stuff like that, a good number of them are from r/Donald trying to rustle jimmies.
omg now she's going to have 3% instead of 2% support!
He's not a logical or sensible choice for VP. Just because he gained a lot of fame by being Clinton's rival in the primaries doesn't mean he's a good fit as Clinton's VP.
GAF? How many people in this thread have echoes this posters sentiments? Enough to blame the entire forum?
Isn't it actually the opposite? The fact that they abandon the candidate and party to support the ideas themselves (in the green party) shows that they are not tribal fanboys.
I don't agree with them, but I also disagree with calling everyone who prefers Jill Stein over Hillary a deluded sore loser adorable child.
But the hypocrisy of it all is that if this is all about the ideas they support, and if they were diehard Bernie supporters, wouldn't Hillary be the next closest option to his ideas? And even if they go green, why so vitriolic towards Hillary? It's very childish.
Ok then. Let's hear why.
I agree Trump doesn't make sense over Hillary, but I can't fault them for supporting Jill Stein. Do you think Hillary is more progressive than Stein??