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Bernie Sanders isn't ruling out a 2020 presidential run

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Wow, by 2020 he's going to be 93 years old.


I don't think math works like this...


Sorry Burns. I love you man, but 80 is pushing it. Do what you can to put the Dems back into power, but I can't see you winning in 2020.
I think he's probably going to be too old by 2020, but I imagine that he'll campaign very heavily for someone following in his footsteps in 2020 (maybe Gabbard?) and help that person towards the nomination.

The Sanders wing is the future of the party.


I like Bernie and voted for him in the primary but yea that's just way too old. He needs to find someone younger he can pass the torch to.


I think he's probably going to be too old by 2020, but I imagine that he'll campaign very heavily for someone following in his footsteps in 2020 (maybe Gabbard?) and help that person towards the nomination.

The Sanders wing is the future of the party.

I agree that he's too old.

But I don't know who they'd put up right now. Any Establishment guy, like from NY or CA would probably be seen as poison. Trump re-wrote the map. If Democrats want to re-write it again, they need someone from those states


He needs a protege. Someone who has his ideals but is a generation younger. Bernie needs to be in the forefront of the anti-Trump movement over the next few years, but right alongside him should be that one person that will continue on his legacy. Then put him/her forward in 2020.
Too old. Elizabeth Warren or Michelle Obama would kill it in 2020...."Make America Great Again....Again" The thought of Michelle Obama is bringing me tears of joy lol.
If he's smart, he finds someone else to be his chosen one and build their hype for the next 4 years. Get them branded as 'Bernie but Better', I dunno. Guess it might be hard to replicate the hype but it might be the only option.

I don't think they need a Bernie 2.0 - they need to find someone who can combine Bernie's ability to reach out to the disaffected white voters on economic issues (without feeling the need to court the "deplorables") with Hillary's ability to reach out to (especially non-millennial) minorities. Basically someone who can actually reach out to and motivate the Obama coalition as a whole and not just particular parts of it and definitely not taking the "focus on one group and the other(s) will fall in line" approach. There's a lot of stuff in the Democratic platform that should appeal to working whites (many of whom seem to have just not shown up, given low turnout) but it doesn't sound like the Clinton campaign ever really "wooed" them, at least in part due to bad data and complacency.

The Democrats may also need to roll back on some issues (gun control, for example, which feels like something does damage to them in some areas without compensating by being a major motivator to get people to the polls)
Is he gonna come up with more than one talking point this time around? Is he gonna actually come up with a plan to fix his one talking point? Is he gonna not ignore everyone but white millennials this time?


I don't think he will run, but it's so evidently he will work hard with the DNC to rebuild the party from this defeat. Hell, I like how he feels he belongs to DNC. He is too good for this world.


The Everyman
our bodies and minds are not all the same at 80. making the judgement now that he'll be too old for the position in 4 years is utterly pointless. wait until we get a medical evaluation at the time.
Too old. Elizabeth Warren or Michelle Obama would kill it in 2020...."Make America Great Again....Again" The thought of Michelle Obama is bringing me tears of joy lol.

Yeah, we should push people with no Presidential aspirations. That'll be a great use of time and energy. People are forgetting Obama was relatively unknown and somehow rose up, despite any sort of initial push by the party. We can find people, YOUNG people, who can combine the best aspects of the previous candidates and take to heart what worked and what didn't
The buried lead here is Keith Ellison running for DNC chair. Ellison is a really great guy, good congressman, and a pretty reasonable bridge between the Bernie crew and the actual Democratic party. He's also the first ever Muslim-American congressman, so it's a direct thumb in Trump's eye.

Awesome to hear.

Bernie won't run. He knows he's too old; he just doesn't want to shut that door so soon after Trump's win. That he is stepping up to help reform the DNC is heartening to hear. I hope he can rally the people one last time.


he was already too old for this election IMO

The second that Trump takes office, he will already be the second oldest person to ever hold the title of United States President after Reagan. Sanders is over 4 years older than Trump. If Sanders won, he would have broke Reagan's record by midterm of his first term.


Is he gonna come up with more than one talking point this time around? Is he gonna actually come up with a plan to fix his one talking point? Is he gonna not ignore everyone but white millennials this time?

It doesn't matter much, the demographics will shift by the time we hit 2020 so much we have a new slew of dems who grew up under Obama, saw the Trump presidency and will need to be introduced to what being a Dem is.

All the sanders people right now are generally going to be the same crowd but older, out of college and likely out in the world. Things change, I'm not fond of the idea of pushing the same out there nor am I confident their fire will even last to 2020.

All people seem to care about is charisma anyway, ideally we have to focus on midterms first, maybe someone rises to the top in 2 years and we get some viable candidates then. The DNC bench is thin as fuck at the moment. At worst running anyone who had any association with Clinton in 2020 opens avenues of attack for the RNC to remind its voters that Sanders, Warren, Biden, etc helped Clinton and still lost.

Sanders isn't nearly as spotless anymore as people seem to think now that he's run hard with Clinton. Dude stumped for her hard.
Sanders needs to spend the next 4 years grooming a coalition of young democrats that share his views and will carry the torch.

This is the answer. This election proves you don't need experience if you speak to peoples desire for change.
Yes. A man or woman of the people hand picked by Bernie would be great.
The buried lead here is Keith Ellison running for DNC chair. Ellison is a really great guy, good congressman, and a pretty reasonable bridge between the Bernie crew and the actual Democratic party. He's also the first ever Muslim-American congressman, so it's a direct thumb in Trump's eye.
Yup. Pretty good.


I voted for Bernie in the primaries but I am not oblivious to the difficulties he would have winning a national election.

If you thought the words "email" and "Benghazi" were annoying, the word "socialism" would be far more prevalent.





More than anything we need new blood in the party. We can't keep leaning on stagnant members to fix what is broken.
I voted for Bernie in the primaries but I am not oblivious to the difficulties he would have winning a national election.

If you thought the words "email" and "Benghazi" were annoying, the word "socialism" would be far more prevalent.
This. If there's one word that would galvanize the FUCK out of the right it's socialism. You probably wouldn't have seen a drop in GOP voters, but a sizable increase.


Kieth Ellison is a wonderful choice to lead the party. Nothing but respect for him.

Bernie might be too old, but I want him to have a huge role in reconstructing the party.


Do the Democrats even have someone like that? The only young blood I know is Cory Booker.

There are some incredible councilmembers here in NYC, but I don't know how one goes about elevating their profile enough to become a national figure.
I voted for Bernie in the primaries but I am not oblivious to the difficulties he would have winning a national election.

If you thought the words "email" and "Benghazi" were annoying, the word "socialism" would be far more prevalent.

Agreed. I supported Bernie before I supported Hillary and it's nice to dream about what if things were different, but alas...


I don't think he should run, but I'm totally behind him helping rebuild the party and endorsing some fresh faces.
I wish Bernie a long life but age and time is a really limited factor. But I like the protege idea if he can get someone younger that follows in his footsteps. Please don't let Bernie ideals and passion go away with just Bernie. I think the man is going to have a long time coming prepped to filibuster the GOP's Congress potentially vile bills coming our way.

The buried lead here is Keith Ellison running for DNC chair. Ellison is a really great guy, good congressman, and a pretty reasonable bridge between the Bernie crew and the actual Democratic party. He's also the first ever Muslim-American congressman, so it's a direct thumb in Trump's eye.

Oh, wow really? That's cool.
Do the Democrats even have someone like that? The only young blood I know is Cory Booker.

You guys realize there are more Democrats other than the people who were in the spotlight this past election, right? We have 4 years (well, more like 2.5ish). We have this group of elected officials, which include a number of new promising female faces, and we have 2018 if there are any new ones there


Too old. Can't he get a protegé with the same ideals as him and have that person run as president?

Tulsi Gabbard 2020, let's fucking go!

I'm actually really excited about the young bench that hopefully runs; Tulsi, Kamala Harris, Tammy Duckworth, Corey Booker, etc. Get these younger guys to run so they don't have baggage like Obama didn't and be super exciting to get behind.

Tulsi is my personal choice right now and someone I think can rally the shit out of this country like 2008 Obama.
Do the Democrats even have someone like that? The only young blood I know is Cory Booker.

Maybe Jason Kander, even though he lost his Senate race (by very little, though, and he still ran 16 points ahead of Clinton in Missouri). Main drawback is a lack of experience, though with Trump being elected...


I voted for Bernie in the primaries but I am not oblivious to the difficulties he would have winning a national election.

If you thought the words "email" and "Benghazi" were annoying, the word "socialism" would be far more prevalent.

Depends, it's hard to say how much damage Trump can do in 1 term but if he doesn't produce results (which given his policies I don't see it) those swing voters are going to swing back the other way.


I like the sound of that.

They really need to tap into Bernie's anti-establishment leanings, but Bernie himself may indeed be too old to run himself. Someone like Gabbard could easily pick up his torch while standing for everything Trump doesn't (including actually being anti-establishment as opposed to Trump's forced facade).

Not sure who you'd pick for VP, but with credentials like her's it may not even matter.
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