Prodigal Son
My roommate is from New York, but he's also Colombian, and half his family is still there. You think this isn't an issue for him? This is why Bernie is losing, he can't see the forest for the trees.
Bernie is losing because he's a 74 year old atheistic, jewish, tax-raising socialist running against the most well known and well qualified household name politician in modern political history. It has nothing to do with his unwillingness to comment on foreign issues affecting minorities. Fuck me because you're going to take away what you like from this regardless of anything I tell you so continue to believe what you do.
So your argument is he could have totally answered why his brand if socialism is different and thus won't fail like it did in Latin America, but he just didn't want to?
Uh. Yes. You literally just acknowledged that it's obvious why he'd want to avoid that question when running as a socialist.
A fuck up in that response would be much, much, worse of a headline than "Bernie talks about America." Do you honestly think he's never given any thought to South American socialism?
Those same people don't live in bubble, they have friends and family who live in Latin and South America. What happens in those other countries still carries meaningful consequences for Hispanics in this country.
Let's say Bernie gave his opinion on drug cartels in Honduras. What would that affect if he's President?
Your the one acting like a presidential candidate being completely clueless isn't a bad thing so....
Who's posts are you even reading?