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Berserk (PS2) has been out for a week in JPN, so... uh... impressions?


Seriously, aside from a handful of people saying "it's fun" in a few random sales threads, I haven't heard a peep. And given the fervor expressed over this game in the past, I was expecting something a little more... I dunno... detailed, in the way of commentary upon its release. So what happened? Importers? Japanophiles? Overseas denizens? I'm looking in your direction. Make with the yakety-yak.

BTW, these minigames on the official site are pretty fun. :D



I've put in about an hour or two. It's a fairly standard beat em up.

Graphics are decent, nothing special though. Music and sound is so-so..in a game that can become monotonous rather quickly a more upbeat soundtrack would have been welcome. Voices are done well, I never get sick of hearing Guts as he slices through like 5 monsters at one time. Cut scenes connect the levels pretty well, with some story mixed in.

There are save points throughout each level, where you can also use exp points used in battle to power up your character, and view a listing of the monsters you've encountered. The type of upgrades are faster sword swings, weapons, additional moves etc.. There are a decent amount of varied attacks, but I find myself using a only couple different moves to wipe out the swarms of enemies. There are chain attacks, and when you build up your bar you can get a special attack...in addition there's a rage attack that makes you go attack like a madman. Also you can block and counter enemies, but I mostly can't be f'ed to block :p

There are some unlockables, probably have to beat the game, which I'll get around to when I stop playing the latest Gundam Seed game (taking up most of my time lately). It's a fair game, I bought it cause I was in a buying mood last time I was at my local Sofmap..dunno if I would go out of my way to import this if I weren't here though.


I wrote this over at gamefaqs last week:

I'm kinda busy so I'll just chime in and say the game is fantastic.

I'm a huge fan of the manga and after an hour of play right now I'm almost crying in joy. The game is nearly perfect fundamentaly.

+Sword physics are incredible. The way you recover from fast motion in 1 direction, or drag your sword in a backwards strafe if you try to move away from where you just swung is awesome. Also after you attack if you just hold the analogue in the direction you want to move you get a 2nd swing of Gatts pulling the sword over to that direction.

+The way the enemies get cut into pieces is really awesome and when you do a slash usually the enemy will split in half at the correct angle or lose some body parts.

+The music is GOOD. I was kinda sad that Hirasawa was only doing the OP/ED, but the music is top-notch. I wonder whose scoring it.

+Art direction is great. The actual graphics might not be revolutionary but the way the visuals are presented make it look great. Blood and snow stick on your sword nicely too.

+Tons of attack animations. When fighting enemies you can hit triangle after the brand flashes over your life and you'll rush foward. If you touch an enemy you do a special attack animation. I think there's 2 for each enemy and some of them are just badass. For instance there's a dog like enemy in the 1st level and if you do your special you grab it by it's hind legs and flip it in the air with 1 hand and then slice it in half while airborne O_O

+Going from that the boss animations are even better. You get awesome letterboxed well choreographed action scenes everytime you counter or your enemy does or both of your weapons hit. You even can change the scenes during some. For instance when my weapon hit the first boss's weapon I had to keep tapping square or I could hit triangle for the cannon. I hit triangle and all I gotta say, is that it was one of the coolest OMG scenes I'd seen in a game ^__^.

+Good amount of moves. Regular swinging of the sword is perfect with the physics and then you have the charge triangle attack. You also have the R1 strafing and attacks, and your special triangle attack, and your sub-weapons, and your dashing + dash attack, and your companions.

+Just hearing all the voice actors back in their roles doing the manga scenes is nice :)

Only drawbacks that exist so far:
--Loading between save screen and area is about a min or so long. Same with between areas. But luckily areas are pretty big.
--When you call a partner in the game freezes and loads for 2-3 secs.

I think the 28/40 in Famitsu was due to the loading and the fact that the enemies always respawn (which is good because they give you exp so you can level up stats and weapons at save points).

So far gameplay-wise, visually, and audiobly this game destroys the DC version. I'm extremely happy with the game and can't wait to get some more time in.

Since then I've played another few levels and some were really good, and others had poor design with backtracking and those ones got pretty repetitive. Also for some reason the animations of cutting ghouls in half aren't as awesome as cutting dogs and snow men in half.

Still way better than the DC game and a must buy for an fan of the series. But those who haven't watched the anime nor read the manga should probably pass on it.


Go Go Ackman! said:

I dunno, maybe I should've taken some English classes instead of Japanese ones ^^;; My grasp of the English language is pretty sad these days, especially since teaching English is my current job ;_;
Bebpo said:
+Tons of attack animations. When fighting enemies you can hit triangle after the brand flashes over your life and you'll rush foward. If you touch an enemy you do a special attack animation. I think there's 2 for each enemy and some of them are just badass. For instance there's a dog like enemy in the 1st level and if you do your special you grab it by it's hind legs and flip it in the air with 1 hand and then slice it in half while airborne O_O

+Going from that the boss animations are even better. You get awesome letterboxed well choreographed action scenes everytime you counter or your enemy does or both of your weapons hit. You even can change the scenes during some. For instance when my weapon hit the first boss's weapon I had to keep tapping square or I could hit triangle for the cannon. I hit triangle and all I gotta say, is that it was one of the coolest OMG scenes I'd seen in a game ^__^.

*masturbates furiously*
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