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Best review EVAH


Street Fighter IV World Champion

Funniest thing I've read in ages:

Tattered, bloodied, putrid. Your house sucks you in as if by osmosis, leaving you weeping on the hall floor in a creeping puddle of gore and mud. Your wife, flesh flour, stares at you, arms folded, veins vaulting from her neck on invisible stalks. Your explanation of the reason you've been missing for four days, why you reek of petrol, why Dave's dead, why you've spent four thousand pounds on a man called Charlie and some ladies all going by the name of Jezebel, and why your interpretation of the phrase 'stag do' has to involve police chases and national news crews, is failing to wash. "It seemed like a good idea at the time," you whimper, snot bubbling from your broken nose. "It really did."

And so Catwoman comes to market. The gaming epitome of 'a good idea at the time'. Publisher EA is the wife. Developer Argonaut is the pathetic man facing life imprisonment. And the piece of code is the adaptation of the imminent Halle Berry movie of the same name. Catwoman is men in cheap trousers and white shirts drinking 20 pints of lager in a rubbish nightclub followed by swimming in an open-air sewer ditch in Reading. It's the perfect example of good times turned bewilderingly bad.


Here's a favorite of mine from the old DC days. It's still cracks me up!


I can easily say, without fear of overstating myself and sounding like I work for Daily Radar, that The Ring: Terror's Realm is hands down the most terrifying thing to ever grace my television screen. Sweet mother of God, I shake even writing about it. My face is pale and Mrs. Mad Carl asks every few minutes if I'm okay, and must I really scream while staring straight ahead and mumbling "The Ring. My God. The Ring." Much like Lovecraft's often-doomed storytellers, I write you this review now in hopes that my tale may reach others, and warn them of the terrible ground I have tread. I hope that just one person learns of the terror I have faced and the irrevocable harm it has caused my psyche. I hope that one person will be a vanguard in protecting the rest of humanity, for I am too weak to do anything more than deliver my message
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