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Best roast joke you have ever heard?


I absolutely love the comedy central roasts that they show from time to time. The insults that the comedians come up with are better than a lot of regular standup. Not to mention the fact that if you are being roasted, you need thick skin and a great sense of humor. I heard a joke from Nikki Glazer (I believe that is who it was) and I swear it was the funniest shit I've heard in a while.

It went something like.... How can you tell its Springtime in New York? When you see Alec Baldwin in handcuffs and cargo shorts!

Anybody heard any other great roasts jokes that always make your smile?


The back and forths between Jesse Joyce (who was actually a writer on many of the comedy Central roasts) and Dana Vachon are some of the most creative, hilarious jokes I've ever heard.



First one that comes to mind is when Bo is singing about attention seekers/comedians and glares over at Judd Apatow, Marc Maron, Ray Romano, and Garry Shandling

That every day
Can't be about him
There's other people
You selfish asshole

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Scotty W

I was annoying my friend one day and I said “I am your Tyler Durden.”

He replied with, “Well, maybe you could have a confusing adventure which ends with you shooting yourself in the face.”

I loled


Once a friend started a sentence "I think I am not stupid so..."

Another friend interrupted him "There is already 2 bullshits in your sentence so I think it's enough and you should not continue it".

Loved it xD


Parody of actual AJUMP23
Knock knock

Who’s there

Piece of meat in a pot

Piece of meat in a pot who.

Pot Roast.


I would give it a shot, but fear it could go amiss.
Thats Good Robert Deniro GIF


Google 'dirty Johnny joke by Norm McDonald'

It's the single greatest joke I've ever heard, if I'm feeling down it always does the trick.

Codes 208

For the life of me i cant find the clip, but there was one hosted by seth mcfarlane and someone finally called him out “ah yes, seth mcfarlene, the man of a thousand voices: all of them stewie”
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