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"BEST SELLER" Game Cube covers -- the wacky theories


(more a nerd than a geek)
In case you hadn't heard about the Best Seller Logo of Doom (tm), let me explain. Recent Nintendo published titles that have had retailer preorders of 250,000 or more (Paper Mario, Mario Power Tennis) have been released to stores in two versions: one with the standard box art, and one with a flashy Best Seller logo in the bottom right corner of the cover. This has led to much wailing and gnashing of teeth, especially as no one has been able to come up with a logical reason for Nintendo's new emblem of pride.

Until now.

First, I'm assuming that most GAFfers would agree that GameCube owners are often lumped into two camps: those more fanatical than your average Xbox or PS2 owner, and those who are "family casual" gamers. "Family casual" gamers might be enticed to buy a game with the Best Seller logo ("Hey, it must be good! It's a Best Seller!"), but the fanatics don't seem to be enticed by this at all. Rather, the fanatics are more likely to refuse to buy a Best Seller version of a game, instead opting for the original box art.

Now, if only a portion of the shipment of a game contain the "standard" boxart, and the majority contain the dreaded Best Seller box art... what is going to happen?

Nintendo fanatics will run like crazy to the store, intent on buying the game before the ghastly Best Seller version appears.

If this is true, Nintendo stands to sell its titles more quickly than usual, which could very well result in more reorders from the stores. There's also a chance that sales could increase, as the fanatics crowd will have had more time to demonstrate the game to their friends, thus creating more opportunities for potential sales to the more "casual" crowd. If Fanatic Man sees a game he wants, but decides to wait on until 8 months after release, his best friend Casual Dude won't be exposed to the game during the height of its marketing campaign. However, if Fanatic Man buys the game on the date of release, he now has plenty of time to demonstrate the game to Casual Dude while the marketing thrust is hot, thus increasing the odds of Casual Dude buying the game as well.

This might seem a bit too much like a conspiracy theory, but it does seem to explain why Nintendo would release two versions of a game on the same date. Publishers seem to like preorders and early sales, and this Best Seller business might very well increase both without the need for expensive gimmicks like the Zelda bonus discs.

Oh, for the record, I'm a Nintendo fanatic who just drove all over town to find a non-Best Seller version of Mario Power Tennis. I think there are a lot of folks doing the same thing. This "conspiracy" theory (selling through fear of inferior second runs) may be insane, but it might just be working.


Dude, you're thinking waaaaaay too hard about this. First of all, despite "FANATIC BOYS TEETH GNASHING", 9/10 fanatics are NOT going to worry about a freakin' logo unless the gameplay contained within is at all changed. And if they DID worry, they're not going to change their buying habits because of this. They'll simply complain and purchase the damn game anyhow. The game is going to sell at the same speeds here. Similarly, if Gamecube fans consist of only "hardcore fanatics" and "family casual" gamers, no amount of showing off to "casual boy" is going to do any good - at this point, it's made demonstratably clear that most casual people just don't give a crap about Gamecube. That's not going to change because of a logo, and if that actually IS the reason Nintendo did it then they are stupid.

And on your last point, the fact that you drove all the way across town to find a copy of the game you wanted without the logo just means you're the one out of ten who will actually do that, and I do believe that says more about you then Nintendo's intentions, no offense implied.


if you see me in a fight with a bear, don't help me fool, help the bear!
you put a lot of thought into to that......Maybe it is time to take up fishing?


if you see me in a fight with a bear, don't help me fool, help the bear!
Amir0x said:
9/10 fanatics are NOT going to worry about a freakin' logo unless the gameplay contained within is at all changed.

I used to think like this... I was once naive and thought most gamers were normal like me and most of my friends... but I was WRONG! You should see the 7 page threads where people are saying they are going to import the exact same HANDHELD game in a different language they cannot read because they like the boxart better....Welcome to GAF


(more a nerd than a geek)
(mutters about prefixes for a moment)

I'm merely saying that if a reason for the new packaging trend exists, it has to be consistent with releasing two versions of the label in such a short period of time. If you can think of a less insane theory that would explain this, go right ahead.


Blackace said:
I used to think like this... I was once naive and thought most gamers were normal like me and most of my friends... but I was WRONG! You should see the 7 page threads where people are saying they are going to import the exact same HANDHELD game in a different language they cannot read because they like the boxart better....Welcome to GAF

I realize that there IS that one out of every ten people who do this sort of thing. Problem is, from a marketing standpoint this amount of people is statistically insignificant and not enough to drive sales of anything, let alone based on a freakin' logo.

GAF just happens to be filled with those one out of ten-ers.


problem is that they are releasing both versions at the same time, some stores only got one version or the other, and it looks like stores are continuing to recieve either or both versions, so it's not a matter of buying it quicker...


Seriously, if one customer comes into my store one day and wants a Nintendo game YET refuses to buy it BECAUSE of the Best Seller logo, I'll push my magazine rack myself.


why don't they at least wait for the second shipment before slapping on these logos though. all it seems like to me is dishonest, false advertising.


Digital Foundry pixel pusher
ironichaos said:
Stupid rich Americans... [not in reference to anyone in particular]

What does that have to do with ANYHING?!

I really hope that stupid logo doesn't show up on Prime 2 next week, though...


Junior Member
Oh look, Nintendo just changed 4 Resi's cover - Noone will notice the bestseller logo tho

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