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BestBuy.com PS3 Preorders. "here is a coupon for your troubles PWNED LOL"


best buy better hook us up with $50 gift cards AT THE LEAST. system glitch my ass, giving a false sense of hope for something as big as the PS3 is like sticking the head in and getting kicked off the sofa. that shit is just wrong.

Fun Factor

Formerly FTWer
hyp said:
best buy better hook us up with $50 gift cards AT THE LEAST. system glitch my ass, giving a false sense of hope for something as big as the PS3 is like sticking the head in and getting kicked off the sofa. that shit is just wrong.

you kidding?
with all the thousands of people who must have pre-ordered
they'd be giving away a million dollars right there.


Glitch. Even if it was a glitch to say, it should have been not accessible nor being able to go through actual payments. That URL should never have existed in their site/server/whatnot.


Wario64 said:
$50 gift cards? lol, that is being way too generous, especially for a retail chain like Best Buy

lol I was saying that myself, the most you're going to get is an lol sorry we messed up.

I want my PS3 :(


BTW, that fake PS3 preorder I fell for was removed from eCrater because they don't allow pre-order items, and now I'm working with Google to get the charge reversed since the listing is gone. Winning on technicalities ftw.
mashoutposse said:
So you're ****ed? :D

I guess you are assuming that those who ordered multiples will get all their orders cancelled instead of just the extras. Who knows. Though this was a calculated risk that I was fully aware of regardless.

If I get just one I'll sell it and rebuy the PS3 in a couple of months. I fully realize that this makes me the official forum Judas. I'm not ashamed at all and don't understand what the big deal is.

If I get no units at all, easy come, easy go. I'm not nervous about it or anything.

I'd love to know how many multiple orderers and resellers we really have, but I bet most are too scared to admit it. :)


Jason Kidd murdered my dog in cold blood!
beermonkey@tehbias said:
I'd love to know how many multiple orderers and resellers we really have, but I bet most are too scared to admit it. :)

I'd gladly admit that I was a multiple orderer. It's no secret that I would sell this puppy on ebay in a heartbeat. But I didn't want take the chance of getting them all cancelled and would be happy with one.


this here was posted to the playstation.com forums:

these are my posts.

UPDATE - 2 Hours Ago

I just heard the official word for myself, it was legit and that multiples should have been and will be canceled. The BB.com pre-order IS/WAS legit. Congrats guys, we did it!

I heard for myself on a brief 3-way call. No one is losing their job, the pre-order was legit.

UPDATE Pt. 2 - 1 Hour Ago

Well I'm sure you can understand if I don't go into great detail because it was a 3-way corp didn't know about. I have a friend who manages a very powerful dept locally at a BB. He knows all the higher-ups that he needs to when it comes to consoles releases. We learned of his connections from the 360 launch. Long story short I asked him to call when he went in later today. He ended up calling this morning because all weekend he was getting smashed with the same questions you all are asking here daily. Anyhow he called in then called me on my cell and told me to **bleep** and just listen. He asked if the pre-order was legit, he was told yes. He asked about multiple orders and they told him about the CC check. He asked about in-store pickup and they said there will be no in-store pickups. Then it became friendly and he asked if there was any chance the person didn't know if it really was legit and he was told again that it is. The contact went further on to say if it was an error it would have been corrected already. That's pretty much it, what I heard was brief because he had already asked him if it was legit.. I don't think he wanted to puch things.

There it is guys.

Conflicting Story - 41 Minutes Ago

Regional Manager said no go on the pre-orders. He said it's not in the system so it didn't happen. He also went on to say that it's up to us to cancel the orders and BB reserves the right not to notify us or something along those lines. However the warehouse said the pre-order was legit. I have no idea what they're bsing this information on all I know is that my resources have led to another conflicting story. On source is basing its info on the lack of info.. the other is based on something that I am not familiar with.

I don't plan on canceling my order but I'm at a loss at this point. No one at BB really has a clue what's going on right now. To make matters worse BB in-store reps call the same 888 number we do. So this is all a circle of assumptions until we get official word.. which it turns out they have the right not to give.

ALL ORDERS WILL BE CANCELED - Confirmed By BB Corporate Senior Specialist - 22 Minutes Ago

My buddy gave me the number to corporate since he was on the way to the gym. He told me to ask an operator for a senior specialist and I did. I spoke with a nice senior specialist who quickly apologized for the error. He went on to tell me that corporate received notification this morning that ALL ORDER WILL BE CANCELED. He could not tell me when but he assumed it would be fairly soon. I asked him if BB would make any sort of official notification and he said yes. However he could not give me an actual time and said he would assume it be soon as well but could not guarantee it would be today. I then asked him about my findings this morning and he said there is no knowing when the rest of the company will be notified of this error.


If you'd like to call BB corporate yourself you can reach them at (612) 291-1000. If you get a chance please post your findings either further confirming mine or otherwise. Thanks, and I'm sorry everyone.

that's it guys. it's over.


Wario64 said:
$50 gift cards? lol, that is being way too generous, especially for a retail chain like Best Buy

:( i know... i'm just crying a river because this probably won't go through.


no_to_co said:
this here was posted to the playstation.com forums:

I hope these preorders were cancelled.

I don't want it interfering with my Ebay PS3 auction.
You know all the Ebayers were thinking this
pretty big error, if it indeed turns out to be just that......hopefully this will slam BB's stock prices and the company will issue a huge media apology


you know some fanatical ebay/ps3 fans are going to try and fight the system w/ some kind of lawsuit or something... can't wait to hear all about it. :lol
frAntic_Frog said:
pretty big error, if it indeed turns out to be just that......hopefully this will slam BB's stock prices and the company will issue a huge media apology

Someone's upset he wasn't able to order an item that didn't show up in a search and wasn't linked to from any department page :p


commish said:
I've consulted my magic 8-ball, and it says that our orders will not be cancelled.

If Best Buy cancels our orders, I'll buy everyone in this thread a PS3. That's how confident I am in my magic 8-ball! :)

Quoted once again for records. :)


Alex Anderson said:
Someone's upset he wasn't able to order an item that didn't show up in a search and wasn't linked to from any department page :p


This link was obviously not meant to go live yet and the method in which it was found(though legit) circumvented Best Buy's original plans for the preorders/page.

They have every right to cancel the preorders though it would be a nice gesture for them to honor people who simply ordered one and not freaking 10 of them. Bastards!


whatdidyousay said:
So...it's all over? With a sad ending, too?

Well, I'll believe when I hear the story firsthand, not from "he said this and this" with names and their direct phone numbers! :D


Absolutely positively confirmed. I just called the BB corporate number and "Tony" in corporate said all the orders will be cancelled. It wasn't meant to go live yet and that an email will be sent out shortly to everyone explaining the situation.


P.S. Call the corporate number yourself if you don't believe me.

Get your tents ready again fellas.


mrroboto said:
Absolutely positively confirmed. I just called the BB corporate number and "Tony" in corporate said all the orders will be cancelled. It wasn't meant to go live yet and that an email will be sent out shortly to everyone explaining the situation.


P.S. Call the corporate number yourself if you don't believe me.

I believe nothing until I see the email.


So like, I'm not being charged for anything right, that intial charge is taken off and since nothing is shipped i have 600 bucks back....right?

Oh well, extra money, plus i'll be busy with gears anyway. Guess ill pick one up in march with motorstorm.


Gold Member
Another post confirming pre-orders will be cancelled:
I just called Best Buy's corporate office and asked to speak with a Senior Specialist @(612) 291-1000. (The switchboard operator transferred me)

I spoke with a gentlemen named Tony and he did state the preorders were a mistake
and they would all be cancelled. (every one of them)

Expect a press release soon he said.


ManaByte said:
Another post confirming pre-orders will be cancelled:

Same guy I spoke directly with.

It is over. Make no mistake about it. He told me they were working on the emails and that they would be sent out shortly explaining the situation to everyone.

I say we take a little trip to Minneapolis and kick Tony-in-corporate's ass. Sure, he's not responsible, but someone's gotta take a beating.

Sorry, fellas. :(


If this is true, what a crock of shit. They're all a bunch of pusses for twiddling their thumbs for two days while we all got our hopes up and then ****ing us all. I hope there is a lawsuit, because they're obviously willing to piss away thousands of dollars just to crush us.
mrroboto said:

This link was obviously not meant to go live yet and the method in which it was found(though legit) circumvented Best Buy's original plans for the preorders/page.

They have every right to cancel the preorders though it would be a nice gesture for them to honor people who simply ordered one and not freaking 10 of them. Bastards!
well bb did have the gulls to actually HOLD some people's funds as soon as they submitted their preorders, even though the emails specifically said that people wont get charged until AFTER its been shipped.....which is a pretty big step/commitment if you ask me, and now it looks like it wont even happen.

good job BB........guess all those people's lies at bestbuysux.com are really unfounded, right


Gold Member
sonarrat said:
If this is true, what a crock of shit. They're all a bunch of pusses for twiddling their thumbs for two days while we all got our hopes up and then ****ing us all. I hope there is a lawsuit, because they're obviously willing to piss away thousands of dollars just to crush us.

Saturday and Sunday are not business days at a corp office...


sonarrat said:
If this is true, what a crock of shit. They're all a bunch of pusses for twiddling their thumbs for two days while we all got our hopes up and then ****ing us all. I hope there is a lawsuit, because they're obviously willing to piss away thousands of dollars just to crush us.

Err, this happened on the weekend when almost *everyone* in a corporate setting is off work.

He did say that when they walked in this morning they were hit with the news and had to investigate it fully before taking any additional action.

There are steps involved in running businesses and investigations *do happen* before a course of action is taken/decided upon.

Being pissed off at Bestbuy for another website's way of circumventing their official channels is misplaced.

Be pissed off at Froogle.

People should not have gotten their hopes up when they could not find the official preorder page normally on Bestbuy.com's site.


mrroboto said:
Err, this happened on the weekend when almost *everyone* in a corporate setting is off work.

He did say that when they walked in this morning they were hit with the news and had to investigate it fully before taking any additional action.

There are steps involved in running businesses and investigations *do happen* before a course of action is taken/decided upon.

Being pissed off at Bestbuy for another website's way of circumventing their official channels is misplaced.

Be pissed off at Froogle.

People should not have gotten their hopes up when they could not find the official preorder page normally on Bestbuy.com's site.

Everything, once on the Best Buy webpage, looked normal and functioned perfectly. They should honor every last order. To do otherwise is nothing more than a waste of goodwill and a show of stupendous greed.


frAntic_Frog said:
well bb did have the gulls to actually HOLD some people's funds as soon as they submitted their preorders, even though the emails specifically said that people wont get charged until AFTER its been shipped.....which is a pretty big step/commitment if you ask me, and now it looks like it wont even happen.

good job BB........guess all those people's lies at bestbuysux.com are really unfounded, right
Considering the webpage wasn't even supposed to exist, I don't think it's surprising or alarming that it would be doing things out of the ordinary like charging people upon order instead of when the item ships.


So the good news is that BB will still be taking pre-orders and when they do they'll take them for 2 hours since according to their wharehouse it seems like they have the appropriate stock. BB is just upset that they sold without the greenlight, so they will cancel them and then start them up again at some point.

So if you just keep watching the internet, you should be able to grab another one when they go legit.


Douchebag. Yes, me.
sonarrat said:
Everything, once on the Best Buy webpage, looked normal and functioned perfectly. They should honor every last order. To do otherwise is nothing more than a waste of goodwill and a show of stupendous greed.

I pretty much agree. I had no idea that the page wasn't accessable from the BestBuy web page when I ordered mine (I only found out a few hours later from reading this thread). It looked completely legitimate on my end... even to the point of getting a mail from them and getting my card charged.
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