Hoping Jimmy is a thing of the past. Ready for full-on Saul.
Thanks, thought so.Should be on Netflix tomorrow morning (last year it was around 7 or 8am i think)
Not yet i hope.
Hoping Jimmy is a thing of the past. Ready for full-on Saul.
Season premiere today:
Netflix or Amazon should buy AMC/Sony out to bring this to the all you can watch format. As someone that got through most of BB from binging on Netflix, doing the week to week thing with Saul just wasn't the same. Don't get me wrong it's nice to have something to follow week to week but there's just something about Gilligan's storytelling that lends itself to much more satisfying viewing when getting to take it all in at once.
Eh, i watched BrBa all in 5 days. I feel it would have been much better watching it week to week and having some of those cliffhangers being actual cliffhangers instead of "shit, next episode right now". I like having it weekly.
Eh, i watched BrBa all in 5 days. I feel it would have been much better watching it week to week and having some of those cliffhangers being actual cliffhangers instead of "shit, next episode right now". I like having it weekly.
That scene is on right now too, so good lol.I was watching s1 again yesterday and I forgot about the talking toilet. That was so funny.
Yep, its a hell of a struggle. BB is great to binge but it's also great to hit a cliffhanger. I binged S1-4 and watched the rest weekly like everyone else. I feel like thats great way to start a series. Watch the first few seasons binged and if you get hooked join the wekkly club. Also its great to exchange predictions, specially with gafThe last season of BB was crazy as hell and it made even crazier with some of the prediction gaf made.
I binged Saul S1 so I'll probably watch it weekly, at least until House of Cards and Daredevil.
Yeah. I actually preferred the week-to-week discussion and speculation in the Breaking Bad GAF threads than if entire seasons were dumped online all in one lump.
And that was how I watched the first four seasons of Breaking Bad, all in one massive binge. I was a little late to the party on the show. It was only from the start of the fifth season on that I watched it as it aired weekly, and I found I preferred that method more.
Yeah. I actually preferred the week-to-week discussion and speculation in the Breaking Bad GAF threads than if entire seasons were dumped online all in one lump.
And that was how I watched the first four seasons of Breaking Bad, all in one massive binge. I was a little late to the party on the show. It was only from the start of the fifth season on that I watched it as it aired weekly, and I found I preferred that method more.
There's something to be said about the camaraderie and water cooler talk that surrounds weekly event television, something that definitely gets lost with the digital era. Somebody needs to come up with some kind of service that replicates that feeling.
Spend 15 minutes recovering TWC username to log into AMC live stream site.
Streaming window refuses to load.
how many mins til this is on?
90 minutes. Or an hour and a half.
I was confident it'd be amazing.S1 was so much better than I (and probably everyone else) expected. Can't wait for more tonight.
I was confident it'd be amazing.
Didn't know how but I defended it against the naysayers, I didn't see how Peter and Vince could fail.
S1 was so much better than I (and probably everyone else) expected. Can't wait for more tonight.
I expected BCS to be amazing. Not like Breaking Bad but close. BB is easily my favorite show ever.
Watching the marathon, I'm reminded that I only really enjoyed two episodes of Season 1. Episodes 2 and 9. Still watching because those episodes were really good. The rest were just okay for me though.
Except for the finale which I absolutely hated.
What about Five-O?
I loved the final 10 minutes. Jonathan Banks should have won a emmy for that. But I really don't see why it had to be a whole episode. I would have preferred if it didn't flashback to Philly. It reminded of the awesome Half Measures speech from BB. That was fine with Mike just telling the story.