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I think Christina Aguilera deserves a huge apology from everyone.
Why? I mean, everyone should worship the ground she walks on for releasing the greatest song of her group (Britney, Backstreet, NSYNC) with Come On Over (All I Want is You) but that should just be common knowledge.
Not Perfect Delusion being a bad imitation of Amanda Miguel El Me Mintió

So Gaga basically translated this song? Lol

It's a boring song....but I liked it. Her vocals sounded so dead and tragic tho.


World's #1 One Direction Fan: Everyone else in the room can see it, everyone else but you~~~
I like it
don't love it
certainly wasn't what I expected on first listen but after conditioningrepeated listens it grew on me
vying for fourth place with Born This Way as far as lead singles go
Where are you?
Cause I can't see you
It was a perfect illusion
But I feel you watchin' me
Dilated, falling free
In a modern ecstasy
Where are you?
Cause I can't see you
It was a perfect illusion
But I feel you watchin' me
But I feel you watchin' me
But I feel you watchin' me
Mistaken for love
Where were you
Cause I can't see
But I feel you watchin' me
Mistaken for love
Dilated, falling free
In a modern ecstasy
Mistaken for love
In a modern ecstasy
In a modern ecstasy
the only thing I don't like is the length

3:00 is ridiculous song length and shows that she's still not done chasing trying to be "on top" again and i really don't give a shit about that anymore.

Dr. Malik

The song aspires to the heartbreak and triumph of a classic disco record. But Gaga lacks the grace of a true disco diva. Donna Summer, Diana Ross, Gloria Gaynor – their voices were smooth, not jagged. Nor is there any sense of camp, or a knowing wink, to defuse the tension – no, Gaga’s deathly serious. At its most transcendent, disco was about dancing joyfully through your tears. Perfect Illusion sounds more like heaving sobs, flailing about in search of a melody.



Lmao, PI is so mediocre as a song, I AM SHOCKED, lol. And on top of that I can't stand her voice durimg the whole song. What the hell is she doing?, it's so fucking annoying.
Mau ®;216364761 said:
Huh. The album is sounding like it oughta be a masterpiece with all these great collaborators.

I guess she really is done being a pop star. Good for ha.

It's everything I've wanted from her since the whole [redacted] debacle.

Working with real talent and not EDM hacks.


I listened to Carly Rae Jepsen's B Side yesterday with a coworker.

I liked it more than the actual album.

I feel like she branches out more with the tone of the songs on this album, which addressed my issue with her sounding too one-note.

Mau ®

I listened to Carly Rae Jepsen's B Side yesterday with a coworker.

I liked it more than the actual album.

I feel like she branches out more with the tone of the songs on this album, which addressed my issue with her sounding too one-note.

I thought I was crazy because I felt it's was better than the main album. Glad I'm not alone!


1st listen: oh my god, I can't believe that was it. What a fucking disappointment

2nd listen: Like, all those people giving it praise.. what the fuck are they on

3rd listen: I just can't believe this is the song I've been waiting fo

4th listen: Wait

5th listen: Okay nvm this is rad as FUCK
This sounds like Stockholm syndrome


sputum-flecked apoplexy
much like side a, side b is an near-immaculate collection of pop sings

but i can't bring myself to say it's better
Rated R is still holding up for me. How does she do it? Uggh

Took a break from Slanti to go back to Rated R and I agree with its continued slayage. I thing G4L is probably my favorite Rihanna song.

And as for Perfect Illusion


I want FameGa back, whatever this is can go away please.


the chorus in PI is okay, it doesn't grab me when it breaks in. there's no real momentum. i'm not at all crazy about the bridge at all
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