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irresponsible vagina leak

Get that H&M Promo Natalia/Teddy/Whatever name you use next week


sputum-flecked apoplexy
Bey only said like 2 lines in Can I and most found the track boring so she definitely didn't outshine anything. However I'm sad On A Wave was scrapped cuz Tinashe was great there =(

beyonce has just released the alber of year, so it would be all eyes on her if she showed up on someone else's alber this soon. drake is understandably touchy, since the last time she released an alber people at his concert got more life to drunk in love than they did to his own sings.

rihanna hasn't released anything of note for a while, concentrating on her modelling career, so there's no chance of being overshadowed...i don't use drake but she's a canny businesswoman if nothing else.


She's more than just a businesswoman (Definitely more of Rita Ora's lane if anything), she's a hit maker, and will continue to be in the scenes for a while with her 10+ year music career.

As for Bey, yeah her album was good (which doesn't diminish ANTI's quality either). Maybe for pop fans some eyes would be on her, but considering the underwhelming response from their recent collab that was scrapped, the rest knows better. Also, Drake will dominate iTunes when his album hits later tonight, so he'll be the talk of the weekend (and probably beyond that) guaranteed.

Mau ®

I wouldn't expect this community to understand why Drake is King 💅

None of ya'll will ever get the feels of "Take Care" segueing into "Crew Love", followed by Marvin's Room and then the killer outro Buried Alive by Lamar. I knew then Drake was an ICON.


Mau ®;202156081 said:
I wouldn't expect this community to understand why Drake is King 💅

None of ya'll will ever get the feels of "Take Care" segueing into "Crew Love", followed by Marvin's Room and then the killer outro Buried Alive by Lamar. I knew then Drake was an ICON.

Like, sorry your faves don't have the ablity to speak to the masses the way Drake does?



Mau ®;202156081 said:
I wouldn't expect this community to understand why Drake is King 💅

None of ya'll will ever get the feels of "Take Care" segueing into "Crew Love", followed by Marvin's Room and then the killer outro Buried Alive by Lamar. I knew then Drake was an ICON.

I loved that album, haven't liked him since he fully became DRAKE though.


Why do people never talk about Beyonce's "4"
Because its not that good.

I never really liked the songs on that album and Run the World gets on my nerves for some reason and no, its not because the feminist message since I adore ***Flawless (the Chimamamda ver. Ofc) 😐


Which are your faves Roy?

Also, imo B'Day sucks compared to Bey's last three albums

The Trinity
Don't Hurt Yourself

All Night

Love Drought is passable. Still love Formation, but like Daddy Lessons, it sounds out of place on the album.
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