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Bicycle age

I'm going to have a minion reminding me to spend 30 seconds standing every 20 minutes... whilst I'm still able to anyway.

I'm probably going to tilt down slightly more than usual on the day to increase pressure on my back (which can take it for a day) vs my groin (which really can't).


My junk used to lose circulation after only 30-40 minutes when I used the trainer, so I had to sit there and slap myself regularly while spinning to maintain some semblance of life down there.

As excuses go, that's right up there with "It's mine, I'll wash it as fast as I like!".

You are fooling nobody.

Cross posting from the fitness thread. Obviously you guys will have a better idea of what it takes to do this, but here's the info anyway.

Some of you may have seen my previous endurance (turbo trainer) cycling events for charity, others may be new to them. This one will be by far my most difficult challenge to date.

On Saturday 07th of March at 11am, in support of Macmillan and Cancer Research UK, I'll be starting my attempt to become a Knight of Sufferlandria. To do this, I'll just have to do ten Sufferfest videos back to back... simple.

You can view what I'll be up against in this handy (and very, very large) infographic.

For those of you that don't know Sufferfest, they're considered to be some of the hardest cycling training sessions that you can do. In the past I've done the Tour of Sufferlandria for charity (One or two rides a day for nine days). That was hard, and with those same vids all being done in one day vs nine for the tour, this will be ridiculous.

In easier to understand terms, the effort required to do this (Calories burned / heart rate / time taken) will be roughly equivalent to doing two, to two and a half marathons, back to back.

I'm looking at just shy of thirteen hours total suffering, and if I achieve it (really no guarantees) then I'll have burned something in the order of 8,760 calories.

Obviously none of you really know me, but still, if you're liking the idea of me suffering for a very good cause, please consider donating even a little. Donations aside, your best wishes and support will be appreciated! Thanks.

Fundraising Page (Virgin Money Giving)


Obviously none of you really know me, but still, if you're liking the idea of me suffering for a very good cause, please consider donating even a little. Donations aside, your best wishes and support will be appreciated! Thanks.

Fundraising Page (Virgin Money Giving)

Just making plans to do that is impressive. As far as I know, only five or so people in my whole country have completed the whole thing, and they've done it two or three at a time. I hope you have somebody nearby to cheer you up while it's going on!

Please remind us again in a week or so, then I'll be able to contribute at least a little.
Makes me want to go on a bike holiday, but I can't because I spend all my money on parts.

Speaking of which, my stem finally arrived and I put it on. It was literally the cheapest part available, but now all the Ritchey decals make the cheap bike look expensive. Time for some scotch brite to make it look nasty?
sigh...I go out to the garage this morning to go to work and the back tire was completely flat. Again. I didn't even bother trying to fix it. I put it in the back of the truck and took the bus to work, throwing the bike on the rack. I'm going to take it back to the bike store today and ask them wtf could be happening because I didn't ride it at all this weekend.
Murphy's law dictates that the reason will turn out to be a series of inner tubes that were all faulty at the same spot.

But seriously, I hope the LBS can find the problem!


Murphy's law dictates that the reason will turn out to be a series of inner tubes that were all faulty at the same spot.

But seriously, I hope the LBS can find the problem!
I had a bad batch of tubes last year. Faulty valves. Annoying, but got a refund.
Recent job switch will have me riding indoors during the week. Normally I would plan three week days with a good weekend ride, but at this point I've been indoors since November and I'm ready to get the hell out.

Does anyone here race in NJ and have suggestions for good first time races? I've been tempted to give it a go, but I'm hesitant because of the egos I've encountered from some racers in my area.
Feeling a bit spammy today, but holy poop the new singlespeed cockpit works like a charm! It's still super aggressive but the 44cm wide modern drops make it possible to change stances without having to think about where you're putting your hands.

Then the chain skipped because my rear wheel had moved in the fork and I had to get back home. Luckily Sheldon Brown has a really good method for tensioning, was pulling out my hair earlier.


Some advice: it's NOT recommended to go on a 57 km road ride with a buddy when you're using a mountain bike with studded tires and he's using a road bike. So frustrating to see him just coasting along with no effort, while I was pedaling as if my life depended on it. I'm usually much faster up hills than he is, now the roles were reversed. Got a good workout, at least!
I did an off road event, CX bike vs mountain bike in much the same way. Certain sections utterly destroyed me where he was just coasting them.


Some advice: it's NOT recommended to go on a 57 km road ride with a buddy when you're using a mountain bike with studded tires and he's using a road bike. So frustrating to see him just coasting along with no effort, while I was pedaling as if my life depended on it. I'm usually much faster up hills than he is, now the roles were reversed. Got a good workout, at least!

When my mountain-biking friends take their Saviles out (to justify the expense, no doubt, and to work off the guilt, buyer's remorse and self-loathing) I take great delight in congratulating them for coming back less fit than they would be had they stuck to their proper bikes.


On the plus side, it's easier to achieve the "make no audible chain noise" dream on a mountain bike. Mostly because all of your power is being dumped into tarmac-to-tire friction noise that drowns out the drivetrain.


Hoping to get back out on the bike this weekend after a long layoff with an old knee injury (got pushed off a garage roof about 35 years ago during a fist fight with someone who later got jailed for murder. Aah, kids eh?). I think I've been out only four or five times so far this year, which just isn't good enough.

Edit: this thread is almost five years old now. It's interesting going back and re-reading some of the early stuff.
New wheels arrived and despite my best (worst?) efforts I managed to put them on. Went for a ride on regular tires first time this year. It felt super good to be rolling effortlessly again. Though I didn't dare go to the forest trails too much. There's still ice lurking around, refusing to melt.
Had yesterday off so a late update.

I didn't bother taking it back to the shop. Why? Because before I left I took the tube out so I could see where the hole was so I could point it out for arguments sake. But, much to my surprise, there was no hole. Nothing. I checked it twice, with water and soap, and nothing. There was no air escaping from the tube. So I pumped it back up and decided to ride home and come what may. I made it home, the tire held up, and as of today the tube still has air in it.

Flummoxed on this one.
It's officially the start of the Savile season! Except mine shall henceforth be known as Pantani instead. Because of the yellow tires, see.

Had yesterday off so a late update.

I didn't bother taking it back to the shop. Why? Because before I left I took the tube out so I could see where the hole was so I could point it out for arguments sake. But, much to my surprise, there was no hole. Nothing. I checked it twice, with water and soap, and nothing. There was no air escaping from the tube. So I pumped it back up and decided to ride home and come what may. I made it home, the tire held up, and as of today the tube still has air in it.

Flummoxed on this one.

Maybe the tube valve was leaking before?


Cheers for the support all, and that's not a flattering picture, but after 12 hours on the bike I guess it could be worse. :p

But... did you get it on STRAVA? If not, it didn't count.

How was the resistance on the roller, by the way? Could you change it during the event? Did you gear up or down following what happened on the videos?

Thinking about doing a couple of hours on the roller tomorrow. Actually kinda dreading it :p
Yeah, I'm going to join up all 10 rides and stick them on Strava later. I had a crash mid way through the first, which means I'll be missing a bit (annoyingly), but still, it's basically all there.

As for what I did / used:


On a general note, I really didn't sleep well at all. You'd think I would have, but holy shit... everything hurts, and then some. Unsurprisingly I can't sit down, and my left hand is still numb, which is a bit of a concern.

Massive thanks to everyone that donated to the cause, and if anyone still wants to, the donation page will be up for the next month.

http://www.virginmoneygiving.com/2015knightofsufferlandria (I'll try to update this later with details / stats etc)

Around half way in I was falling to pieces psychologically. I never want to attempt anything like that again, ever.
But... did you get it on STRAVA? If not, it didn't count.

Now officially counts. ;)


It's a little compressed because I had to strip the switchovers to make it work, but it's basically right. Burned around 8,430 calories on an average heart rate of 144bpm (81% Max HR) and did about 168 virtual miles. Nice to know that without the crazy interval aspects (and on a road bike), that I should be capable of a double century without major difficulty. Though god knows when I'd do something like that / who I'd do it with.
I've read a number of different analyses of the report, and none of them put cycling in a good place right now. At best, there's slightly less doping than there was... at worst, the teams have just got even better at not getting caught.

The picture painted of amateur cycling and doping is particularly bleak.


I've read a number of different analyses of the report, and none of them put cycling in a good place right now. At best, there's slightly less doping than there was... at worst, the teams have just got even better at not getting caught.

The picture painted of amateur cycling and doping is particularly bleak.

It's not like any other sport is better, athletics for one is much worse. At least they're trying and maintaining some transparency. Don't think fifa would publish such a report.

I need to get me some EPO, my blood values are so low I can't donate blood. I'd be flying with a small natural boost
At the amateur level I'd say the only "sport" that was worse was bodybuilding. Funny thing is, I even know amateur triathletes that were introduced to doping because of contacts they made training for the cycling aspect of their sport.

As for FIFA... no, of course they wouldn't. But that's like saying that losing a foot is no worse than losing a hand. It's true, but it's largely meaningless. Especially given it ignores how hard it was to even get this report in the first place (we wouldn't have it at all if McQuaid was still in his position).

I might have a different opinion when I see some sort of action plan to fix it, but I'm not holding my breath for anything meaningful.



Psychotext: here's an article (in a silly language) about four Norwegians who did Knights of Sufferlandria one week before you did it. It must have been much easier being four about it! Only three Norwegians had done it before them. Maybe I can be the eighth
hahaha, noiwont
Yeah, I imagine psychologically it's probably a little easier in a group. I have a lot of respect for those that have done it completely solo (without even having any support from minions to feed / hydrate them).

btw, I'm now officially a Knight of Sufferlandria. \o/
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