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Bicycle age


Yeah, what's with all these drive-by grenade lobs recently? It's obviously a roadie conspiracy. This might sound obnoxiously unfriendly but you just can't trust a Jimmy. They are evil, evil bastards. It's a well-known fact.

After realizing that my fellow Jimmys had such thin skin, I've stowed away my road bike and taken up jogging instead (at least until april when the weather changes)


What's with all this "Jimmy" talk? Never heard that term. Seems to be said a lot by one person in this thread.


I said "Name the bounder! We'll get him!".

I can see your attempts at humour throughout this thread, but I have to agree with PlatinumGamesJP, your persistent digs at those with a different type of bike are tiresome.

For clarification I ride both types (Soon to be 3 if you count TT as a separate type) and see no reason for sly digs, we get that enough from those on four wheels saying we need to pay road tax etc.


I can see your attempts at humour throughout this thread, but I have to agree with PlatinumGamesJP, your persistent digs at those with a different type of bike are tiresome.

For clarification I ride both types (Soon to be 3 if you count TT as a separate type) and see no reason for sly digs, we get that enough from those on four wheels saying we need to pay road tax etc.

Lol. What's the weather like up there on your high horse? If you don't understand the banter in this thread then it's probably best not to drive by and comment on it.
I can see your attempts at humour throughout this thread, but I have to agree with PlatinumGamesJP, your persistent digs at those with a different type of bike are tiresome.

For clarification I ride both types (Soon to be 3 if you count TT as a separate type) and see no reason for sly digs, we get that enough from those on four wheels saying we need to pay road tax etc.

Mascot and Psycho are just having fun ribbing. We all give it back and forth, especially when Danowatt was in here.
There's a door in his house that stays locked at all times. I choose to believe that's where he keeps his time trial bike and skinsuit
(possibly alongside the roadie that dared go that close to his house)


Sleep is for wimps!

Speaking of which, did anyone see the final episode of Our Guy In China? Amazing stuff. Guy Martin rode 341 miles across the Taklamakan Desert on a fixed gear bicycle in just over a day. No prep, no training, no proper gear or clothing or nutrition. Incredible feat of endurance.

It's on Channel 4 catch up. Well worth a watch.
Brutal 1h 45m on the trainer tonight. Right up at the max of what I can do.

I REALLY hate the last couple of main weeks of a training program. :(


Brutal 1h 45m on the trainer tonight. Right up at the max of what I can do.

I REALLY hate the last couple of main weeks of a training program. :(

What average wattage are you pushing over 1hr 45? (Assuming you're able to measure this). I use a Wattbike for training so its my main focus area along with 50/50 power distribution.
I've only got virtual power rather than a full on power meter setup. Based on that, I can put out about 220 watts over 2 hours or 230 watts over 1.5 hours. Seems reasonably accurate based on the people I ride with that have proper power setups.

(Also worth noting that I weigh a little less than a small child, so my FTP / KG is pretty high)

However, I've never actually done a test to get an accurate number there. I know I'm capable of higher than that, but when you're doing intervals you'll burn out MUCH quicker / need breaks, which will drop your overall average.


Yeah intervals tend to do that having blasted it for a period then eased back, rinse & repeat, doesn't quite balance out at the end when looking at average watts. It's why I like the Wattbike for getting an idea of wattage, VO2Max, MET and the good old HR. Though numbers don't mean a great deal when out in the real world, its nice when u can start running lower gears on steeper climbs through the training improvements.(Or in some peoples case, not getting off on those steep climbs).


Mightily impressed with that recent roll cab tool chest purchase. I really can't fault the quality for the price. Now for the most important bit: covering it in stickers!
Either I finally found the right bibs for the trainer or I achieved saddle position nirvana. The session I did today was the least painful I've had in 3 years.
Well poop, my mtb's chain is worn all the way to the 1% mark. No signs of shark finning on the cassette or chainring, so I guess I'm good to change just the chain?


Either I finally found the right bibs for the trainer or I achieved saddle position nirvana. The session I did today was the least painful I've had in 3 years.

I wore my bibs for the first time in ages last week and totally forgot about the need to strip naked to take a piss. I gave an elderly dog walker something she won't forget in a hurry.

Well poop, my mtb's chain is worn all the way to the 1% mark. No signs of shark finning on the cassette or chainring, so I guess I'm good to change just the chain?
Eeeesh. Best of luck with that. It's a tricky one. 1% normally means curtains.
How many miles did you get from your chain?
I wore my bibs for the first time in ages last week and totally forgot about the need to strip naked to take a piss. I gave an elderly dog walker something she won't forget in a hurry.

The ones I used have a taper pad so it thins out as it goes through your twigs and berries. Makes for far less bunching.

I'm looking forward to when I can go back to wearing regular shorts in the trails, but it's too cold to not wear my winter stuff.


About time we got some snow.

Got a little commuting in on the Stumpjumper.



The ones I used have a taper pad so it thins out as it goes through your twigs and berries. Makes for far less bunching.

I'm looking forward to when I can go back to wearing regular shorts in the trails, but it's too cold to not wear my winter stuff.

It's not the bunching so much as the shoulder straps that have to be disengaged to get them down low enough to get your junk out, which means Camelbak and jacket off too. They must make bibs with a fly or a cock-flap? Jimmies don't go through this every time they want to take a leak, surely..?

Edit: ^^^ Ooh.. nice snow. Makes me wish for some.
It's not the bunching so much as the shoulder straps that have to be disengaged to get them down low enough to get your junk out, which means Camelbak and jacket off too. They must make bibs with a fly or a cock-flap? Jimmies don't go through this every time they want to take a leak, surely..?

Edit: ^^^ Ooh.. nice snow. Makes me wish for some.

Oh I was speaking to my trainer session being comfortable.

You just gotta grab and pull it out man. Aint no one got time to take all that crap off. Unless you gotta do a 2, then you're SOL


Oh I was speaking to my trainer session being comfortable.

You just gotta grab and pull it out man. Aint no one got time to take all that crap off. Unless you gotta do a 2, then you're SOL

Mine are more like dungarees with a very high front. Dirk Diggler would struggle to get his chap out of these mofos with the shoulder straps in place. They must have been designed by somebody with an iron bladder.
anyone else not do FTP tests? i used to do them, up until last summer. but i would stress & pysch myself out each and every time only to end up in a self-defeating loop of "what could i have done better, it should have been higher...".

entering my third year of fully structured training, and 2nd using power and Trainer Road, i just adjust FTP every few weeks and if i can survive the initial workouts, i go from there. i mean, it's pretty easy to tell if your FTP is too high and i'm not adjusting the # by a crazy amount. and of course, if the numbers at home dont match whats on the road, then i'll adjust accordingly, but so far i've seen better results listening to my body and adjusting on my schedule rather than stressing about the FTP test.
anyone else not do FTP tests? i used to do them, up until last summer. but i would stress & pysch myself out each and every time only to end up in a self-defeating loop of "what could i have done better, it should have been higher...".

entering my third year of fully structured training, and 2nd using power and Trainer Road, i just adjust FTP every few weeks and if i can survive the initial workouts, i go from there. i mean, it's pretty easy to tell if your FTP is too high and i'm not adjusting the # by a crazy amount. and of course, if the numbers at home dont match whats on the road, then i'll adjust accordingly, but so far i've seen better results listening to my body and adjusting on my schedule rather than stressing about the FTP test.

I do them once every 4ish weeks with trainer road. Mostly because the first time I do one it always sucks and i end up spending a lot of time feeling underworked.
Mine are more like dungarees with a very high front. Dirk Diggler would struggle to get his chap out of these mofos with the shoulder straps in place. They must have been designed by somebody with an iron bladder.

For those, roll up the leg and stick your dick down the side.

God I hate bibs. lol

anyone else not do FTP tests? i used to do them, up until last summer. but i would stress & pysch myself out each and every time only to end up in a self-defeating loop of "what could i have done better, it should have been higher...".

entering my third year of fully structured training, and 2nd using power and Trainer Road, i just adjust FTP every few weeks and if i can survive the initial workouts, i go from there. i mean, it's pretty easy to tell if your FTP is too high and i'm not adjusting the # by a crazy amount. and of course, if the numbers at home dont match whats on the road, then i'll adjust accordingly, but so far i've seen better results listening to my body and adjusting on my schedule rather than stressing about the FTP test.

We both know why you're not doing them... even without the numbers they're valuable on their own. Stop being a pussy. :p


i used to stress out about doing an FTP test every 4-6 weeks but now i'll only do one when necessary, e.g. trainerroad. otherwise i'll let my garmin auto update it

i also find FTP to be fairly useless when not in a controlled environment


Anyone here use Relive.cc with Strava? I've only just found out about this (and signed up) but it seems pretty cool. Turns Strava uploads into animated 3D mapped routes. Example:


Edit: that one looks a bit weird because it's so mountainous, so the route sometimes goes behind mountains but looks like it's floating in front of them. Maybe a hidden line is needed in an update?
i also find FTP to be fairly useless when not in a controlled environment

Sure, but a controlled environment is exactly when you can benefit the most from it.

Thing is, when you're up near your peak you're often capable of pushing some distance beyond where you actually think you're capable of... and when you think you're giving it your all, there's every chance you're not.

Out on the road, unless you're in a team Sky train working at set outputs for a set time, it's pretty much meaningless. But for setting targets you can only just about achieve... it's invaluable.
Completely on the other side of the equation...

Earlier this year a couple of my friends attempted the Tour Divide MTB route which runs from Canada to Mexico. Whilst they didn't complete it, they had one hell of an adventure (and I'm so, so envious). Here's one of their vids:


It's long, so I'd suggest 7:16, 11:25, 14:30, 23:15, 28:06, 28:55, 31:33 as highlights. Just amazing. :)
Eeeesh. Best of luck with that. It's a tricky one. 1% normally means curtains.
How many miles did you get from your chain?

I got over 1000 miles but I'm not sure how much more.

Which reminds me, can anyone recommend a good, cheap chain? Are Clarks or Sunrace worth it?

I'm sticking with Shimano/SRAM/KMC for now.
Just did the hardest session of the final block of my TrainerRoad plan and stomped its fucking ugly face in. I'd tried the easier versions of this one in the last two weeks and failed to do them without having to take quick breaks... so to get the even harder version done perfectly feels pretty fucking good.

Felt like I was going to start bleeding from the eyeballs on the last two intervals. Was managing to sustain just a few BPM off my absolute max.

Might die now.


Up early for a muddy dawn blast around Wentwood and somehow managed to trigger a massive chest spasm while reaching for the kettle. Had real trouble moving since then, it feels like a badly-pulled muscle. Had to bail on the ride and spend the past seven hours sitting down. Fucking ridiculous series of events. Sunday fucked!
Ugh man. That sucks.

I went on another adventure... this time into the Machen wilds. My nephew has some photos that I think you'll approve of (he's cycling home, will post them later).
Such smooth trails, nice! Wouldn't want to try any one of those jumps though.

BTW, a tip for you guys: there's some dirt cheap tyres on On-One/PlanetX right now. Grabbed a pair of tubeless ready Vittoria Peyotes for 10€ each.
Loamy trails like that are actually damn rare around here. It's such a shame that the forestry commission and the trail builders can't work together to come up with something legit.

I headed down the trail a bit and came to a part where the forestry commission had just cut the entire trail in half with a new road. Was about a 10 foot drop to rocks and agony. They'd done their best to block off the entrance to the next part on the other side of the road too. :(
I rode loamy trails in a race this autumn, it was so good after a summer of rocks and roots. Here the authorities are oblivious to mountain biking even existing, which is both a curse and a blessing.


Machen is about the same distance away as Cwmcarn - worth a visit then? Those jumps look... Interesting.

Hoping to get some rides in this week if I'm able to move. This pulled muscle is still giving me a lot of pain.
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