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Bicycle age


Lovely warm, dry, calm weather today. Actually gave the bike a once-over, got all my kit on and almost went for a ride, the first for months. Then guilt got the better of me and I went back to laying some flooring in the master bedroom, otherwise I'm never gonna bloody finish it. Bah!
My bike is currently missing the rear disc as I can't seem to fit it without it rubbing. I know if I spend a good amount of time on it I'll sort it, but it's it's such a frustrating job.

Lucian Cat

Kissed a mod for a tag; liked it
Started riding again with the bf a few months ago and am loving it. We just bought me a $100 mtb off gumtree to see if I liked riding around. Turns out I do. Been getting my fitness levels up which has been interesting. First ride I did just over 4km and was knackered. This was in November. This past Sunday I was able to pull nearly 30km. Once finished with my course I plan to buy a better bike. Still not sure if I want a road or mtb yet. Bf has both so I guess I can always get one of each down the track.

It's so nice being close enough to the beach we can ride there in 20 minutes. So scenic. I've been missing out!
Nice job sticking with it. The upgrade when it comes should be really nice... though stick to mountain bikes, there's too many roadies in the world already. ;)

Lucian Cat

Kissed a mod for a tag; liked it
Nice job sticking with it. The upgrade when it comes should be really nice... though stick to mountain bikes, there's too many roadies in the world already. ;)
Haha I was thinking of getting one that can do both. Apparently they're out there according to the bf.

And yeah there are tons of roadies. On Sunday we saw dozens of them racing in big groups. It was quite unnerving, they were so fast >_<


My bike is currently missing the rear disc as I can't seem to fit it without it rubbing. I know if I spend a good amount of time on it I'll sort it, but it's it's such a frustrating job.

That is actually why I prefer vees, since it can be such a huge hassle to try to dial in discbrakes so the don`t rub. And hello F1-GAF!


Do many of you commute to work (or just ride for pleasure) in particularly cold or wet conditions? Any suggestions on (affordable) thermal wear? I've got some padded bike shorts for comfort, but apart from that I just wear track pants and a sweater.

......the principal reason why I haven't been cycling these last few months.
Do many of you commute to work (or just ride for pleasure) in particularly cold or wet conditions? Any suggestions on (affordable) thermal wear? I've got some padded bike shorts for comfort, but apart from that I just wear track pants and a sweater.

......the principal reason why I haven't been cycling these last few months.

I work in Portland, OR so yeah, I commute in particularly cold and wet conditions. ;)

I layer thusly: On bottom, bike shorts, Smartwool Long Underwear, and rain pants. On top I wear one of several moisture-wicking long-sleeve shirts, a sleeveless t-shirt over that for extra core warmth, a shemagh for neck warmth, and a rain jacket over all that. I have a beanie on my head under my helmet and a rain cover on the helmet itself. I got a deal on the long underwear as they were clearancing them out ($45) and while that may sound like a lot they've lasted me for over a year and I use them every day (it's always cold at 5:00 in the morning).


Kills Photobucket
Top Gear did a bit on Bicycles tonight.


Of course it wasn't complimentary, but it was funny.
I'm amazed they managed to get Clarkson on a bike.

Funny thing was, he did exactly what he complains many cyclists do... blocked "too much" of the road by riding a decent distance from the kerb.




Seems like a fairly stupid thing to do on a road. Putting yourself and others in danger.

It shouldn't be allowed. Even ignoring the stupidity of riding when you are so tired you can't hold your head up, you don't want metal right by your head if you go down. Road bike helmets don't offer much protection against punctures, they are solely about displacing the blow.

I'm surprised USAC hasn't made the GoPro helmet mounts illegal. I see them a lot, and I cringe thinking about how it would feel to fall on your head with that contraption.
Had a lucky escape today, 40 mph downhill and my handlebar decides to snap


Thought I was a goner, my heart was pounding like crazy and my legs shaking - lol. Dat adrenaline rush.
Did you have it over torqued or something? I cant imagine how a handlebar just breaks (especially given how many crashes mine has survived).


Incredibly lucky you didn't go down. Looks like there are indentations from the clamp, this can cause stress risers.

I went down hard in a race a month ago, bike was in relatively good shape, but I do worry about the fork, bars and stem. I need to keep my ambulance rides to a minimum.


After being off the bike for a couple months, I've been riding pretty regularly. Last right I found this stress crack in at least the clear coat of my top tube. The manufacture is replacing the whole frame under warranty. I don't want to mess with carbon cracking, so thank goodness for the 5 year warranty.



Gorgeous day today, calm and warm, so went for my first proper ride in three months. All my usual trails were a bit boggy and littered with fallen trees so I did a bit of exploring and found this cool old derelict windmill on top of a hill.



Excited for the nice weather. Need to take apart and clean my bikes, get some new rear tires, break pads and true my wheels and apply new bar tape.


Hunky Nostradamus
I'd never ride without them. My balls insist.

Same. Always wear an undershort / shorts with padding.

Bib shorts are superior to standard padded shorts. They are mostly useful for rides longer than 30 minutes. I don't wear them when just running around town.

There are a bunch of brands but just be careful of the pad. Some are incredibly thin and won't do anything for your ass on longer rides. I use both bib and regular shorts with the bib being better for longer rides. Look for nice dense ass pads.

Heh, sorry for the late reply. Do you guys have any brand recommendations?


Heh, sorry for the late reply. Do you guys have any brand recommendations?

I'm more than happy buying cheap ones from Lidl for around £8 a pop as they have great padding and are well made. They look a bit naff but I tend to wear them hidden under long shorts (so The Beast doesn't scare the local ladies and so I don't get confused with one of those road-cyclist types).
Heh, sorry for the late reply. Do you guys have any brand recommendations?

I like my cheap aldi, pro bike kit and wiggle dhb stuff for commuting but for my club rides I have a combination of Castelli and some Rapha which are quite expensive but good quality and comfortable when riding long distance.


My first ride in three months yesterday proved I'd lost a little bike fitness (despite about seven hours a week on the cross trainer in the interim) but worse than that I'd lost ALL of the armour plating on my ass. Got a very tender rear today despite doubling down during the ride with padded tights over padded bike shorts. Gonna need a few days off, I reckon.


My first ride in three months yesterday proved I'd lost a little bike fitness (despite about seven hours a week on the cross trainer in the interim) but worse than that I'd lost ALL of the armour plating on my ass. Got a very tender rear today despite doubling down during the ride with padded tights over padded bike shorts. Gonna need a few days off, I reckon.

Maybe due to the £8 bibs? Mine are quite expensive, but I've never had any problems with tenderness


Hunky Nostradamus
I'm more than happy buying cheap ones from Lidl for around £8 a pop as they have great padding and are well made. They look a bit naff but I tend to wear them hidden under long shorts (so The Beast doesn't scare the local ladies and so I don't get confused with one of those road-cyclist types).

Lidl? Hm. Never heard of it. I don't think we have that in the US.

http://www.lidl.co.uk/cps/rde/SID-056FD6BF-C52012AD/www_lidl_uk/hs.xsl/index.htm <- this what you're talking about? The grocery store?

I like my cheap aldi, pro bike kit and wiggle dhb stuff for commuting but for my club rides I have a combination of Castelli and some Rapha which are quite expensive but good quality and comfortable when riding long distance.

I'll look into those, thanks!


Maybe due to the £8 bibs? Mine are quite expensive, but I've never had any problems with tenderness

Nah, it's just that I've been off the bike for too long. I've gone soft.

Lidl? Hm. Never heard of it. I don't think we have that in the US.

http://www.lidl.co.uk/cps/rde/SID-056FD6BF-C52012AD/www_lidl_uk/hs.xsl/index.htm <- this what you're talking about? The grocery store?

That's the one. They sell other non-edible stuff, but it changes weekly.
Bib shorts are superior to standard padded shorts. They are mostly useful for rides longer than 30 minutes. I don't wear them when just running around town.

I have a pair and the shorts themselves fit well but the straps keep falling off my shoulders. I cross them over my head and that helps but it's kind of tight. Is there another way to keep them from falling off?

*edited because it looked like I was drunk when I wrote it; IE just sucks at loading pages and my typing was interrupted.


Hello, with Spring coming here in NYC I find myself looking for a decent bike to commute around the city and general recreational biking. Looking to spend around $400-600.

Also any recommendation on Bike shops in the city, preferable lower Manhattan. Thanks.


Had a lot of stuff going on in life and the weather hasn't been all that cooperative either. Finally got my schedule a little better figured out and I've been riding into work 2-3 times a week the last coupla weeks. Got to ride my faster bike today for the first time in months too, thanks to decent weather. Hopefully I can go back to pretty much daily rides. I've committed to doing the STP again this year, so it would be nice to train and do some randos before that so I can enjoy the beer garden a little better.


Have any of you owned or ridden a Trek 1.1? I'm thinking about getting a road bike, and it seems like a good entry-level option.


Hello, with Spring coming here in NYC I find myself looking for a decent bike to commute around the city and general recreational biking. Looking to spend around $400-600.

Also any recommendation on Bike shops in the city, preferable lower Manhattan. Thanks.

Not mtn but I'm going to try to do the STP in one day. And then 8 days later a mini tri. But before all of that I'm doing a century in May. Easy peasy, right?

Speaking of the tri, did my first training run last night and it took me ~36 minutes to run 3 miles. The last time I ran was for my bus and that was only a few blocks. Got a lot of work ahead of me.
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