I don't know how you can be a fan of the show at all and be happy in any way about this.
I don't know how you can be a fan of the show at all and be happy in any way about this.
Get fucking wrecked Hantz.
Cody for AFP!!
It's not an accident that Paul keeps having what should be easy wins slip out of his fingers.Another season ruined by a bitter jury.
Exactly. He sets up all these fake tie votes all season long for no reason and never owns his shit.Josh was the most chaotic houseguest. Puppet masters are only fun when they actually own up to their mischief. Paul didn't even own it until BB played a special breakdown of it after they voted.
Hahahahahaha, this season is such a shitshow. The season's final result all comes down to the fact that Cody hates Paul.
That's good foreshadowing right there.
Bu she is coming off as herself, the most bitter player of ALL-TIME.Alex is coming off as the sorest and most bitter loser ever. Guarantee she vote for Josh.
Cody nominated Paul week one and evicted him tonight!Hahahahahaha, this season is such a shitshow. The season's final result all comes down to the fact that Cody hates Paul.
That's good foreshadowing right there.
Americas favourite player was Cody? Lmao
Hes GAFs fav player too. What a loser.Americas favourite player was Cody? Lmao
Bahahaha Cody won AFP, most fucked up finale of all time. So juicy.
I don't know how you can be a fan of the show at all and be happy in any way about this.
And you have NOTHING to do but talk Game, Survivor does a bunch of shit and even does day trips into town, organize events and then when they are bored, they are basically in paradise on vacation with any food they want.the difference between Survivor and BB is that when you go to "jury" it's a completely different setting, so it's easier to "disassociate" Game from Real Life. With BB you go from one mansion to another. LOL
Paul played himself, yet again.