I don't think there's any chance of people on the jury thinking she's Jon's pet. If anything, they'll think Jon was her pet and be bitter at her for sending them out of the house.
Even Mr. Superfan (Arlie) has admitted he'll be a bitter juror and, for the moment, would only give Neda the win if she was at the end against Heather.
He would vote for Rachelle over her... and he never talked to Rachelle until 3 days ago.
As for the jury management arguments, Jillian would have lost had it not been for Topaz being Topaz. And that was against someone that had been evicted from the house once already. A stigma Neda's opponent won't have. As for Rachel, let's be real - Grodner wasn't going to let Porsche get the win over Rachel Reilly. And there was all of that commotion over Shelly's jury vote being strong-armed out of her.
I think jury management is a very legit concern. And this will be the THIRD person evicted on Neda's watch. From her own two HOHs and the one of Jon's that she ran on his behalf. I'll still give Heather credit for booting Sarah independently.
You need 4 votes to win Big Brother. Neda will have two jurors feeling she was directly instrumental in sending them out of the house and, if Production sours Neda's edit any, she may be outgunned for Canada's vote as well.